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Luggage Cable?

This may be over kill. However, I am thinking of getting some type of cable that can loop through my luggage handle on top and over the rod in a hotel closet and then back through the top of the luggage handle. This way if I leave my passport etc. in my locked luggage my suitcase won't walk off. Has anyone done this and have a recommendation? Still debating walking around with passport etc in money belt or leaving it in the hotel room (leaning towards keeping everything in my money belt). However, if I go the beach having it in a money belt won't be a option. I am going to multiple hotels and am afraid I may leave something in the safe and hotel staff can get in.

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28864 posts

I stay in budget-level hotels, and I know that makes a difference, but I have definitely encountered situations in which there wasn't room to place a suitcase under a closet rod because the rod was set too low. Sometimes there is a small wardrobe instead of a closet, and there wouldn't be space for a suitcase in the wardrobe. My current room has no closet but does have a shelf made of four horizontal bars, positioned above some hooks. In this case the bars are so high your cable might be too short.

Really, I wouldn't worry about a passport locked in a suitcase from the standpoimt of theft. It's more likely you'll encounter a situation in which you need it during the day but it's back in your room.

Posted by
8136 posts

For normal European countries that’s definitely overkill. I always keep my passport in my money belt, especially if traveling solo. My husband usually leaves his in the hotel safe.

...and couldn’t a supposed burglar just remove the rod and slide off the suitcase?

Posted by
5906 posts

Seems like overkill to me. Either use your moneybelt or neck pouch or keep it in the safe. If there's one there, then use it. If you're afraid you'll forget it, either put something else in there with it (like a spare shoe). Or put a post it note on the safe as a reminder. Write something meaningless on the note in case someone else reads it. If you're going to be spending time at the beach, get a dry bag for anything valuable so you can take it with you into the water.

Posted by
3384 posts

I think if you locked your suitcase up like that, it would be more apt to attract attention as a so inclined person would wonder what was in it that was so valuable. It's unlikely a room thief will want your passport anyway. I actually keep my backup financials and passport (although usually PP is in my purse) in my unlocked suitcase. I do, however, keep my suitcase away from the door to avoid an easy grab/attractive nuisance by a passerby.

Posted by
9180 posts

A sharp knife will get into your bag if its soft-sided, or a hammer if its hardshell. Cables can get cut, closet rods taken off, luggage handles pried off. But its no more likely to happen than it is here in the US, and hotel staff are no more larcenous just because they are foreigners (sic). If it brings you peace of mind, OK.

Posted by
9436 posts

Cindy beat me to it, but a waterproof dry bag is what you need for the beach. I use one for my iPhone when i’m kayaking. I got mine at REI but you can easily get them online.

And yes, i think your locking your suitcase idea is super overkill.

Posted by
16787 posts

I have spent the last 1, 860 nights in hotels with about a quarter of that in Europe. I have never had anything lost in a hotel room. Your passport is not that valuable. A thief wants cash or goods easily sold.

One of the most common issues a hotel has to deal with is locked room safes. They open numerous ones a day. They have a master key or code that can open it. I've stopped using them. If I'm concerned, I just lock my luggage.

Posted by
613 posts

Lots of rooms have a safe, or leave valuables at the desk. I prefer a pouch worn around my neck & under my shirt to money belts.

Posted by
12259 posts

That looks like overkill to me, and like saying "good stuff here, steal me!"

Posted by
2739 posts

Used one once, never again. Just more to carry. In Rome now with our passports safely in our room safe, copies with us.

Posted by
5338 posts

...leaning towards keeping everything in my money belt.

Personally think that is a good idea. As long as you have your passport and credit cards on you any emergency situation can be handled.

Posted by
5659 posts

I decided I'd like to have a luggage cable for longer train rides and because I travel solo. I wanted something inexpensive and lightweight which I'll use with small TSA locks. So I made one; very easy with materials from Ace Hardware.

Galvanized cable, 1/16", $0.79 / foot from a reel
- choose any gauge you like, lightweight for travel or heavier for security
- I bought 3 feet, make it any length you like, allow a few inches at each end for clamping

Cable clamps: $2.39 (found these near the reels of cable and chains)
- came in pack with 2 cable clamps (used these), 2 cable stops (did not use these)

Directions: (10 minutes start to finish)

Thread each end of the cable through a clamp then back again to create a loop
- hammer the clamp (not your finger, trust me it hurts!) to secure cable
- repeat at each end of the cable

Super lightweight and inexpensive - less than $5. Will it deter a professional thief? No. Will it give me a little peace of mind if I step away from my seat for a few minutes? That's all I'm really going for.