I feel like we’ve discussed this topic a lot, but I’m just not finding what I need looking through the past posts on packing. Hoping you can help!
This is a new issue for me because I’ve always brought a 2-wheel suitcase on previous trips, so my personal item could be a very lightweight backpack. This time I’m taking a Cotopaxi 35L backpack as my carry on luggage. Originally I thought I’d just drape my stowaway backpack across my shoulder, but it won’t stay there and keeps falling off.
I need to find the right personal item to fit this criteria if I’m going to bring it:
1. It is worn as a crossbody or sling across my shoulder. I don’t want to carry it in my hand or perched on my shoulder. It can’t be a backpack (Cotopaxi is on my back).
2. It has a zipper to keep everything contained.
3. It’s very lightweight.
4. I could slip my Baggalini purse inside it on the planes & during public transit.
5. And it needs to be a maximum of 45x36x20 cm. (17.7 x 14 x 7.9”) for Easy Jet personal item.
Currently, I might just bring my Baggalini purse and skip this slightly larger item, but it would be nice to be able to stow a snack and misc. for the plane with my purse inside it and later for the RS bus rides.
Thanks for your suggestions!