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Lady's what do I need to pack for Ireland in the Fall (carry on)?

I will be traveling to Ireland in a few weeks with a carry on only and a messenger bag. I was thinking of bringing 3 merino wool sweaters (wear one on the plane), 2 long sleeve t-shirt (under 4 oz each), two short sleeve t-shirt (under 4 oz each) (wear one on the plane), and a couple of undershirts. I will be packing a 1 dress and a wool poncho (weighs nothing) for the evenings. 1 extra pair of sneakers(4 oz) and flats for the evening. 1 pair of leggings, 4 merino wool socks, 2 socks for my flats and 1 pair of ankle socks. I am undecided on the extra pair of pants I have a nice pair of stretch pants that can be dressed up or down. Or another pair I found that is water repellent, windproof, and lined but weights a pound. I will be wearing jeans on the plane. I have a RS bag and at this moment is is too heavy. What do you think I should cut out?

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15133 posts

To me 3 wool sweaters is 1 too many. They are often kind of bulky so I'd go with just 2. Are they cardies or pull-overs or ?? You'll be wearing the Tees underneath them so they can probably go your whole trip with being washed. The # of tees looks good to me.

How many days will you be gone?

I think you have too many socks. I'd go with 3 wool, 1 for your flats (you won't have them on that long each time will you?) and are the ankle socks just in case it's warm?

I'd go with the jeans and the stretch pants. Are the leggings to hang out in or for PJs? I'd probably not go with the water repellent pants unless you are hiking. Will you be doing a lot of outside activities that will be rain or shine?

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252 posts

@Pam Thank you. I really appreciate you taking your time and input. The leggings are for under the dress and at night if I am cold. 3 wool socks sound good and I might just keep 1 pair in my day bag in case I need to change out wet socks. The merino sweaters are pull over. I will be gone 16 days.

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15133 posts

Good to know! For 16 days, I would definitely not take 3 sweaters. Wear one and pack one. I, personally, might get away with just one sweater if it's a dark neutral and not a critical component of your "capsule wardrobe" colors, lol!

I'll add that I took 3 sweaters one June to Ireland when I was new to light packing. I thought I needed that many for variety and wow, it was way too much. Now I just take one and actually have moved from sweaters to a quarter zip Dri-Fit pull over that is a good intermediate layer for me.

I'd also watch the weather and see if it is going to be cold enough that you will need the leggings under the dress.

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914 posts

I'm a big fan of quarter zip fleece pullovers. Lightweight and can be easily washed if necessary. Most of mine have a collar that zips up to cover my neck as needed. That and 32 Degrees base layer long sleeve Ts and bottoms. I sometimes wear the bottoms as pajamas or lounge pants. Super light, easy to pack and sink wash.

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1105 posts

Raincoat? I've travelled in Ireland in August & wore my gore tex jacket almost every day, for rain & wind. There was no heat on in our B&B in August, we wore our merino wool tops & long johns sitting around the room just to stay warm. Given the energy crisis, I would expect thermostats to be kept lower than usual. Wool cap, light weight gloves & a wool scarf weigh almost nothing. Waterproof walking shoes in addition to sneakers?

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1105 posts

Oops, forgot to add a light weight packable down puffer coat, mine weighs only ounces.

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8649 posts

I agree with Pam about limiting the sweaters. Keep in mind that wool is wonderful for garments because you can wear them over and over again without worrying about perspiration odor; especially if there is a layer underneath. So two would be plenty, imo.

Also, I would not bring jeans along. Even though you are wearing them, you will have to pack them eventually and they are heavier and thicker usually. They also take forever to dry if you are doing laundry in your room. Just something to think about.

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70 posts

I was on a RS Ireland tour starting in late April and I found it to be a very casual country. The temperatures were in the 50s, which for me was very pleasant and not overly cold. I am from a cold weather climate so you may or not agree. Jeans and tee shirts are my staples at home and that is mostly what I took. Daily I wore a pair of jeans, long sleeved tee, lightweight neutral colored merino cardigan with a light hooded rain coat over it all. One day was colder and I added an undershirt, scarf, and gloves and peeled bits off as I got warmer. I took one short sleeved shirt but never wore it. I also took a puffer vest and some days wore that for a change from the cardigan. If it had turned cold I could have easily worn both the sweater and puffer, even if I looked a bit dorky. For dinners I just wore pretty much the same as during the day but added a bit of jewelry or a pretty scarf. So, baring a meal in a fancy restaurant I would personally leave the dress and accessories at home to save space and maybe bring a pair of pants that are a bit nicer and can be worn day or night. Also, Aran sweaters are for sale everywhere and many of us on the tour bought one along the way. They are very big and heavy but are warm and make a nice souvenir. We only had one day of light rain but make sure you bring a good raincoat and stick a pair of gloves in the pockets just in case of storms. Hope this helps!

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252 posts

Thank you all for your help. Well I leave in a few days and my Rick Steve’s rolling backpack is 21 pounds. I was hoping for 17 max. At least I can lift it in a over head.

I just wish the bag would not tip over. Nothing I have tried is working.

I have a wind and rain proof jacket. Going with me on the plain.

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1 posts

I think we may be on the same tour. I leave in a few days as well and am a bit anxious on what to pack/wear. My problem is I'm a thin female and get cold easy. So I'm just going layer/layer/layer.
Any other suggestions?

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2615 posts

I would eliminate at least one wool sweater, the flats for evening and socks for flats. Also ditch the dress and bring the pants you can dress up or down. I wouldn’t expect any place to be “dressy”. Honestly, no one cares what people wear, and in 90% of your pictures you’ll probably be wearing your jacket anyway. Swap one long sleeve t for a super lightweight 32 Degrees base layer. Wear your heaviest pants, a t shirt & sweater on the plane. Bring a packable puffy jacket & you’re set. I would be surprised if all of that didn’t fit in a medium packing cube. If you’re still struggling with weight, look at all the other “misc” stuff and cut some of that.

Once there, if you still get chilly, you’re in the land of wool sweaters & scarves! Buy a useful souvenir.

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18 posts

Just finishing a month in Austria Switzerland and Germany. I suspect your weather will be similar to what we experienced. Be sure to have some rain gear. Down jacket, a light weight one with a hood. Scarf. Gloves. Skip the dress. If you do you can eliminate tights and flats. Bring 2 hood walking shoes, maybe one sneakers ( I wore Merrill’s) and one waterproof leather sneakers (I brought Taos leather sneakers). I brought a dress that I wore 3 times, usefull as bathing suit coverup. If you are not swimming. Skip it. Cardigan sweater more useful than pullover. I brought one of each. Merino wool t shirt very useful. Worn often.

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295 posts

I think your list sounds great and well thought out. I was in Scotland in Sept. and froze my butt off with a thin silk base layer, smartwool base later, long sleeve shirt and a (cheap) sweater. It was about right at 3pm on nice days, but good lord- the early mornings and evenings were hard to take.

If I were you, I would bring only one pair of sneakers and the flats (only if you have definite plans for fine-ish dining/theater/the like) or just your sneakers and maybe an extremely light pair for backup. You could swap one of your sweaters for another long sleeved top of some kind or replace the shoes with another long sleeved shirt?

I think the stretch pants could go unless you have a specific ensemble planned for them that you will definitely wear.

I hope it's a blast.