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How are carryon (hand) bags measured in Europe?

I’m traveling this summer on American Airlines, Air France and British Airways. The bag I’d like to use for my personal item meets the criteria for AA but not Air France or BA. the depth is 8” rather than 6”. It’s a very pliable bag (Kipling).

Are bags typically measured or put in a sizer? If it’s not packed fully, I’m confident it will fit easily, as the length and height meet the criteria.

If I have to, I’ll buy a new bag. I’d just prefer not to if possible.

Posted by
8282 posts

They will put your bag in their sizer to make it clear to you that it fits or not if they stop you.
More attention is paid to baggage size when a flight is full for sure so some will force you to check your bag at the gate.

Posted by
6869 posts

They will put your bag in their sizer

They MAY put your bag in their sizer. Depends on random factors (how full the flight is, how many other bags people are trying to squeeze on, how you and your bag appears to them, their mood, etc. - all things beyond your control). Some people take chances and skate through. Some people get nailed and have to deal with it one way or another.

Personally, I prefer to always be within the most strict limit I will encounter (OTOH my spouse typically exceeds the most strict limits, figures she can either sneak by or charm her way out of a jam, and usually does).

If your bag is not packed full, and really can be squeezed down to fit the most restrictive limit (when challenged on the size, it almost always goes into a sizer box gizmo so there's no argument), you should be OK - there's nothing that says you can't squeeze your bag a bit to fit it in. If this is true (and you can resist the temptation to fill it), you should have no troubles:

If it’s not packed fully, I’m confident it will fit easily

Weight limits are another story, though.

Posted by
5687 posts

I've traveled with my large carry-on (22", not sure about depth) numerous times to and within Europe. It fits vertically in the overhead bin in a 737 and some other jets. No one has ever tried to stuff it into their "measurement bin" - except for Iberia last year. They were obnoxious in forcing everyone to check any sort of carry-on on the two flights I was on within Europe. On the first flight, I was headed to Lisbon and let them check my bag without complaint. It did not save any room in the overhead bin, because I put my big camera bag (usually goes under the seat) up in the bin instead. On the way back, the agent showed me some mercy and let me carry it on even though it wouldn't fit in the bin; I removed my toiletries bag from it which made smaller but not small enough to fit, obviously, but he waved me through with it. The other agent wasn't being so nice. Good for me - I was connecting to a flight back to the US and having to check that bag would have been a major hassle at that point.

AA has never complained about my bag, nor has Air France - never flown BA so can't comment on them.

Posted by
16742 posts

I think most people who have responded missed the "PERSONAL ITEM" wording.

These airlines normally don't care about personal item size within reason. I doubt you would have problems with your bag. I've taken 8" personal items on board with BA and no one batted an eye. It's supposed to go under the seat in front of you. With a soft sided bag you shouldn't have a problem.

Posted by
8373 posts

I've only been checked for weight and size by budget air carriers. I've been known to move some stuff from my wife's bag to mine (holding up the line) to meet weight max's.
You won't see a tape measure in sight. The bag either fits in their sizer or it doesn't. My 21" rolling bag wouldn't fit because it had 1" wheels on it, and I once had to pay $50 to pack it underneath. When I got on the plane, just about everyone had larger bags (than me) in the overhead bins.
Some airlines are just pickier than others.

Posted by
171 posts

Thank you for all of the replies. Yes, as noted above, I’m asking about a personal item. Very lightweight, malleable bag, as it is the Kipling Sasha (formerly called a Sherpa) tote.

Because I am type A, I have actually made two sizing boxes for our carryon and personal items to see if they fit. That’s why I know it fits in when not fully packed. But technically, by measurement, it’s two inches too wide (the other dimensions are within range).

I just wanted to make sure I understood how bags are determined to be the correct size.


Posted by
99 posts

I always fly from Europe and my carry-on was never really checked. Just look up the airline's specifications and make sure you follow accordingly. They always ask me if I have a carry-on, of course. I say yes, I show it to them, and they put the label around it and that's it. But I make sure it's never overweight or goes over the required dimensions. They never put it in a sizer or measured my carry-on.

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi PandaBear,

I have the Sherpa/Sasha Tote you mentioned; got it for a steal of a deal at TJMaxx a long time ago. I love Kipling bags for their pliability as well as some other features. I have used them on my trips to Italy. You should be okay.

A long time ago, I flew AA, and they seemed a little more stricter than BA. I fly BA to Italy. From what I have seen, the agents will look at the luggage/carry on. (The agent will put a little yellow tag on the handle showing that it's okay for boarding.) I don't know if they do this all the time or just to show a 'larger bag' was acceptable.

Of course, the key is to not pack the Sherpa to the fullest so you can push it far under the seat during take off. On my flights, the BA flight attendants do a walk down the aisles to make sure all bags or whatever are securely under the seat.

Added: You probably know this: BA has a great and generous policy about carry ons plus a tote/lap top bag. The carry on can be up to 51 pounds. That's a ton of stuff!

Posted by
17603 posts

British Airways states that the limits for the personal item are 16 x 12 x 6 (inches). Lately ( like the last couple of years) they have been enforcing this by tagging the bags that meet the requirement with a green tag to show it is allowed as a personal item, in addition to the 22inch cabin bag that goes in the overhead bin. I cannot say they do this on every flight, but I have seen it on most we have taken in the past two years. I do not recall seeing a physical sizer used, however.

If your Kipling tote is 8” wide but not filled to capacity, so it squashes down to 6” thick, you could probably make a good case for it. Not guaranteed, but the fact that it will fit under the seat in front of yours should be determinative. That is what they really care about.

I cannot speak to Air France, however. Never flown on that airline.

Posted by
1663 posts

I flew out of Milan a month ago on American. Some counter people had EVERYONE put their carry on in the sizer. Forcing it to fit- bag had to be checked. I had already checked in, just wanted paper boarding passes and went to a different counter. My 20” Eagle Creek fits in every overhead bin, but front to back May have been a problem (bag was not stuffed). No questions asked, carried on without sizer.

Often depends on the personnel at the checkin and gate and airline. Make sure you have valuables, electronics, medication, and perhaps a change of clothes if you are forced to gate check.

Posted by
2916 posts

I have never had, or seen, a personal item (as opposed to a carry-on) evaluated for size or weight, but apparently, according to one of the comments above, it has happened. Since personal items are usually pretty flexible, you can probably squish them down to the proper size if necessary.

Posted by
5837 posts

I think most people who have responded missed the "PERSONAL ITEM" wording.

The SAS and Air Canada check in desk at SFO International both have sizing frames with one bin for the "Carry-on" and a second bin for the "Personal" items.

Posted by
171 posts

The SAS and Air Canada check in desk at SFO International both have sizing frames with one bin for the "Carry-on" and a second bin for the "Personal" items.

Oh my gosh, this is great information. I'm actually flying on Air Canada out of SFO in June. I'll check them out.


Posted by
171 posts

I've never had a bag measured in many, many flights including the "dreaded" Wizz and Ryan Air, and the only bags I ever see get measured are rollers - never seen a handbag or backpack measured.

Well that’s good to hear!

I’m going to “practice” with my bags for my Alaskan cruise. I’ll try them in the sizers and see how it goes.
Thanks for your input..

Posted by
1 posts

It seems that carry-on bags that are sold in the U.S. specifically as legal carry-ons are about 1/2 inch too tall to fit into those metal boxes. On the way TO Europe on Icelandair, not only did they take my two checked bags, but insisted that the third small US legal bag be gate checked. Only when returning from Reykjavik airport after checking the same two bags and carrying on the other did I get waylaid and asked to cram the bag in the went most of the way in, only the padded handle prevented full compliance --- that will be 6600 ISK ~ $52. I saw many others on flight with very similar sized bags carry-on. Moral is check two big bags and forget carrying on anything but a small personal item.

Posted by
47 posts

I haven't had my personal item sized, but have had it weighed with my carry-on. My carry-on has been checked a few times for size by placing in the bag thing - it's always fit, but sometimes they check.