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Hanging toiletry bags

Prior experience with nonexistent or minimal shelf space in European bathrooms prompts the following question: any of you use or recommend a hanging toiletry kit? Thx!

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1194 posts

Sea to Summit traveling light bag - small. I’ve had mine for years. At 2.8 oz it’s light too. The material breathes so wet stuff dries out. My biggest complaint is that it is bean shaped, which makes for inefficient packing. That’s why I’m eyeing the rectilinear Deuter Wash Center bags listed below.

Deuter has some new lightweight bags (wash bag tour I, II, III) out that look good. It will sit on the counter or hang. At 2 oz it is very light (though small). I have not used these bags but have been happy with my Deuter pack. Deuter makes some fine stuff. Deuter also has the Wash Center Lite (2-3 oz).

Peregrine makes a budget hanging bag (2.8 oz). I’ve never used them.

Osprey makes a rolled toiletry bag (4.5 oz)

And Rick has a lightweight kit too (4 oz)

Toiletry kits can be pretty heavy. Some are almost a pound (16 oz) of weight! Also watch out for claims like “light” or “fairly light”. Those words are relative. Heavy packers think a 10 oz bag is “light”. Check the specs before you buy. I wouldn’t buy one over 4 oz. A light kit works just as well as a heavy one.

Posted by
5840 posts

Mine is so old that it's out of production now, I think. But I wouldn't travel without it. It's similar to the Amazon basic bag.

Posted by
7054 posts

The Sea to Summit traveling bag is great. It comes in two sizes and colors (I believe my size is small, bought at REI - it's surprisingly roomy and fits everything I need. It may not work for someone else who, for example, has to carry tons of medications). It's super light because its target audience is outdoors enthusiasts who have to be conscious of carrying around too much weight. Definitely pricey but it's one of those items that was well worth it to me.

Posted by
1662 posts


Most manufacturers have a hanging toiletry bag. Depending on your needs, bags can vary of course - style, price, heaviness.


Land's End
Vera (If you're a woman. One time, I got one for 80% discount. They were getting rid of older inventory.)
Eddie Bauer
LL Bean

And many department stores sell them too.

I like the LLBean ones. They are not the most compact. But, I really like the "bucket" design. Stuff can be easily removed and organized. Has a hanger to easily attach to a towel rack or hook. Can be set down and opened on a counter. Stay with the small or medium size. Get a bright color, so you don't leave it behind.

Posted by
11813 posts

I am on my second one and find it so helpful with limited or non-existent counter space in bathrooms when traveling.

Posted by
94 posts

I purchased one from eBags a couple of years ago that I really like eBags pack-it-flat.

It’s very lightweight and because it is flat (only about 2.25 inches deep) it packs like a packing cube, so it fits nicely in my bag with my other cubes. Also breathable. It holds everything I need. They also sell the same bag (length and width) in a deeper version if you need more space eBags pack-it-flat large.

Posted by
914 posts

Bought one years ago that I use on RV trips. Extremely useful when using shower rooms at parks that have the same problem with lack of counter space. Plenty out there to choose from - fancy to inexpensive. Mine was about $10 and I've used it for a long time..

Posted by
1415 posts

Yes - I use hanging bag, for that reason.

I also pack a suction cup with a hook. If no other place to hang the bag, I put the suction cup on the mirror.

Posted by
11888 posts

I love our Rick Steve’s hanging kits. Have tried others and I always come back. Lightweight, solves the no counter space problem and packing up is a cinch once you organize your 3-1-1 stuff into it on arrival.

Posted by
101 posts

I use the Sea to Summit toiletry bag also. Mine is the Large size, but I keep laundry and first aid supplies in it besides the usual toiletry items. My only minor complaint is the lack of structure. Items can move around a lot within the bag during travel. This is a minor peeve and I'd buy the same bag again if I needed a new one for some reason. The hanging hook is small and doesn't fit around many things you may want to hang it from. I remedy this by carrying a 18" diameter loop of lightweight cord with it. The cord can be looped around a bar that's too big for the hook, then hang the hook from the cord.

Posted by
84 posts

Thank you all for your valuable expertise and replies. Wishing you happy travels. 😎

Posted by
3183 posts

RS classic bag is working good for me. I keep all the gooey things in my 311 bag. I think the key with all lightweight bags is to not overstuff them so you don’t stress the zipper.
I also bought the removable travel caddy but did not use fit. The shampoo and conditioner bottles didn’t fit so it was wasted space.

One thing I learned about toiletry kits - avoid kits that fold-out into 4 separate sections. (3 or less is fine.). The 4th section folds inward at the expense of less volume in the other compartments. So, you get four compartments that are narrow in depth and have little volume for items - as opposed to fewer sections that are deeper and are easier to pack.

Check out the ebags medium sized portage kit. If I were buying a toiletry kit right now, this would be the one I would get. Again, I personally prefer the "bucket" design with a hook. There are a couple of things about the LLBean kit that I don't care for (the shower caddy and side pockets). The RS kits look good for size and cost as well.

Posted by
34 posts

L.L. Bean has a quality Personal Organizer Toiletry Bag (small). It has zippered compartments and is well thought out. I've had mine for years and have traveled around the world with it. It has held up well and shows no wear.

Posted by
1194 posts

I’d like to point out that there are several bags at the same price point and size that are radically different in weight.

For example, compare the LL Bean Bag small toiletry against the Deuter Wash Center Lite. The LL Bean bag is 7 oz heavier. That’s almost 1/2 a pound difference!

Materials have radically changed in the last few years. You can get significantly lighter bags for the same price as a heavy one. That’s important if you are trying to make an airline weight limit

I’d also like to point out that other bags not mentioned can weigh up to a pound. And they are at the same price point.

In short, you do not get what you pay for! And some claims of a bag being “light” really aren’t true.

Also - bigger isn’t necessarily better. A bag that is too big takes away from other things stored in your bag. And don’t forget that you don’t need full size toiletries, so a smaller kit may work just fine.

  • LL Bean small organizer toiletry kit weighs 11 oz. it costs $24.95. Dimensions 8.5 x 8.25 x 3 in. Volume 210 cu in

  • eBags Portage medium toiletry kit weighs 9 oz. it costs $24.99 Dimesions 10 x 8.5 x 4.5 in Volume 395 cu in.

  • eBags pack it flat weighs 10 oz and costs $39.99. Dimensions 14 x 9.25 x 2.25. Volume 291 cu in.

  • Deuter wash center lite II weighs 4 oz and costs $21.75 at GearX. Dimensions 9.4 x 7.1 x 3 in. Volume 200 cu in.

  • Deuter Wash Bag Tour III weighs 2 oz and costs $21.50. Dimensions 9 x 4 x 4 in. Volume 144 cu in.

  • eBags Hyper lite weighs 4 oz and costs $21.49. Dimensions 7 x 6.5 x 3.5 in. Volume 159 cu in.

  • Sea to Summit Trveling lite small is 2.8 oz and costs 34.95 Dimension 9 x 6 x 3 in. Volume 162 in.

  • Sea to Summit Traveling Lite large is 4 oz and costs 42.95. Dimensions 10 x 9 x 4 in. Volume 360 cu in.

  • Rick Steves Classic is 4 oz and costs $12.99. Dimensions 9 x 2.5 x 6 in. Volume 135 cu in.

  • Osprey Rolled bag is 4.5 oz and costs $30. Dimensions 6 x 3 x 9 in. Volume 162 cu in.

  • Osprey Ultralight Zip organizer is 2.56 oz and costs $30. Dimensions 6 x 3 x 9 in. Volume 162 in.

Posted by
7054 posts

A couple of minor comments. I found that bags that are made of see-through plastic and zip up, like the 3-1-1 ones, are unforgiving (they don't stretch) and they get filthy. I like a bag that has some ability to flex (but really light bags unfortunately won't hold the shape of things because they don't have stiff components on purpose to keep the weight down). Also, the bags that roll up look really nice in marketing photos but, once you put in that odd shaped deodorant (or whatever), it doesn't look that nice and neat after all.

Cindy is spot on about the differences in weight and volume, the variance is quite remarkable. You almost have to approach this as an engineer to make a good choice, it's not only about looks. Function matters too.

Posted by
84 posts

Again, thanks to all who have contributed. I expect that many will find this most helpful. Engineers indeed! 😊

Posted by
10492 posts

I also pack a suction cup with a hook. If no other place to hang the bag, I put the suction cup on the mirror.

L.p.enersen has made an excellent point. I always bring a small one for my headband and shower cap — and a bigger one to hang the bag is a great idea. Mine are from Muji and the hook “pivots” so the piece (hook) can lay flat for packing.

Years ago I bought an LL Bean hanging toiletry bag, it must be the medium size. I haven't used it in years, it is way too big (it looks sized for regular-sized toiletries!! I guess if you were driving across the country to your new home and needed to carry full bottles with you that you would then put in the bathroom at your new home — but otherwise I can't figure out what you’d use it for).but I I was just looking at the little hanging insert that it comes with (mesh with a pivoting hook for hanging), and that could be a good addition to my toiletries resources.

I admit I do NOT pack my toiletries as I should — I always have two different packs, one mostly with liquid/shower stuff and one with solids. I always tell myself that it's easier to find space in my bag for two smaller pieces than one big slot for one!! Now it's habit and what I’m comfortable with. I tried traveling with all toiletries in one big bag for a trip a couple summers ago — and just didn't like it.

Posted by
1548 posts

Kim, perhaps the imaginary target audience for yr ll bean bag is the camp counselor w a 3 month contract and a shower house across the yard.
I'm currently at my sister's house for the holiday weekend and then will drive to Wisconsin to see more friends. My last outing was in Feb for 3 nights when I flew w just a small day pack and toiletries literally in plastic bags. My tweezers and small hand mirror (vanity, thy name is middle aged woman) have not yet gotten back into my bigger toiletries bag... must search when I get home. This is 12 by 4 by 8.... has a hangable piece that would lift out, but I like this one for domestic driving because it sits neatly on counter w its little 4 by 8 footprint and I can see everything. It was Walgreens store brand Basics and is at least 15 years old

Posted by
8103 posts

For my decision when I decided to replace my old, tiny free Clinique toiletry bag, I decided to upgrade to the LL Bean medium hanging bag that’s been mentioned above. I’m also an engineer (just retired), so my decision was considering two factors that are important to me - weight and time. Yes, this bag is heavier than the old Clinique bag. But, it allows everything to easily fit (both solids & liquids) in the bag, plus I place my jewelry in the outside zipper. I still pack the tiniest amount of product, so it’s definitely not fully packed. Just one example of a nice feature is the mesh front pocket when it’s open. If I have a migraine, I can see the medicine - no searching. An important factor for me is time efficiency; I like to move to new locations every few days; my upcoming trip has several 1-day locations. This bag is so organized! Unzip and hang, and everything is already in its location (easier to not leave anything behind). Zip & go the next morning!

Posted by
3654 posts

Kim: I also went to two small bags instead of one big one last year.
I can take much more stuff, and they fit much better into my case now than the one big "lump".

Posted by
1194 posts

Yes, this bag is heavier than the old Clinique bag. But, it allows everything to easily fit (both solids & liquids) in the bag,

I have my 311 bag on a mini biner that I slip over the hook of my Sea to Summit bag. Together, they take up about 1/2 the space of the LL Bean Bag.

I’m wondering what the difference is that my bag is 1/2 yours?

Posted by
10492 posts

Kim, perhaps the imaginary target audience for yr ll bean bag is the camp counselor w a 3 month contract and a shower house across the yard.

@doric8 — yes!! That makes perfect sense.

Kim: I also went to two small bags instead of one big one last year.
I can take much more stuff, and they fit much better into my case now than the one big "lump".

Ok now I feel justified and not alone (and like there might be some logic behind my personal preference). Thanks SJ!!

Posted by
8103 posts

“I have my 311 bag on a mini biner that I slip over the hook of my Sea to Summit bag. Together, they take up about 1/2 the space of the LL Bean Bag. I’m wondering what the difference is that my bag is 1/2 yours?”

(Hickory, I’ll just answer this question and then not add additional comments. Cindy H has given you a lot of valuable information to look at several options.)

The extra weight & volume are from the features and materials used for the LLBean bag. There are two side zippers - one is where I keep my mini-version of Sarah Murdoch’s Box of Awesome. The top zipper is where I keep my jewelry. The visible mesh, waterproof and clear pockets have been what’s keeping me using this bag. I mentioned the migraine medicine. Since it’s visible in the mesh, I can easily see if there’s just one left, and I need to head to a pharmacy. And, I almost left my toothbrush at a hotel when I was just dropping everything into the Clinique bag. Now it’s visible if my daily med plastic, crystal deodorant or toothbrush aren’t packed before I zip it up. Also, the material used protects the items, especially the liquids. I used to remove my toiletry bag when I needed to place my suitcase in an airport shuttle or bus storage. Now I don’t need to worry about it.

I used to travel a lot for work - mostly in US. I always laid out a washcloth on the counter and placed my toiletry items on it. At the end of the week, I loaded those contents back into the Clinique bag. Per Hickory’s question, it’s not practical to do that in many European hotels. Hence, my input on what works so well for me.

Posted by
2927 posts

I just bought e bags pack in flat in the smaller size. It is considerably lighter than the quilted one I have had for years and so was feeling quite pleased with myself until the post comparing weight!

Posted by
1548 posts

Kim.... one more target for the enormous ll bean bag... a seriously sweaty student athlete w an assigned gym locker 🤔

Posted by
10492 posts

Aha Doric8, yes, another highly logical use for the LL Bean bag.

This just shows how unimaginative my brain is when it comes to things that aren't part of my current world!! I mean heck, I was even the camp counselor at one time, it’s not like that is outside my own experience! But when I was trying to think of examples, I certainly couldn't come up with either of those (very obvious) ones!!

Posted by
1625 posts

Another vote for the Ebags Flat toiletry bag. Have used on multiple trips and I feel really organized and keeps everything clean and sanitary.

Posted by
329 posts

I just bought a small Sea to Summit bag for my carry-on only trips and summer backpacking.

It is a good size unless you travel with a ton of products. In that case I would go with a heavier duty fabric.

Posted by
2779 posts

If the Sea to Summit bag was available in medium, it would be perfect.
One advantage of the large I settled for is that it's loosely filled and is easier to mold around other items in my suitcase. For as lightweight as it is, it sits open pretty nicely on a counter if you have the room.

Posted by
101 posts

Rizell, the kit in your link appears to be identical to the larger Sea to Summit at about half the price. Good job!

Posted by
1194 posts

Rizell, the kit in your link appears to be identical to the larger Sea to Summit at about half the price. Good job!

I’m wondering if it is no longer offered on Amazon because it’s a direct copy of the S2S bag. That’s basically a rip off on the original designer. The Nicestile trademark application was in July 2017, years after S2S made their bag. Their Facebook page says they were founded in 2016, which is also years after S2S designed their bag.

Other Nicestile products also show “unavailable” on Amazon.

Posted by
101 posts

I can see it on Amazon now and it's available for sale. I be surprised if Sea to Summit has a patent on the design of a toiletry kit. They're all pretty similar and there isn't really anything that distinctive about the Sea to Summit that would justify a patent. I've got a Sea to Summit that I paid their price for. If I had seen a knock-off for half the price I would have probably bought it.

Posted by
7054 posts

They're all pretty similar and there isn't really anything that
distinctive about the Sea to Summit that would justify a patent.

You might be very well surprised at what gets a patent application (some really frivolous sounding things like the shape of the edges of a cell phone). But anyway, I actually haven't seen many bags like Sea to Summit that use Cordura which make it extremely light. Not everyone would pay a premium for something that light, that's why it's a niche product for hikers/ campers and/or "travel light" travelers. I like it primarily because it's light, it forces me to pack no more than absolutely necessary, and it's easy to clean and very durable.

Posted by
101 posts

The knock-off on Amazon is apparently also made from 30D Cordura. It could well be made by the same manufacturer that makes the bags for Sea to Summit.

Posted by
1194 posts

The knock-off on Amazon is apparently also made from 30D Cordura.

But does it have the siliconized coating like the S2S? I didn’t see a mention of that. It’s the coating that makes the 30D significantly stronger than it would be otherwise. It also greatly increases the water resistance. The S2S also uses a ripstop nylon, making it stronger.

Posted by
7054 posts

I don't see the little mirror in the knock-off version. Wow, I was surprised what a carbon look alike that was, even used the same blue color.

Posted by
37 posts

I won't trust the knock off version. Aside from the mirror, it doesn't look as durable too. I bet it'll last 2-3 years, max.

Posted by
14 posts

Another vote for the Sea to Summit traveling light hanging toiletry bag in small. The main compartment holds my 3-1-1 Ziploc quart freezer bag, along with my small bit of makeup; the mesh pocket behind it holds my mesh washcloth and a small plastic bag with cotton squares and Qtips. The two inner zip pockets hold my hair band, hair elastics and clips; and travel toothbrush and floss. The outside zip pocket in the back holds first aid supplies and medications, earplugs, eye mask, a small plastic bag with miscellaneous supplies (nail clippers, tiny tweezers, small sewing kit, etc.) and a small, very thin pocket mirror (I didn't like the mirror that comes with the Sea to Summit bag, so I took that out). The hook on top is great and if it's too small for the rod I want to hang it around, I just loop a hair elastic or rubber band around the rod and put the hook through that. This is enough to last me for a 2-week trip (up to 3, if I'm careful), when supplemented by hotel shampoo/bodywashes.

If I need a bigger bag, though, I go with a now-discontinued version of the Eagle Creek On Board (NOT the Specter version currently being sold). The version I have is a medium-sized toiletry bag - about 10" x 8" x 3", weighs 5.2 oz. I am, however, looking for a slightly smaller, lighter version -- say, about 9.5" x 7" x 3" -- if anyone has suggestions. I ordered, then returned, the Deuter Wash Center Lite II that Cindy H linked above because it looked like a good candidate; but, alas, the inner pockets don't go all the way to the sides, meaning there's wasted space and the pockets end up being too small; also, there's no outside zip pocket in the back, which I've gotten used to having. I also have the Peregrine toiletry bag she linked to but that one is just too flimsy and floppy for me.

Posted by
10492 posts

The hook on top is great and if it's too small for the rod I want to hang it around, I just loop a hair elastic or rubber band around the rod and put the hook through that.

This is genius!

Posted by
101 posts

The hook on top is great and if it's too small for the rod I want to
hang it around, I just loop a hair elastic or rubber band around the
rod and put the hook through that.

This is genius!

I now carry a loop of parachute cord about 12-18" in diameter for this. A length of dental floss works in a pinch also. It seems many of these hanging bags have fairly small hooks.

Posted by
10492 posts

Oh my gosh last night I dreamed about being in a big sports/camping supply store and checking out the Sea to Summit bag and other hanging toiletry bag options!!!

This Forum has really done me in!!!!

Posted by
86 posts

For our trips, we use something entirely different from these and that is a hanging shoe bag. When we get to a hotel or cruise cabin, we had the bag on the inside of a closet or the back of a bathroom door and have EVERYTHING we will be needing during our stay. These are inexpensive, have up to 24 pockets, and fold flat so they take up very little space in luggage.