I've been shopping with Eddie Bauer for decades. There is an EB outlet store here in Boise and a retail store at the mall. I have many EB items including down jackets, cotton pants and shorts, silk skin layers, more. Over the last few years, I have watched as EB's pricing system went from seasonal sales and clearances to what I call "always on sale". That is, nothing is EVER list price at EB. Never. Which means that a $300 down jacket promoted as "on sale, 50% off!" for $150 is not really discounted at all; $150 is the regular price. That jacket is only a legitimate bargain when it's clearance priced for $75.
When I find something at the store or online that I think I want, I watch and wait. Eventually it ends up on the clearance rack and then I wait a few more days or weeks for the (usually unannounced) "clearance sale of clearance items" event. And THAT is the moment to strike! Exercising such patience means I rarely score the exact item, size, or color I wanted but doesn't that suggest I didn't really need it in the first place?
Eddie Bauer's quality is not what it used to be. I suppose that's to be expected these days. Comparing my new down jacket side by side with the older unit from 15 years ago, it is easy to see where shortcuts were made and costs cut (not as many carefully aligned and felled seams, sloppy butted seams, fewer stitches per inch, sewn-through down pockets instead of offset baffles, thinner pocket lining material, cheaper and rougher zippers, less reliable hanging loop, less elastic in the cuffs, smaller zipper garage, &c). However, my EB down jackets will easily last 20 years because I take care of them.
Eddie Bauer remains a good brand for some stuff. You've just got to shop carefully and resist that urge to push the BUY NOW! button without comparison shopping.