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17603 posts

My Go Toob leaked. The product was one which should have been compatible. I may have failed to close it properly, but I have reluctant to try it again.

My Nalgene bottles from REI have never leaked, and I have used them for many trips, so I just stick with those.

Posted by
1082 posts

I've used GoToob products for the last 4 years and they have worked very well for me. It's true you need to try ahead of time to make sure that the liquids are compatible, so far all of mine have worked just fine.

Posted by
2707 posts

I was initially interested in Go Toobs but like you the reports of leakage put me off. Instead I bought a set from Amazon called GoBags ("travel bottles 3 pack set") and they've worked well for 2 trips now, I use them for shampoo, conditioner and hair dressing. Similar shape, not a bag at all, but a sturdy yet flexible soft plastic.
Set of 3, 3 oz bottles for $16.74.

Posted by
1325 posts

I find that the change in pressure when flying causes my bottles to leak, even nail polish, which one might think was thick enough to stay put. So I just double-bag them after I go through security with my carry-on bag.
I'll be interested to see if anyone has a fool-proof leak-proof bottle system.

Posted by
1976 posts

Like Sharyn, I've found bottles to leak because of pressure changes, and I double-bag them too. I pack everything in a quart-sized bag to go through security (I never check my suitcase on the way to Europe), and then put that bag in a bigger ziplock bag for the flights.

My issue with Go Toobs is that they take up a lot of room in the quart bag but don't hold as much as other bottles. I bought a set of 2-oz Go Toobs but haven't used them because of the room problem. For the past 10 years I've used some old 3.4-oz plastic squeeze bottles which hold a lot of liquid and don't take up nearly as much room.

Posted by
341 posts

I bought 1.25 oz GoToobs to use one of them for the purpose carrying muscle cream (which has menthol and camphor ingredients) not knowing that some products are not compatible. The strong smell oozed through the silicone tube (there was no leak). In addition, it was extremely difficult to clean the tube (the cream was not water soluble), and the smell still remains. I had better luck with the one used for sunscreen.

Like other commenters, I also found the tubes took up more space in the 3-1-1 bag compared to other options.

Posted by
2168 posts

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'll take a look at the other products you recommended.

Sharyn, I agree about the nail polish. I packed a bottle in my checked bag last year and it leaked. It was in a zip lock bag so no real harm done. I bought another bottle in France and brought it back in my carry on luggage (in a zip lock bag). It was fine.

Posted by
4421 posts

I have used these for several years now with great success. My only complaint is that strong fragrances can linger in the you won't want to put your toothpaste in a tube previously used for your strongly-scented body lotion. They aren't as easy to use as bottles and tubes with wide openings (rare), and their attachments for filling their products from your full-sized bottles can be a bit hit-and-miss, but on the whole I'm happy with the product and will continue to use them.

They may also sell several convenient sizes of beverage flasks (their original product line). I wouldn't know anything about them...... ;-)