Stumbled across Laurie’s channel a few days ago.
If you're interested, look her up on the yootoobs. Be warned, she says THINGS and has OPINIONS that may conflict with some of yours.
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Stumbled across Laurie’s channel a few days ago.
If you're interested, look her up on the yootoobs. Be warned, she says THINGS and has OPINIONS that may conflict with some of yours.
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This is great! Thanks bogie!
I find that I'm always looking for female-focused information, so very glad to have found this post.
Thanks, Bogiesan!
It’s always great to learn something new about how others pack. I wouldn’t say I’d be described as fashionable (LOL!), but I do like to look respectful in any location.
Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have watched that documentary about the FLDS last night and have "sister wife" foremost in my brain, but every time Laurie said "pilot wife" it drove me crazy and made me want to shout at my TV.
I watched a couple of hers until she did one advocating taking your old stuff and "donating" to the hotel staff. Somehow the way she presented it just came across so condescending like "yeah, that underpaid maid will be so grateful for my dirty old clothing". It's one thing to take your oldest underwear and trash them along the way but giving clothing that hasn't even been washed? I donate clothing to charities that want it but only if new or at least clean. Ugh.
My favorite from her is put your things in 311 bags horizontally rather than vertically. Can’t explain how but it does fit more that way.
Anything more man-centric or nonbinary?
cj-traveler, throwing away old clothes along a trip or “donating” them really bothers me, too. Maybe I don’t want to view her videos! ; )“Thank you, x country, for letting me come visit! Here’s some extra trash for you.”
Altho a man, I enjoy Laurie’s videos. I am a great fan of throwing away clothes when appropriate. On a spring trip to England/Ireland years ago, I took several pairs of pants and shirts on their last legs. Pants were presentable, shirts were covered up by my coat. I ended the two weeks with only 1 remaining shirt shirt in my bag.
Is there some reason the link has disappeared? bogiesan, could you PM me the link?
ETA: Never mind - I found it. Just googled Laurie travel pilot wife youtube. :)
I’ve watched her. I was not impressed. The show I watched had some significant discrepancies from the TSA regulations. Imho there was a certain ugly American vibe to her videos.