Many people have posted about how well merino wool socks work for travel. I find that I love them year round. Some of my favorites for price are the ones sold at Costco which have been missing in my warehouse for several months. Today they were back! I now have 12 new pair. Now I just need to put together a good trip to go with the socks............
O frabjous day! Time to stock up!!
My husband has been looking for these socks ... wears them every day and needs replacements. I've been waiting for the pretty ones for ladies.
How about a Christmas markets trip to take advantage of the warm socks??!! I saw these last week and made myself walk away. I got 12 pr last year and they are still good! Someone else recently posted about some merino wool tee-shirts but I did not find them at mine yet.
Yes, a Christmas Market trip sounds excellent.
A Christmas market trip - yeah, I could go for that! Hmmm... since RS doesn't offer it maybe an interested group should jut plan our own?
Do love those socks. Bought some for everyone in my family for Christmas last year. Christmas Markets trip? Count me in!
I'll be buying some today because our Christmas market tour is all booked.
We bought the socks yesterday. Very comfy. I have test washed them by hand and they dried overnight. Great socks.
I was at Costco yesterday and saw that they have the women's long-sleeved merino tops again (I haven't seen them online). I bought black and charcoal gray last year and loved them. Lightweight, easy care, great for layering.