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Dr Birx, her scarves, random thoughts

I will admit to not watching much of the daily Corona Virus Task Force briefings but I do try to watch long enough for Dr Deborah Birx to step to the podium so I can see what scarf she is wearing and how she is tying it. Shallow? Petty? Probably, but diverting and interesting to me.

I always take a couple of scarves with me on vacation but normally tie them in the same few ways. For my next trip...whenever it is...I'm going to work on a few new ways to tie. I've got some links I've used in the past to help me and now seems like a good time to review them! I'm also getting ready to move so have just gone thru my big bin of scarves and my scarf drawer. I had forgotten about some of them so this is a refresher for my collection, too. By the way, all my scarves are inexpensive. My tastes, wardrobe and lifestyle don't run to Hermes although some of those designs are breath-taking.

I love the scarf tutorials on the MaiTai's Picture book blog page and from her blog posts see she now has an app. I checked and it's fairly expensive and much more than I would ever need or want for my retired Idaho lifestyle but she's still got all of her tutorials on her blog so I'll review them.

I first found her via Janice at TheVivienneFiles blog. She uses scarves a lot but doesn't really go in to tying them. I love her capsule wardrobes based on scarves and of course the ones she does based on pieces of art.

I also love this youtube scarf-tying tutorial. I think I remember reading she and her BF did this video at home and had to of course film 25 segments to put together in the matrix. Very cute and pretty good demos of ways to tie a scarf.

Anyone else with thoughts?

By the way, to the folks who don't know me...I've no personal interest in these blogs or videos other than they are informative and I'm looking for ways to divert myself from the current situation.

Posted by
2456 posts

Thank you Pam of the Idaho lifestyle, I have read through your post, incidentally while watching Dr. Birx on TV and noticing her lovely scarf for the first time. I will do that now each time she appears. You have led me to think about scarves more than ever before, although I have long realized that they can add variety or a new dimension to an outfit, generally but not always a woman’s outfit. While I have sometimes been appreciative of the bright color or dynamic pattern of a scarf, I will try to be generally more attentive to scarves in the future. However, I likely will not be seeking out scarf blogs or tutorials, even now while I am sheltered in place and have plenty of time available.
To tie this discussion to travel and RS tours, I remember that on the RS Best of Turkey tour in 2018, the group decided that for our final dinner, we would each find a very inexpensive gift for our buddy. My buddy happened to be a lovely young lady who had just graduated from high school and would soon be off to college, who was traveling with her parents. (I know her mother follows this Forum, so hi!) At a local market, I had picked out for my gift an inexpensive but beautiful little bowl in the Turkish style, thinking that I would recommend that she could use it on her new college desk for paper clips, rubber bands, etc. and remember her visit to Turkey a little every day. However, while we were later together in a different market, she passed by me and commented, “Larry, just in case you don’t know, I really love scarves.” I took the hint, and my buddy got a nice Turkish scarf as a gift, and I ended up with a little bowl that I like a lot. Thanks for stirring up that travel memory, Pam!
I have also heard this week that our CDC has advised medical personnel that if they are without proper medical masks, as a last resort they might use a personal bandana or scarf as protection. As nice as i think scarves are, I do NOT endorse this idea. Get them the right kind of safe masks!
Thank you again, Pam of the Idaho lifestyle, for adding this new scarf awareness to my life!

Posted by
478 posts

Glad I'm not the only one watching her scarves. Not sure the one today would work, I'm afraid it would be slipping off my shoulder. Thanks for the video links.

Posted by
2179 posts

Pam, thanks for posting this. We need all the happy little tidbits we can get these days :)
And, reading your post, you provided a tutorial for me (as such) that her name is Dr. Birx not Dr. Burke, as I had been incorrectly typing :0
LOVE her scarves and her manner.
I was also (once again) cheering on Dr. Fauci today (especially when he stated facts) vs. the not-so-much-fact of the speaker right ahead of him...any guesses?

Posted by
2332 posts

I am a dedicated scarf wearer, so this will encourage me to check her out.

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2056 posts

I, too, have been noticing her scarves, but I was relieved to learn she is not just another talking head like most of them (except Dr. Fauci) at those news briefings. She is actually very experienced, was an expert during the HIV crisis, former military and much admired by Dr. Fauci, my hero of the moment. AND, a fashion guru.

Posted by
1057 posts

For those of you with a Nordstrom nearby, they have a small informative book on many ways to tie scarves of different lengths.

Posted by
15022 posts

Larry - what a lovely story about your travel buddy! I'm glad this topic brought back some neat memories! For your further education into men's scarf fashions, here's "10 Manly Ways to tie a scarf", lol!

Leslie - I agree about today's one shoulder drape. That would have worked 10 years ago but as I age and my shoulders don't provide as good a frame as they used to, this would be a no-go for me as well!

Maggie, I wound up googling her name last week to see what educational and work backgrounds and discovered the correct spelling! In my mind I had been saying "Burkes"!

Patty - yes, do notice her! I looked to see if anyone had been documenting her various "ties" but didn't hit on anything right away.

LaurieBeth - I agree. Smart (brains) and smart (stylish)!

CindyH - thanks for that resource as well.

Patricia - I did not know that. Nordies is 2 hours away but I'll keep that in mind once we're shopping again. Maybe I'll see if it's on their website!

Janis - Oh, I forgot there were some scarf tying things on the Hermes site. I cut myself off from looking at that webpage a number of years ago. I found myself drooling over some lovely scarves and then my real self thought I could just not justify that expense for twice a year travel. Good to know as a health care provider you're feeling like Dr Birx and Dr Fauci are giving good information as well. Do you think all of Dr Birx' scarves are Hermes?

Posted by
10784 posts

Secret weapons of smartly-dressed women: stand up collars, smaller earrings, scarves.
We haven’t reinstalled our TV since we precipitously got back from Europe, so I haven’t seen her until you posted this. After looking at photos, I like her use of stand-up collars, too.

Posted by
3961 posts

Pam, yes so far I think Dr. Fauci has reported accurate information. Back to your scarve inquiry: Good chance they are Hermes! ;) $$$$$

Posted by
4140 posts

Thanks for the fun post Pam. I must admit that some mornings I haven’t been able to keep the sound on long enough to get to the 2 “fact” people but this morning her off-shoulder scarf and gray dress (could it be silk) caught my eye but a large person was in her way and I didn’t wait for her to step up to the mike with her calm, professional demeanor to get a better look...

Posted by
10756 posts

Mona, I'm with you about keeping the sound off!

Posted by
2456 posts

Come on now Eric, be nice, martians are people too.

PS: when I typed Eric, my iPad auto-corrected to Erice, one my favorite towns ever, so thanks for that!

Posted by
4183 posts

I'm a scarf person when I travel, typically taking 2. My scarves serve as inspirations for or accessories to my very limited carry-on travel wardrobe. They also serve as easily washed bibs and seem to make me look taller more slender .

I love the 25 ways to tie a scarf video with all the names. As I went through them I rejected many because of my short neck. Then I realized that I was basing those decisions on my former short and fat neck.

Maybe now, after losing almost 40 pounds over the past year, I could try some of those options. Who knew I had collarbones? I certainly hadn't seen them in years.

I also noticed Dr. Birx scarves on TV. Doing a Google images search for her produced many more Birx scarf pictures. Very nice.

Posted by
478 posts

This afternoon she was on CNN and had changed the way she was wearing it. Behind her neck and over one shoulder, if that makes sense. Looking forward to seeing her next style. I guess this is what happens to some of us when they cancel March Madness.

Posted by
15022 posts

Hahah...enjoying everyone's comments!

Lo! I am not very technologically "ept" and had not thought of google images. Excellent idea! From there I was led to a comedian (Lamar Ferguson) who posted this on FB and echoed Leslie's comment, lol:

"Good Lord! This woman is straight up gangsta with her scarf game. Are you kidding me? Same day same scarf worn 2 different ways??!!! go, Dr. Birx!!"

I particularly liked this way of tying from a few days ago:

I also meant to mention about Larry's comment about scarves or bandanas as alternatives to regulation masks for health care workers. Have several Buffs that I use when I'm in Yellowstone to keep sun and dust off my face during long "sits" waiting on geysers! I love them! Easily can pull up over your mouth and nose....

Posted by
3374 posts

I just wish everyone else would stand six feet away from her so we could have a better view of those scarves!

Posted by
2456 posts

Careful everybody, if this thread goes viral (no pun intended, really) and Dr. Birx becomes a star and the center of attention, the big guy might feel so upstaged that she would be disappeared from the press conferences, then no more scarves.

Posted by
2896 posts

I come at this from another angle -- most of my parent's relatives and friends were of central European descent, and I noticed and confirmed that at family gatherings every man in the room had both a pocketknife and a handkerchief in his pocket.
In deference to this I have long carried a bandana in place of a handkerchief, and although I'm not a souvenir shopper, I've ended up with scarves or kerchiefs from several cities. I use the kerchiefs as bandanas, and the scarves when the occasion calls for one.
Thanks, too, for the links to knotting how-tos.

Posted by
1542 posts

Ditto everyone's comments but Eric. That poised woman may just save yr bu**

Re use of bandannas instead of real PP E.... I sent a message to the spouse of my county sheriff that I have 100 Walgreens gloves I'd be happy to donate.... and some bars of dial soap.....😱

Posted by
10437 posts

Oh Pam, this is such a wonderful post — travel-dressing adjacent and gives us something light to think of in the midst of all this anxiety.

Thank you! Thanks to everyone else who contributed and is making it such a fun thread!

And Larry, don't think i didn’t notice:

To tie this discussion to travel and RS tours


Posted by
15022 posts

Happy that folks are enjoying something lighter!

Avirosemail - "most of my parent's relatives and friends were of central European descent, and I noticed and confirmed that at family gatherings every man in the room had both a pocketknife and a handkerchief in his pocket."

Interesting observation but that also applied to my born-in-the-South to a long line of Southern ancestors Dad! Until the day he died he always had a handkerchief and his pocket knife!

Posted by
807 posts

Pam, I love this post! Sitting here self-isolating I can sometimes feel a bit, well, isolated;)! My husband can't even stay in the room during the daily briefings, so I have had no one to talk to about the scarves. I have to say my least favorite scarf look was the one yesterday.

A couple years ago, I modified all my outside, wool scarfs by typing the end strings together to make them endless. They stay on much better now.

I look forward to the next briefing.

Posted by
10756 posts

"Happy that folks are enjoying something lighter!

Avirosemail - "most of my parent's relatives and friends were of central European descent, and I noticed and confirmed that at family gatherings every man in the room had both a pocketknife and a handkerchief in his pocket."

Interesting observation but that also applied to my born-in-the-South to a long line of Southern ancestors Dad! Until the day he died he always had a handkerchief and his pocket knife!"

My dad, born in San Francisco and 3rd generation Californian, always carried a handkerchief. Maybe it was a generational thing? He was born in 1925.

Posted by
2456 posts

Hey guys, here’s an idea! A NEW WAY TO TIE ONE ON! You know how people in italy and Spain and elsewhere, are joining in unity and unison to sing their national anthem or yell “bravo” for their health care professionals, etc. together from their balconies. Well how about our little group, from this thread on this Forum, begin wearing scarves every time one of press conferences with Dr. Birx comes up TV (one coming up right now as I write on Sat 3/21.) Anyone with many scarves could try to wear a different one each time. Those with just one or a limited number can just repeat more often, maybe wearing in a different way each time. Then we can spread the word, creatively going viral so to speak. Do what you like, but I have to go and pick out my first scarf!
As someone local here shared recently for young people: “Your grandfathers and fathers were called to fight a war in a far-off land. You are called to sit at home, on your couch. You can DO this!”
A NEW WAY TO TIE ONE ON! — We can do this!

PS: since posting this, I have pawed through my stuff, and found a bag of 3 silk scarves purchased while traveling in Europe. I now sit en-scarved in a lovely and ornate silk scarf, labeled Made in Como, purchased in Bellagio, such a beautiful place I remember well! What scarf are you wearing?

PPS: oh no, no Dr. Birx at the press conference, all men, no scarves. Hope she has not been disappeared already, because of our discussion. Hope she’s well.

Posted by
223 posts

When I was trying to learn scarf tying I found a lot of videos on Youtube from different countries.

Posted by
139 posts

Googled images of Dr Birx — she has some serious scarf game! I’m a scarfaholic and prefer oblong lighter weight scarves. I tend to wear them the same way (a wrap around the neck, with both ends hanging in front). I’m usually grabbing a scarf as I dash out the door, and don’t take time with fancy knots. I always travel with 3-5 scarves, not including what I buy as souvenirs. They make me happy.

I found a stunning modal scarf at the Louvre book shop a few years ago. We had just been to Rome, and the shawl-sized scarf was an unusual gray/green with an abstracted pattern of Roman architectural elements. One scarf to remember 2 places! Score. I asked one of the women who worked in the shop for her opinion, because the scarf was pricey. She took the scarf over to the nearest mirror, flipped it around her neck a few times (artlessly, c’est vrai), regarded herself, and then smiled warmly at me. I took that as a Parisienne seal of approval. I think of her every time I wear it.

And about that trip to Rome. My 14yo son was with me on that tour. I was trying to decide between 2 cotton scarves in a shop near Santa Pudenziana. A pretty spring-flowered scarf was 24€. A plain mauve scarf was 6€. My thrifty son encouraged me (strongly) to buy the cheaper one. No regrets—I wear it often!

Posted by
15022 posts

"I asked one of the women who worked in the shop for her opinion, because the scarf was pricey. She took the scarf over to the nearest mirror, flipped it around her neck a few times (artlessly, c’est vrai), regarded herself, and then smiled warmly at me. I took that as a Parisienne seal of approval. I think of her every time I wear it."

What a wonderful memory! And cool that you found the architectural scarf of Rome at the Louvre.

I have held myself back but there have been a few times I've wanted to stop women on the street and ask how they tied their scarves! And you are right, they don't even look like they are trying whereas I'm having to think about it, lol!

Posted by
2332 posts

How many of have scarves from our travels? How many countries are represented in your scarf collection?

And, not to take this thread in a new direction, but how many people had grandparents/senior relatives that wore gloves daily? I’m starting to wish I had my grandmother’s collection of cotton gloves.

Posted by
15022 posts

Patty! Oh of my childhood memories are my Mom's gloves in the 50's and early 60's. One of my favorites of her church accessories was an aqua feather hat (kind of a wide bandeau - not sure what that was called) with matching aqua gloves - the style that came up over your wrists. Sadly, even if I had them my hands are so much larger than theirs were they'd never fit!

Neither she nor my Grandmoms were much for scarves although Mom had a few. One I saved after she died and we were cleaning out her house was a gift I had given her. I'd been on a "girls weekend" in Toronto in the early 90's and we went to some kind of big Art and Craft show there. This is a tie dyed silk scarf in Aqua, cobalt and pink. Just beautiful and yes, it brought back memories of that trip when I saw it. First time I'd ever eaten Croquemboche!

Most of my scarves have been purchased on trips. One of my go-to stops in Paris is Diwali - a chain of scarf shops. The staff are so nice and helpful in there even with my pathetic French, they step in with English right away, lol.

I'd say my countries represented are - Italy, France, Netherlands (cool and inexpensive scarf from Delft Tourist Information office last spring on a RS Belgium and Holland trip, lol!) GB and Ireland.

Posted by
4140 posts

Listening to a past broadcast of Wait Wait...Don’t Tell Me and they speculated that the “scarf person” in the Virus Task Force is really a realtor. They were citing the variety of scarf knots over the week and that realtors must be required to attend a scarf tying course as part of their training.

Posted by
15022 posts

Hahahah Mona! Very funny!

Posted by
4140 posts

Oh my, I think she’s trying to send out messages with eye blinks, deep breaths and lip twisting. And it is disturbing that Dr. Fauci is absent today after giving different facts on numbers of masks available over the weekend...

Posted by
2518 posts

Love your post. I’m working from home and usually try to catch the briefing long enough to hear Dr. Fauci and see what Dr. Birx says and is wearing. Mute the rest. Trying to be nice.😟
Maggie, I like your comment. Stay home and travel tomorrow.

Posted by
15022 posts

Maybe Dr F had a day off. Dr Birx was not on when I watched over the weekend so I thought she must have had a day off. They both need it. Yes, he is awesome. Able to breakdown the science stuff so normal people can understand it.

Posted by
3961 posts

Pam, to answer your question why Dr. Birx was off over the weekend? She just reported she had a low grade fever over the weekend. "Probably from G.I. Issue." She chose to get tested for Covid-19. It was negative. That said, nice scarf at briefing today! ;). I'll report back regarding missing Fauci if I hear anything.. It's like "Where's Waldo??"

Posted by
15022 posts

Janis! Thanks for that..I had not seen that she was ill. Glad she was negative. Yes, if you hear any back story in Dr F, please share!

Posted by
5837 posts

Yes, if you hear any back story in Dr F, please share!

Dr. Fuchi does seem to be missing. Try Googling "where is dr fauci?"

Posted by
295 posts

Let's hope so . Dr Brix needs all the help she can get .She looked a little stressed today.

Posted by
8 posts

I will be sitting in front of my tv tomorrow morning wearing a beautiful scarf I found in Bellagio. Great idea! Hope it matches my jammies.

Posted by
15022 posts

Nghume! Great idea! We can all don our travel clothes (which for me are my regular clothes, lol!) and a scarf for the briefings!

Yes, agree she looked stressed yesterday.

Posted by
3618 posts

Pam, thank you for this light hearted thread. I have only recently started buying and wearing scarves (but building up a collection quite quickly) and only know one or two ways to tie. Going to check out some of your suggestions.
Btw, I have found that there are different tying options for different shaped scarves. There are rectangle and triangle shaped scarves and tying them seems to be different. Do you agree Pam? And which shape do you like better?

Posted by
5837 posts

Many ways to wear a Buff type neck gaiter including face mask:

Face Mask

  • Ideal for dirt, dust, rain or cold.
  • Easily adjusted with one hand.
  • Highly breathable. Worn by cross country ski racers in extreme cold and runners in the heat of the Marathon des Sables.
Posted by
15022 posts

Tammy, yes, to me some scarf shapes lend themselves more to different "ties".

I usually prefer a larger square as to me that is more versatile. The MaiTai tutorial shows how to fold a square into an oblong for oblong ties as well. When I first started wearing scarves I liked the ones that had some cotton in them as they have a bit more "grip" on your clothes and don't tend to slide around as much as ones that are 100% silk or poly. There are some silk ones with that slub texture that are pretty grippy, though.

I've found as I go thru my scarves that my old scarves - the ones I wore with all those suits in the 80's and 90's are a lot smaller than many of the scarves I've purchased in Europe over the last 6 years.

I have 3 "summer" neck gaiters, one polarfleece for winter...all summer ones purchased in Yellowstone and 2 of them have Yellowstone themes - one a map and one a graphic of Old Faithful. The 3rd one I bought as an emergency item because somehow I got over there without a buff and needed one for the wind/grit/sun protection. I do have them up over my face a lot of the time.

Posted by
3961 posts

As the "self proclaimed" president of the Dr. Anthony Fauci Fan Club, I am pleased to report "He's back and better than ever!" Waiting to hear from him. ;).

Posted by
6884 posts

He looks very sleepy, though - standing in the back, eyes drooping, looks like he's either fighting to stay awake, or maybe he had developed some way to sleep while standing up? In any case, it's a relief to see him back!

Posted by
2179 posts

Yes, he was back :)
He is one STRONG man. Bites his tongue and stands his ground at the same time.

Good to see Dr. Birx, too.

Good duo.

Posted by
2456 posts

Must say, I have very few scarves to choose from, to wear in honor of Dr. Birx when she appears. She is always impressive, but I do believe, today I think my scarf was more lovely than hers. But when it comes to Coronavirus, she is far wiser than I am.

Posted by
2168 posts

Hi Pam, so funny to run across this thread. Over the past few days I’ve noticed the doctor’s beautiful scarves and how well she wears them!

A few years ago we did RS’s Loire and the South of France tour. Our guide wore a beautiful scarf every day. We begged her to teach us how to tie them and she agreed. One evening before dinner all the ladies lined up and she showed us some tricks. It was a lot of fun. I still have the scarf I bought in Sarlat for the “class”!

Posted by
8058 posts

Scarves are awesome. Many trips, i come home with at least a couple new ones - and i now have almost an entire drawer stocked with them. Packing extra-light on London trip earlier this month, I took just two scarves, didn’t get any new ones (but looked at a few), but wore one daily. Fashion and warmth.

Some in London (mostly males) had scarves over their mouths and noses - maybe in lieu of medical masks.

Rick Steves has been adorned with a scarf in lots of photos the past couple years. The covers on both of his new books show him sporting one.

Dr. Fauci truly is an admirable hero. Sometimes, white guys in their 70’s can accomplish meaningful things!

Posted by
1026 posts

Just saw the Dr tonight, loved her pretty scarf. I went on a Chris cruise in 2015. I took one scarf with me s as and came home with 4!

You can never have too many

Posted by
1 posts

I was wondering today if there was a #dr.birxscarves on Twitter. I am now looking forward to what new scarf Dr. Birx is wearing each day and how she styles it. I have many, many scarves but am not always successful in the styling category.

Posted by
3951 posts

Pam, thanks for starting this thread!
It continues to be entertaining.
I've been admiring those scarves that Dr. Birx has been wearing since day one of her appearances.
Thanks for including the YouTube scarf tutorial!
I love the many ways Dr. Birx has tied her scarves.
Always creative and with a beautiful outfit.
Very chic!
Too bad those Hermes scarves are so darn expensive!

Posted by
2456 posts

Well, as promised, I have worn a scarf every time I have seen Dr. Birx at the press conferences, but she very quickly left me behind, as I have had to repeat from my very limited collection. Also, I’m afraid I lied on an earlier post, although inadvertently. I would never lie to you on purpose. I wrote that I had found 3 silk scarves, but upon deeper inspection, I find that my Siena scarf of the Caterpillar Contrade, while very lovely and colorful, is 100% pure polyester. Could have fooled me, indeed it did. Humble apologies, group.

Posted by
5837 posts

Would a scarf work?

Probably not as well as a mask that fits closely to your face.

"You can imagine if you put a loosely knit scarf with lots of holes in
it ... that would not be very effective," says Dr. Michael Klompas, an
infectious disease physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

The goal is to create a barrier that catches droplets and keeps others
from coming in, so you want coverage that is tightly woven and

Posted by
3961 posts

Hey Pam!
Just revisiting Dr. Birx’ lovely scarf today. It is Hermes. It’s a “steal” on EBay. $285. 😂

Posted by
15022 posts

Hahaha, Janis! I saw her this morning on Good Morning America and wondered if it was Hermes! Definitely "cheap" for a used scarf, lol!!

Posted by
1 posts

At least there is a bit of fashion thrown in with the daily Task Force Virus Briefings!
Dr. Birx had a scarf on today which looked like stained glass .. very pretty. But I did want to reach out and fix her collar.
Who am I to judge as I lounge in my Lazy Boy eating bon bons. Thank you Dr. Birx for all that you do.

Posted by
5621 posts

She said today that her scarf was a gift from distant peers/colleagues. I think she said in Africa.

Posted by
1 posts

I've noticed that Dr. Birx always wears the same earrings.
There must be a story behind this . . . does anyone know why?

Posted by
4140 posts

Don’t know the story behind her current go to pair but in scouring google images this AM I found a picture from a briefing where she wore diamond studs. There were also a few older pictures from the before times (and her hair was long) where she wore roundish gold earrings with a pearl like center. Interesting that she wears basically one pair now...hmmmmm.

Posted by
15022 posts

She's probably too exhausted at night to even take her earrings out!

Posted by
1542 posts

You are right, Pam, and she is probably trying to cut down on how many times she touches her face !

Posted by
8058 posts

Or she’s providing some consistency on that stage each day.

Posted by
1542 posts

I am going to report this using the most objective and neutral language possible. Dr. Birks has made a mention in the current Randy Rainbow song. You may view this on YouTube. It is titled "A spoonful of Clorox will make your temperature go down."
Randy says "dr. Berks looks like she'll barf or hang herself with her own scarf "
This post is about dr. Burks and her scarf.

Posted by
1194 posts

I've noticed that Dr. Birx always wears the same earrings.
There must be a story behind this . . . does anyone know why?

I used to do that all the time when I was working long hours. I knew those earrings looked good on me and they were comfortable. Win!

Most important, it was one less decision in a day filled with decisions.

Posted by
5837 posts

Dr. Brix strategy of looking good and keeping quiet puts her in line to replace HHS Secretary Azar.

Posted by
15022 posts

I follow the wonderful scarf blog by MaiTai and what do you know? Today up pops a blog post on Dr Birx and her scarves although MaiTai’s re-creations are with a bit more style!

No connection to this person, just enjoy her demos.

Posted by
3961 posts

Pam, thanks for sharing the scarf blog! I was wondering when her scarves would be highlighted. Great examples. BOOKMARKED!!

Posted by
15022 posts

Janis! So glad you liked that blog. The writer is just terrific and is so talented. Her videos and demos are wonderful.

Posted by
15022 posts

Oh I had not seen that clip! I'll bet the "small religious community" is inundated with requests as well as the Salt River tribe!

Thanks for posting!

Posted by
3961 posts

Just when I thought this thread had "gone away" Dr. Birx is making another fashion comeback. Funny, I was just wondering where Nancy Pelosi was getting her masks. They match every outfit! Voila! A boutique item. Who knew! ;)

Posted by
4657 posts

Well, at least these are easily washable. I cringe at the posts of the sequined, beaded, bedazzled ones that you know will never see a washing machine...

Posted by
5837 posts

Dr. Brix is leadership by example. Hope that her fashion statement encourages more face mask compliance.

Posted by
8049 posts

Hi Pam,

I have a couple of drawers of scarves and wear them when I dress up. For Europe 3-week trips, I love scarves & pack 2-3. I don’t like anything touching up close to the base of my neck, so I pass on many cute scarf-tying styles. After several trips, my two “must haves” scarves are:

  1. A colorful lightweight scarf pre-tied into the loose braided with short tail style. It sits low on my collarbone, so I can remove it from my neck without untying the braid.
  2. An infinity scarf that’s very lightweight. It’s loose on my neck, and I’m able to drape it over my shoulders to enter churches.
Posted by
15022 posts

Jean, I love those ideas! This is an idea for our next Zoom meeting, lol!!

Edgar, I agree. Leading by example. Making it cool. Where are the Kardashians and other influencers when you need them, lol. (Have no idea if they are wearing masks or not!)