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Down jackets or other outdoor gear on your Christmas or Hanukkah list?

REI Garage is offering 25% off selected brands, including Marmot--maker of nice down jackets and the very packble Precip rain jacket (but I don't know if they have those) and of course their own brand. The 25% off is not limited to one item --buy all you want. The REI Garage stuff is already discounted so this is a great deal.

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9088 posts

I have a Precip and like it a lot. I think I saw it this week at Sierra Trading Post for $59 in other colors.

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3301 posts

Also if you are a fan of Patagonia, they have a web specials area on their website with 50% off lots of stuff. I love their R1 zip jacket for hiking and for travel---very durable, roll it up and stuff anywhere, lightweight but warm. It is fleece but has a smooth finish on the outside, so layers easily.