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Ditch the purse; wear a vest

Love to be purse free, so for warmer weather when I can't wear my multi-pocketed jackets, I am contemplating purchase of a vest with enough pocket capacity for my wallet, sunglasses, water bottle, papers, etc.

I prefer a dark color, which sadly rules out the typical safari vests.
No Scottyevest for me -- don't want to spend $100!! -- but have found two moderately priced vests onlne: a unisex one from Magellan's and and a ladies gardening vest from Duluth Trading.

(Links included at the end of the message)
For those who have them, what have your experiences been?
Any advice?
(This purchase is triggered by attending a football game where security forbids purses/backpacks unless they are clear plastic, and I need a way to carry the two water bottles I am allowed to bring!)


Posted by
4657 posts

I am thinking I have seen this elsewhere. :-)
If you can figure out a shirt/pants with enough pockets for the wallet and glasses, there are webbing straps to carry your water. They either clip to a pant belt, or have a long strap to carry across your body. Just saying.....

Posted by
16690 posts

I've considered one but two layers (shirt+ vest) is too warm for sightseeing in many places during the summer. They could be even warmer (in essence, another layer) with a lot of stuff in the pockets. I would have died in parts of Italy with 2 layers on in mid May - early October.

It might be OK for the game as long as it's not a really warm day.
Why can't you bring just one bottle to the game and refill it from a drinking fountain?

Posted by
315 posts

Thank you for sharing the links. Magelians appears to be a bit more secure. I like the collar on the duluthtrading. Layered look is in, go for it.

Posted by
86 posts

I have one that I got from Travel Smith a few years ago (Voyager, I think was the style). Travel Smith still has travel vests, but not the style I have. However, the new style looks good with the collar. I have used mine several times, but have not used it for football games here in the mid-south due to the heat of September. However, I might be able to try it in late October for football. I do like my vest and have used for travel when it does not include hot temperatures and as a purse substitute as well when I had an arm ailment and could not carry a heavy purse (torn rotator cuff). Something else I really like are certain styles of pants from Duluth Trading Post that have multiple zip pockets. Their Breezeshooter shorts are a life saver here in the south during the summer when I do not want to take a purse.

Posted by
227 posts

i have a vest from Eddie Bauer that is black, has a collar and is somewhat fitted in the back with a couple of pockets in front and one inside that works beautifully. It was part of the Travel line but recently, some of the Travel line have been odd sizing. I use it for travel.

Posted by
796 posts

I like the blue Duluth Trading Company vest. Thanks for finding it for me!

Posted by
5837 posts

In this day with suicide bombers on the minds of arena security staff, a person wearing a stuffed vest to a crowded event during warm months would stand out. Hence the reason for clear plastic.

The association of police chiefs recommended this year that police on
the scene simply shoot suspected bombers in the head -- "specifically,
at the tip of the nose when facing the bomber . . .or about one inch
below the base of the skull from behind." The London officers who two
weeks after the July bombings killed an innocent Brazilian man whom
they suspected of being a suicide bomber were operating on similar
instructions, a shoot-to-kill policy known as Operation Kratos.

Posted by
4657 posts

Ah...after Edgar's much do you like football?

Posted by
2795 posts

I have the vest.

I use it on the plane if I have a bulkhead seat.

That's it!

(So it has never gone to Europe, but did make the trip to California a lot when I used to commute cross country every other week)