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Compression socks

How tight do they have to be? I wore some once on an 8 hour flight. They were fairly snug, but not uncomfortable. 15 to 20 pressure. They were black.

I’d like to wear some beige ones, but don’t have time to order. I went to Walgreens and they have compression trouser hose. The 15 to 20 don’t seem near as snug as my socks. Do you think I need to go up to the 20 to 30? I’m wearing white capris and don’t want to wear heavy black ones.

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4657 posts

What are you trying to accomplish? If you have a medical condition requiring them, then stick with doctor's requirement, but if trying to keep down swelling or thinking it will help avoid deep vein thrombosis for a typically healthy individual, then my view is anything helps. Otherwise, ask the Walgren's pharmacist.......

Posted by
6893 posts

Talk to your doctor. Medical advice from strangers on the internet (well-meaning though they may be) is not reliable.

That said, I've heard that wearing socks to combat thrombosis on a flight is completely useless, and that "compression socks" won't help. If serious health concerns really prompt you to do this, it's possible that you shouldn't be flying at all. Get advice from someone who knows you and knows what they're talking about - your physician.

Posted by
1080 posts

I just want them for feet swelling. The socks I had used before were a snug fit and did the trick. I’ve 17 weeks out from bunion surgery, and really don’t want my feet to swell. The compression hose at Walgreens, at 15 to 20, aren’t near the snugness as my socks. But they are snug. I guess I’m wondering if just slight snugness is all one needs to keep the swelling down.

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23741 posts

IT DEPENDS ON WHAT IS CAUSING THE SWELLING !!!! I am sorry Lulu you ABSOLUTELY must check and follow your doctor's recommendations. This can be a minor problem and it can also be a serious problem with some serious consequences. And the amount of compression can be critical. Especially if you have had recent surgery. Why would you want to take any chances????

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12257 posts

Talk to your doctor

I see a pattern forming, and for good reason.

Posted by
242 posts

Check with your doctor is good advice. My wife and I both have compression stocking, higher compression than you have, due to concerns about swelling. I have had foot surgery so swelling is of concern, but my Dr. recommends compression socks on any flight.

Posted by
1045 posts

I'm closing this thread. Good advice has been given and we want to make sure that any risky advice doesn't appear later.