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Clarification on cosmetics carryon.

I know we have one quart limit with all liquids, foams etc. I'd like to take my cosmetics on with me. I have the liquids and lip gloss in my one quart. Am I allow carry on the other stuff in my cosmetic bag....eyeshadows, liners and lipsticks?

Posted by
630 posts

I know we have one quart limit with all liquids, foams etc. I'd like
to take my cosmetics on with me. I have the liquids and lip gloss in
my one quart. Am I allow carry on the other stuff in my cosmetic
bag....eyeshadows, liners and lipsticks?

I'm not sure of the rule, but I've always done this without any problems.

Posted by
16787 posts

Look at it this way....if you pour it on the floor, and it makes a puddle, it goes in the 3-1-1 bag. Eyeliner will do this, lipstick won't.

But use the website above to double check.

Posted by
2768 posts

Eyeshadow and lipstick are not liquids so you can bring as much as you want in whatever case you like . Ditto for liner pencil. Liquid liner is...liquid so must be in the liquid bag.

I am not sure about mascara. I've always had it in my non-liquid case but technically I can see an argument either way. I'd just move it into the right bag if I'm ever asked.

Posted by
524 posts

Thanks everyone! Kathy, that is a cool link, thanks. Mascara belongs in the 3-1-1 bag.

Posted by
6657 posts

Gels count as liquids. I once received a stern talking-to from a TSA worker in San Antonio because I had a jar of face cream.

Posted by
208 posts

Same with "gel" deodorant (goes in 3-1-1). Now, I only take "solid" - tricky, because the containers are almost identical and wording difference is subtle.

Posted by
16787 posts

I got stopped in Berlin because they wanted to see the deodorant. When he told me why they wanted to look, he pointed to the object on the screen. I said "solid deodorant" and he took my word for it.

Posted by
16908 posts

I once received a stern talking-to from a TSA worker in San Antonio
because I had a jar of face cream.

Arg, Jane, I got chewed out during a random ag check, here in the States after a trip to Italy, for having a half-eaten package of Lifesavers I didn't declare as "food." Shoot, I'd bought the stupid things at that same airport before we flew out! And they aren't a banned item!

That mean lady had me in tears but the trip home had been close to a 24-hour ordeal involving 4 airports and I was just DONE at that point.

Posted by
6657 posts

Kathy, I had to laugh when I read your post about Lifesavers being food, but I've been there too - so damned tired that things just blow up.

Posted by
105 posts

Glad for this thread. I have never put mascara in the 3-1-1 but will start in order to not tempt fate.

Posted by
403 posts

I've never put my cosmetics in, including lipstick and burt's bees, in my quart bag and it's been fine. I do put lotions, ointments, and other creams in my quart bag. I had my small container of greek yoghurt thrown away at the local airport once, but was able to carry jarred smoked salmon (home smoked, with liquid) from Alaska. I think it depends on the agent.