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Carry on Size

I'm traveling with my wife and 17 yo grandson to Switzerland in July. I just bought my grandson a 22in. Travel Pro Crew11 carry on bag. I am concerned that with wheels and handle it will be too large for our United flight. Is United really checking the size of all carry on bags?

Posted by
16783 posts

Measure the bag yourself and don't rely on the "stated" dimensions. Some companies, when giving out the size of the bag, only include the bag and not the wheels and handles. Travelpro has been known to do this

If it truly is 22" then you will have no problem if only on United. But if it is a codeshare flight you might have a problem.

Posted by
5837 posts

Is your flight to Switzerland a United Airlines flight operated by United or a code share operated by Swiss Air? We booked a flight to Zurich through United Airlines with a United flight number that was operated by Swiss Air. (If you book a Swiss Air operated flight through United, you can only get seat assignments 24 hours before flight time.)

If your United flight is operated by Swiss Air, their economy class carry-on limit is slightly more restrictive than United:
1 x max. 8 kg Dimensions max. 55 x 40 x 23 cm (Note that 55 cm = 21.65 inches)

Posted by
19350 posts

And note that 8 kg. is only 17.6 lb.

And if you discipline yourself to pack light, 17.6 lb is entirely sufficient.

Posted by
23736 posts

Easy way to check. If you are close to the airport, take the bag out and put it in one of United sizing boxes. My guess is that it will not fit. Bag measurements seldom include handles and wheels. Set the bag against wall, use a square, and determine the true measurements.

Posted by
5316 posts

Yes, United Airlines does check the size of carry-on bags.

The last time I flew on United this past October, I had my 22" roller carry-on ( includes handle & wheels) and the United representative pulled me aside right before boarding and told me that I had to check my luggage. I asked if I could show her that my bag was the correct size, and her answer was, "No, step aside!"
So... While everyone else proceeded to board the plane and before another United representative printed the luggage tag, I asked her if I could please place my bag into the sizing box, and she agreed. Lo and behold, my bag fit into the sizer perfectly fine, so I was able to board the plane WITH my luggage.

So beware!

Posted by
55 posts

Hmmm, it seems that United personnel are either unaware of their own rules or don't think that they really apply to them. Note that the appalling video of the guy being dragged bloodied from the plane because the airline overbooked was also a UNITED flight. Why should I ever fly United?

Posted by
23736 posts

You will fly them again because they are going where you want to go and at the price you are willing to pay.

Posted by
55 posts

Wanna bet? Everywhere I go I have multiple airlines to choose from and I have NEVER seen United to be drastically cheaper than other carriers. The best way to force corporate brands to change their ways is to let them know that their bad behavior is costing them business - by letting them know you are boycotting them and then following through with it. We are treated like cattle because we accept it. If we demand better service by taking our business elsewhere, we'll get better service all around.

Posted by
8303 posts

that is all a crock; the combined price, timing, desired flight destination choice wins out every time for the average joe; not all people are made the same as far as how airline travel effects them;
let stick to giving the OP advice about his grandson's chances with the 22in bag

Posted by
16783 posts

The number one want of the average flier is cheap fares. The airlines do tons of market research and it has been proven that people care more about cheap fares than anything else. That's why we now have extra fees for everything when in the past your ticket included checked bags, meals, drinks, reserved seats, etc.

It's also psychological. The airline offers you a fare of $10 to get from point A to point B. Once they add on all the extras it comes out to nearly $90. But that same passenger is going to brag with pride that his fare is only $10.

Posted by
2810 posts

Oh yes, the "I am never flying airline X again because of whatever"

Followed by "oh look, airline X is $5 cheaper let's fly them"

And of course for every person saying "I am never flying United due to this latest incident" there is another person saying "I am never flying Delta again due to the meltdown they had last week" And the churn goes on.....

Posted by
55 posts

Yeah, lots of folks are conned by the shell game of too good to be true low advertised prices, but Google Ryanair's ratings and about 20-30% of the reviews are from people who hate them with a white hot passion, regardless of how cheap their advertised fares are. I shop around for lower prices, but I won't do business with a company that is dishonest or has reputation for poor customer service. And yet, I still get everywhere I need to go, and I'll bet I don't pay more on average than those who chase the chimerical low fares of some carriers. Southwest is consistently rated among at or near the top domestic U.S. carriers, yet they aren't the cheapest. That rather is at odds with the "low price always wins" mantra.

The race to the bottom for low airfares doesn't make the experience more enjoyable, in fact it does quite the opposite. At some point people will pay a bit more if the experience is less stressful, you feel like the airline actually cares about you and your comfort, you aren't being nickel and dimed to death, and you have a bit more legroom.

Posted by
8 posts

Years of bad reputation and customer dissatisfaction eventually saw Ryanair despite price passenger numbers start to fall. They only recovered numbers by drastically changing policy to be more customer friendly.

Flights now are so competitively priced and easy to search for with things like skyscanner. When you get say 3 airlines similar flights and maybe only small price range $10-$30 difference, I see sense in going with the airline with better service. At least if there are any problems they will solve them whereas some airlines can turn a problem into a nightmare.

Posted by
5697 posts

Back on the carry-on question -- I took my 22" rolling suitcase to SFO to try it in the United baggage tester, and it just fit. Great! Then I realized that it fit empty, but packed it was going to bulge out ... so I just decided to check it and avoid any hassle at the airport. Result: easy boarding without dragging the bag and it met me at the baggage carousel by the time I cleared immigration, found the restroom, etc.