Yesterday was a chilly, windy and pollen-y day in Paris and my itchy eyes felt better inside. However it was May Day and most all the museums are closed so I retreated to the hotel by late afternoon. Nancy's post about how her clothes worked was on my mind.
My wardrobe choices are working out really well so far and altho I am awful at math, I think I've got 90 combinations for 3+ weeks, lol, assuming each combo is pants, shirt, cardie and scarf. Some look better together than others but all are possible. All pants go with all shirts go with all cardies go with all scarves. More combos would be possible if I didnt need the cardie and scarf all the time. So far I think my favorite combo would be the gray pants, white shirt, cobalt sweater and black/white/gray scarf...but I haven't tried all 90!!
Here's what I've got.
Dark blue jeans
Black jeans
Gray jeans
Cobalt SS Lands End cotton modal tee
White SS Lands End cotton modal tee
Black SS Lands End cotton modal tee
Teal SS Smartwool tee
Lt teal SS Smartwool tee
White, cobalt, aqua (from home)
White, black, gray (bought here)
Aqua, dark blue, black (bought here)
Each pr pants with each shirt and one cardie: 5 X 2=10 X 3 scarves = 30
My biggest error was taking out the long-sleeve shirt trying to save some weight. Out of 5 days so far it would have been comfortable 3 days it's been so chilly. I'm packing in the RS 21" roller, unexpanded. The jeans all are a poly mix so they dry overnight. The tee shirts have all made the travel team before so are tried and true.
Apparently I have been reading Vivienne Files for too many years because I really want to do a matrix with little pictures of each combo!