I read this article today from the Travel: By the Way section of the Washington Post and wanted to share it, if possible. It seemed like the Packing forum would be the best place.
I'm a person who checks any bag rarely and only when I have to and who feels that if I can't manage my luggage on my own, I shouldn't be traveling. I never ask for help from anyone, but (there's always a but) I'll admit that I have accepted assistance in putting my international carry-on (which never weighs over 20 pounds) in the overhead bin on a plane. As my hair has gotten grayer and my face more wrinkled, the offers have all come from men who were young enough to be my son or grandson. Thanks to all those guys.
I would never ask a flight attendant for assistance for all the reasons listed in this article. This is the first time I've ever shared a WP article this way. I hope it works. 🤞
"Don’t get angry when flight attendants won’t lift your bag for you."