I’m leaving Monday morning for my Christmas Market trip. I’m going to Bruges, Cologne, Strasbourg, the Black Forest (coldest destination) and Frankfurt. I have difficulty finding comfortable shoes and have plantar fasciitis, so I don’t want to have to buy anything there. I bought these before my 10 week trip last year and they saved my feet.
Because they worked out so well I bought these booties for my trip and I’ve been wearing them a lot to be sure. They are keepers.
My dilemma is what to bring for a back up pair of shoes. I have an older pair of waterproof Clarks similar to these except in black and without the zippers. They are very comfortable, but I’ve never worn them with thick socks before.
I also have a pair of these booties that fit like my other two Ecco shoes do. I follow a travel person on YouTube that always recommends these shoes and describes them as waterproof.
Another option I have is a pair of Uggs that are mid calf height, are waterproof and have good tread. They are not like typical Uggs. They are definitely bulkier than the other options though, so I would have to wear them every time I relocate so I wouldn’t have to pack them. They are about 4 years old and they don’t seem to make them or anything similar anymore.
We haven’t had any rain for me to test the grey booties out and I was wondering if anyone has these and can advise me if they are waterproof and an acceptable 2nd pair of shoes as a back up. I would appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks!