I got a bag with a retracting handle, which is really being difficult to operate. Pulling the handle out or pushing it back is isn't smooth and often requires extremely heavy effort and pressing and releasing the button on the handle over and over before it lets me complete the operation.
The bag is still brand new, tags on it, hasn't done two feet of "driving" even in my house because I'm trying to return it. Customer service is being very obstinate, They first told me I don't know how to operate the handle, that I needed to use the button. I've sent photos, videos, they are still not helping me just return this defective bag.
All the more frustrating as it's like my fourth Rick Steves bag, not to mention countless other items I've bought with his name on them. I've got half the gadgets in the store, and more books than I can count.
I feel like I'm being abused and am really let down by this poor service I'm getting.