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Air France carry on size limit enforced strictly?

I am flying Air France between Dublin and Paris later this month. Air France's 21”x13”x9” carry on size limit is slightly smaller than many other airlines allow; and an inch narrower than my current bag. Am I likely to pass the bag template with a lightly packed soft carry on or would I be smart to buy a carry on that fits Air France's limit?

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5697 posts

We flew Air France from Paris to Munich last year and just paid the in-advance fee for checking our rollaboards rather than worrying about whether they would fit (and possibly paying the higher at-the-airport baggage fee)

Much cheaper than buying a new carry-on for just one flight. But we are not philosophically wedded to the concept of carry-on-only.

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3 posts

Thanks, but Air France is charging $100 for additional checked bags. I can buy a new carry on for much less than the $200 round trip checked bag fee.

Posted by
16619 posts

Air France's stated limits are 55 x 35 x 25 cm which they rounded down to 21 x 13 x 9.

In reality, the allowed dimensions, in inches, are: 21.6 x 13.8 x 9.8.

If the actual width of your bag is 14", and not 14" plus the handle, you won't have a problem as most sizers are built slightly, and I mean slightly, larger. The difference is about 1 cm.

If you have to check it, the fee will depend on what ticket you have but no more than $30 at the airport. (In Euros). A lot cheaper than buying a new bag.

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16895 posts

Paul, you said "a lightly packed soft carry on." If your soft-sided bag is not full, then it's the stuffed dimensions that matter, not the size to which it could theoretically be filled. If it's squishable, then squish it. If it has compression straps, then use them to keep everything compact.

Posted by
111 posts

We just flew from Gatwick to Glasgow on British Air. They have the new smaller size carry-on bag requirement and are strictly enforcing it. Their fee is also $100 pet checked bag. The size didn't matter as much as whether it fits in the bag sizer compartment. This includes the wheels on your bag. Ours wouldn't fit, my husband debate with them long enough that they checked out bags for free. It's just another way for airlines to make money and irritate their customers. It is definitely something to be aware of when booking airlines.

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3 posts

Thanks everyone for the very helpful replies.
My carry on is about 22"x16"x9" (larger if fully packed). It sounds like the 16" dimension could cause trouble.
By the way, I was wrong about the added checked bag fee. What I'm seeing right now is €20 online or €30 at the airport with a "MiNi or Basic Price" fare and €45 online or €70 at the airport for "other fares". Not sure which fare I purchased other than it is economy. I will have to look into that.

Posted by
112 posts

I bought Rick Steve's carry on/back pack bag so I could carry it on board instead of checking ... bottom line, they made me check it anyway because there was no room.

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1068 posts

Given the "variance" of different airports, airlines and personnel, I now prepare for strict enforcement of bag sizes on all flights.

Posted by
5697 posts

But as noted above, even if your bag meets all the size/weight requirements, if you are boarding a smaller plane with room for only x bags and yours would be bag number x+1 it will have to be gate checked.

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23671 posts

You really don't have a choice anymore. Just have to assume it will be checked. If not, consider it good luck. If you bag is a one of the newer light weight hard shell, it may not pass because it cannot be compressed. If it a soft side you probably be ok. Where I see most of the failures is in the length. The wheels and handles are too long.