Starved for travel related opportunities, I signed up for a packing class at my local AAA store.
Imagine my surprise when the teacher announced that a traveler should never take a debit card to Europe but should instead take a cash advance on his/her credit card. This teacher obviously does not read the travel forum!😀. She then went on to tell a horror story of a woman losing 120,000 dollars through debit card fraud while traveling. My conclusion from this story was no one should use a debit card with that much money attached to it, vs not use one at all. (To finish the story, the woman got her money back).
She also proudly showed how she fit 14 different tops into her carryon. I had to hand it to her for her packing skills, but wondered if 14 tops was perhaps a bit much for the packing light concept.
It does go to show that we each have the items that are important to us and finding a way to efficiently pack those items can make it much easier to handle our luggage and make sure we arrive with what we need. I am now inspired to do a practice packing for my trip next week. I always end up having to weed some items out……..