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30 day supply of multivitamins

I'm trying to be space and weight conscious, but I'm unable to find a 30 day supply of a multivitamin in order to leave my 500 tablet space hog container behind. Will I be able to find a multivitamin in Italy next month?



Posted by
8113 posts

Another approach would be to take an empty 100 (?) Advil or Tylenol bottle, soak or scrape the label off, and mark it with a Sharpie for what you're going to put in it. I have multiple bottles, for antioxidants and Glucosamine, etc. Only my blood-pressure medication is in its orginal bottle.

Posted by
1225 posts

Put them in a baggie! I've traveled for years to Europe with all vitamins and supplements in a baggie. Lightweight, no problem.

Posted by
28614 posts

I transfer the right quantity of each pill (trip length plus a few extra days) into a bottle of just the right size. Prescription drugs are in a prescription bottle, but I confess that mine (3, all very tiny) are combined into a single bottle. I have the prescription documentation with me.

I know this could theoretically be a problem, but I've decided it's a risk I will take, because my trips are long and I have--in addition to the prescriptions--12 pills to take each day, of which 6 are quite large.

Furthermore, as the trip progresses I tend to consolidate further, throwing away some of the bottles along the way.

Putting pills in Zip Lock bags would save some weight and bulk, but I'm not sure that's advisable on a longer trip because of exposure to humidity. (I am not a doctor or a pharmacist, or even a drug rep.)

Posted by
1662 posts

As someone else mentioned, put supply into a baggie.

There are "pill baggies" sold in Walmart pharmacy or probably your favorite, local pharmacy like Walgreen's or Rite Aid.

Posted by
6620 posts

We use baggies. I'll count out various supplements for myself and my DH, then label the baggies or include a slip of paper with how many per day he or I take in a day. It works out to 2 or three baggies each; usually 2.

Posted by
302 posts

I do what the other posters said, using the tiny zip lock pill bags. But I think you are only talking about one daily tablet; so that is way too much work, x 30 baggies! I would, as said, just put 30+ into a baggie and take out a few at a time as you go, to store in your toiletries bag. I use the wasted space inside the suitcase lining, inside a shoe, etc at the outset when I have a full supply. Staying healthy is the most important thing when traveling and far from home. For me, it's no time to take chances buying a product I have never used...

Posted by
9102 posts

Yes, they sell multi-vitamins in Europe. Its become quite a civilized place.

Posted by
23688 posts

Doug, they also see fresh fruits and vegetables in the US so that is not a European thing. And Europeans despite all of their fresh fruits and vegetables take multivitamins.

Posted by
15182 posts

Bring the vitamins, no need to spend over there on this item.

My spinner includes certain vitamins, no multivitamins though. The prescribed meds go into the carry-on and the waist belt...haved never been questioned by TSA or any other security as to these containers' contents.

Posted by
16806 posts

No sweat; a plain 'ol baggie will do the trick!
Baggies are good for all sorts of uses so I usually pack along a couple of different sizes should we need them.

Posted by
6620 posts

We both take a lot of supplements, and we always pack them loose into baggies. We've never had a problem with security or customs. If we ever have to have prescription medications, then yes, we would probably use the original containers.

Posted by
32406 posts


What kind of multivitamins are they? The multivitamins I use are supplied in a bottle of about 120, so more than enough to last for a 30 day trip. If I'm going for a shorter trip, I transfer enough vitamins to last the trip into a smaller bottle. This is an easy problem to solve.

I wouldn't be too concerned about space or weight, as that quantity of vitamins won't be a problem to travel with.

Posted by
9371 posts

I agree, a baggie is all you need. I count out my vitamins and supplements for the amount of time I'll be gone (I don't care about taking extras because they are only supplements, not drugs) and put them all together in one baggie. I travel to Europe nearly every year and have never been asked about them or had any problem.

Posted by
5697 posts

I have one baggie for each prescription, label from the bottle transferred to the outside of the baggie. Vitamin D3 and calcium in their own baggies, with description and dosage written on the bag with black marker. If I were carrying restricted substances, they would be in the original bottle.