I'm travelling from Atrani to Florence on October 5th. We were planning to take the bus from Atrani to Salerno. I've already bought Freccia tickets from Salerno to Florence. According to what I read, my train from Salerno to Florence is fine. But will the bus from Atrani to Salerno be affected?
Please scroll thru the forum- there are several threads with train strike info
Here is one:
In addition to the thread link that Christine posted, also look at this one: https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/transportation/i-have-new-info-direct-from-trenitalia-about-october-5th-possible-strikes. In both of these threads you will find some discussion and sharing of information on what may happen on Oct 5th. You might also try contacting the bus company or the tourist information office in Atrani or maybe the place you are staying to see if they have any information but you may be told, as several of us were, that they won't know until closer to the date. You also might look into other transportation to replace the bus ride such as a taxi or ferry just in case. For myself, I changed my reservations in northern Italy to avoid worrying about bus lines in two locations originally planned for Oct. 5..