Yeah. Italian newspapers reported about the latest criticism on Rome by the NYT, “Rome in ruins”, showing plenty of full garbage dumpsters.
I frankly don’t have a lot of respect for the whole profession of journalism. They don’t inform the public with objective news, rather they write one sided propaganda that gives a totally distorted view of reality.
Journalists abroad do the same. Not long ago I saw a report on an Italian media outlet about the enormous homeless crisis in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. The piece focused on the homeless problem caused by high real estate prices in the Bay Area. Image after image, it was a display of tent cities where homeless people lived under freeway underpasses in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. People interviewed were all homeless living in shelters and in the streets. Anybody who saw that report in Italy must have thought that the Silicon Valley and the entire Bay Area was nothing but a huge Brazilian Favela o an African shantytown.
Now, I’m not saying that lack of affordable housing is not a problem in this area, but the report was so one sided, that a foreign audience, who were the target of the report, got a totally distorted view of the state of the area, which, in spite of the problems, by most measures, remains a world success in terms of innovation, job creation, and wealth.