For what it is worth, this month to month guidance, or more frequently as needed, has been the process since early 2020.
Representatives from the EU countries do apparently meet tomorrow (8/27), at these meetings they review current recommendations, the covid situation, and issue new guidance. Each member country then takes that guidance and decides what they will change, or not.
If there is any item of concern, it is that back in June, the US was around the 75/100,000 level of infection, last month the US was up in the 250/100,000 range, and no new guidance (or only minor adjustments) was made. Now the US is in the 500/ 100,000 range.
So it is concerning as to what the new guidance may be, but the pressure from airlines and the tourism industry is fairly intense, so the general consensus is that any immediate adjustments will be minor. The most likely, for Italy, is adding back in testing for everybody, similar to what was done for the "covid flights", but who knows.