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Italy Travel Restrictions after August 30?

According to the IATA Travel Regulations map (, Italy last updated their travel regulations August 1 and they apply through August 30.

I haven't seen any updates of what will happen after the 30th. Supposedly the EU was going to meet earlier this week to review non-binding guidance for member states, but haven't seen anything on that as well.

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47 posts

I’m in the boat of anxiously awaiting the updates. From what I understand, the Ministry of Health has been announcing the updates for the next month 1-2 days prior to the date they would take effect. So we likely won’t know anything until Friday at the earliest (hoping they announce it by Friday so we’re not waiting all weekend). I guess they last announced it on their FB page (which is so weird), and that can be found here:

I’m really hoping that if they tighten regulations on US tourists, it will only be to require the vaccine (instead of also allowing unvaccinated travelers in with proof of a negative test) OR require both the vaccine and a negative PCR or something. But since they were so strict with UK residents, and requiring them to quarantine for 5 days upon arrival, even if vaccinated, I’m just not sure what’s going to happen. Germany recently tightened restrictions on US tourists, and only required vaccination to enter (no quarantine), so I’m hoping Italy follows suit.

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260 posts

Personally all travel should have only occurred if you were vaccinated. And if you did not get the vaccine than your SOL. So maybe that will happen. But sometimes money from tourism trumps common sense.

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47 posts

Edryer - I completely agree with you. I do feel that vaccination should be a requirement for international travel at this point (since the vaccine is readily available in the US) because that seems to be the general consensus among disease experts as far as curbing the infection rate. But the question here is if Italy will make it a requirement to quarantine upon arrival, even if vaccinated, because that’s what they did to UK residents when their case count was similar to the US right now. I’m hoping they just put a vaccination requirement in the entry regulations instead of a quarantine, but we won’t know until Aug 30 or a few days prior. Or maybe they won’t even change it at all.

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260 posts

Hopefully a quarantine is not required for Italy because that will ruin our schedule from when we arrive. We leave Sept 28th for Venice. And if that happens we will probably have to reschedule our entire trip for next year

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47 posts

We’re in the same boat - it’s so frustrating, isn’t it? We leave 9/22, and we would hate to reschedule after having to twice already. We’re desperate to make this trip happen. I feel awful for people who have flights to Italy around Aug 30 and still don’t know what will happen. I’m just grateful we will at least have some time to adjust to any new entry requirements. Hopefully we will just need the vaccine - fingers crossed.

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3812 posts

What makes you think that there will be more restrictions for tourists from Canada, USA and Japan after August the 31st?

From September 1st a Green Pass will be mandatory to use any mean of transportation with reserved seats, but this has been decided on August 6.

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47 posts

Hi Dario - I don’t think Canada or Japan will see increased restrictions, but it’s possible that the US will only because we have so many cases, and it was a precedent set by Italy when the UK had this many cases. So, since Italy made UK residents quarantine upon arrival even when vaccinated, now that the US has the same amount of cases, it’s possible they may put that regulation in place for US tourists.

This is ALL speculation and not meant to worry everyone, but it is a good idea to be aware in case further restrictions would impede on your upcoming travel plans. Some may not be able to quarantine for 5 days upon arrival, and will then want to postpone or change their plans. It’s just too bad that they make announcements like this so last minute. The last time Italy was to reevaluate the UK quarantine, which was set to expire on July 30, they announced they were extending it July 29.

If you look at the ministry of health website, it says US tourists are allowed to visit, but that this stipulation is set to expire Aug 30, and there has yet been no word either way what they will decide to do.

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205 posts

Leaving 9/16 and watching anxiously. I too hope they just change it to vaccinated only but I plan on testing before we leave anyway just for peace of mind.

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3812 posts

it’s possible they may put that regulation in place for US tourists.

Even if, I couldn't find a single source saying that "valid up to August 30" should be read as "the new rules will be published on the 30th and enforced from September 1st". So if you could post it, I could find the Italian version and check if it was properly translated.
I'd be more worried about Von der Leyen's words about the lack of reciprocity between the US and the USA. It seems to me that the US data will be evaluated at an higher level.

I don’t think Canada or Japan will see increased restrictions

Ok, I get it. But if the US won't enjoy the same special treatment of Canada and Japan anymore, they'll be treated like all the countries in the D list. Not better like now, but why worse?

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47 posts

Hi Dario - here is the link to the Ministry of Health’s FB page:

If you scroll down, you will see his update on July 29 that announced the extension for quarantine mandates for UK travelers, which was set to expire on July 30. So UK residents were only given a day’s notice before confirming that the extension was extended. A few news sources, including The Local, confirmed that was the original source of the announcement.

If you go here:

You will see at the bottom that these entry regulations are enforced through Aug 30. It does not say that they will reevaluate after that, but because a date was given, there has been speculation that they will change entry requirements at that time for any country in reaction to changes in COVID cases.

There is also an article here:

This primarily discusses the EU’s evaluation of the “safe list” of countries (which really doesn’t matter too much since each country makes it’s own entry regulations, anyway) but it does mention that Italy could reevaluate its policies on entry for US citizens around Aug 30.

My guess is that because they haven’t announced anything yet, they will not mandate quarantines for US citizens because announcing such a thing last minute would be extremely detrimental to so many people’s plans. Most countries usually give much more notice than that when new measures are put in place. I’m not sure how much advanced noticed they gave UK citizens before announcing the quarantine mandate measures, though, so who knows, really. Everything is speculative and no one really knows anything.

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47 posts

Dario - sorry you posted again before I saw it! You’re too quick for me. :)

Yeah, so basically, as I said, no one really knows anything. I don’t think it’s likely that entry requirements for US will change, BUT, there is a chance. I think it’s a good idea for people to have the awareness, especially if they plan to depart around Aug 30. Would hate for anyone to be blindsided. For people like me, where unknowns stress me out, I would just like to have confirmation that restrictions won’t change for the US.

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38 posts

Not that it helps, but I'm also in that boat of anxiety! Scheduled to leave US Sept 29 arriving in Rome Sept 30. It's helpful to at least know this timing of when they might review guidelines. Assuming they don't add quarantine at end of August, I may try to back up my flight to be a day earlier in case they are reassessing again at end of September. My fear is being on my way and they change the rules. My "drop dead" to cancel without losing a lot of $$ is Sept 22 so I've also backed up a regular doc appointment to reality check that it isn't too risky. I'm vaccinated, not high risk, and a conscientious masker & really want to stick to this trip if I can reasonably do so!

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47 posts

Hi Robin! I know, it’s a rough situation and I really wish they would announce these big decisions more in advance. My suggestion for you (if you’re even looking for additional opinions), is to wait and see what they decide about the Aug 30 deadline since you have some time. Once that happens, you can then decide if you think it’s a good idea to change your flight to a day prior so that you’re entering Italy before Sept 30. That may bring you some leave of mind leading up to your trip, anyway. I’m thankful that we fly out on 9/22, so once we’re there, it doesn’t matter what happens for the Sept 30 decision :)

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38 posts

@LoveToTravel564 - agree. I am not making any changes until I see what happens end of August. My airline tix are changeable & I'll have several weeks off work, so I have a good amount of flexibility. Normally once I book the flights I feel fully committed & there is no changing my mind, but things are so different now!

I am also expecting that once I'm there, that's it, no more restrictions to be added (unless testing positive or getting sick of course).

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36 posts

I leave for Venice on 8/31. I guess I will find out on 8/30 if the trip goes through or not. The deal breaker will be if a quarantine will be mandated, since both of us are vaccinated and will be have a PCR test prior to leaving. I have decided not to get too stressed over this since it is our of my hands. I am typically a planner, and like things to be in order with minimal surprises, though the pandemic is in control at the moment. We have signed up for 2 RS tours next year, so there always hope.

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8331 posts

For what it is worth, this month to month guidance, or more frequently as needed, has been the process since early 2020.

Representatives from the EU countries do apparently meet tomorrow (8/27), at these meetings they review current recommendations, the covid situation, and issue new guidance. Each member country then takes that guidance and decides what they will change, or not.

If there is any item of concern, it is that back in June, the US was around the 75/100,000 level of infection, last month the US was up in the 250/100,000 range, and no new guidance (or only minor adjustments) was made. Now the US is in the 500/ 100,000 range.

So it is concerning as to what the new guidance may be, but the pressure from airlines and the tourism industry is fairly intense, so the general consensus is that any immediate adjustments will be minor. The most likely, for Italy, is adding back in testing for everybody, similar to what was done for the "covid flights", but who knows.

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85 posts

Well hopefully nothing major changes and that the only requirement is vaccination and a negative covid test. Were supposed to leave Sept 27th to Milan. Until we know for what's up I need to make sure anything else I reserve can be canceled . If I have to cancel trip it would really suck. I was supposed to go last year and so this is do over # two. We started planning this trip again before I realized how much steam the Delta was getting.

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47 posts

Yes, I agree - I think they will likely only permit vaccinated travelers going forward OR require both vaccination and a negative test result. Hopefully there is some kind of update today so we’re not waiting all weekend for it.

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8331 posts

Hopefully there is some kind of update today so we’re not waiting all weekend for it

I would not put the web browser on a 5 minute refresh, usually it takes a few days to settle out, would not anticipate anything official until Monday maybe, but I doubt it will be "lock the doors, keep them Americans out"

However, yes, I am waiting as well, Fly to Rome on Sep. 5 for the rest of September. Currently we have limited reservations to only the first weeks hotels, and two trips on Ryanair.

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47 posts

Paul - Last time they announced the update a day prior, so likely not until Sunday. Just wishful thinking we’ll have an update today because we’re going into a weekend and hoping they would want this all wrapped up by now :) But yes, Monday is also a possibility.

We should actually know relatively quick once it happens because it’s announced on a FB page. I don’t think there will be a few days lag time.

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38 posts

Ugh - I hope you are right in lasering in on unvaccinated! I'm vaxxed and fine with testing. I plan to get tested just in case ever if not required. But a quarantine period is likely to mean I have to cancel. :-(.

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47 posts

Interesting! Just remember that this is the EU, and that each country can still make their own rules. So updates specifically about Italy entry requirements could come at any time, and not necessarily on Monday.

It seems that they really are focusing on allowing only the vaccinated to travel, which is promising in many ways.

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7 posts

I've been watching these boards and websites with keen interest, as I'm traveling to Venice from the US, Italy on 9/3 with a short 1 hour transfer in Amsterdam, assuming all goes smoothly. I'm not holding my breath on that. But I've been fully vaccinated and even received my 3rd booster a couple days ago since I will be at the 8 month mark while in Europe. I plan to go from Italy to Slovenia and then Croatia and will be in that part of the world for the month of September. Will a copy (either photo, paper or both) suffice or do I need to take the original with me? I guard that thing like my passport and keep it in a safe. I've also used an app called Clear which some portions of the US are using as verification of vaccination. For example, the State of Hawaii is using it for fliers coming to the state and New York businesses are accepting it too. It provides a QR code alongside a current photo of yourself. At the moment it sounds like I won't be required to quarantine but I'm still trying to figure out how short airline transfers are handled. I'll be flying on Delta.

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4 posts

Any one have more information on whether the proposed ban is limited to the unvaccinated? We're scheduled to fly in on September 1

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329 posts

@lberney: At this point I don't think we'll learn anything until Monday.

I was booked on a 9-day bike tour, leaving for Bologna the 14th. I had planned a few nights in Bologna at the front end and four nights in Rome at the back end, returning home the 1st. But I've injured my hamstring and have had to cancel the tour itself. The only question for me personally is if I travel anyway and play tourist or pull the plug completely. I'm just waiting to hear what things will be like and wondering if the mostly British tour group will even be able to go. At present I'm about 80% pull the plug.

To think how optimistic I was back last October when I booked the tour and December when I booked the flights.

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47 posts

Lberney - Everything is still unknown. The proposed restrictions for the unvaccinated are still not yet official, and that specific regulation only applies to the E.U. in general. Each country can still make its own rules, so we’re all waiting for Italy to announce what it plans to do after Aug 30. I’m so sorry your flight is on 9/1. I can’t imagine how stressful that just be right now!

Last time, the announcement came from the Ministry of Health’s FB page:

You’ll just want to make sure you’re looking at updates about Italy specifically since they’re not obligated to follow the E.U. suggestions. Crossing my fingers for you!

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4 posts

I know we're all operating in the dark until August 30th but this article got me concerned:

I think most of us on this forum would be okay to restricting entry to those that have been vaccinated and even needing a PCR test prior to arrival. But if they impose the 5 day quarantine a la the UK or ban US outright I know there will be a lot of us very sad.

It's so frustrating that vaccines have become so politicized and as a result we can't put this virus in the rear view.
Fingers crossed the restrictions won't be too onerous.

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8331 posts

Not to add to peoples concerns, but Italy had rated all of it's regions as "White", meaning minimal restrictions, Sicily however has been moved to "Yellow", and Calabria and Sardinia are regions of concern.

Yellow means wearing a mask everywhere, even outdoors, and some restrictions on hours of restaurants and various other measures. Still manageable for most travelers.

As for any announcement on revised measures for entry after Aug. 30th, it does not appear that anything significant will change, but it may do away with the 5 Day quarantine coming from the UK, if you are vaccinated and test negative. However, right now, only snippets of Italy's policy have been commented on by officials, no official release.

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329 posts

Reuters on my phone app is now reporting Italy will lift quarantine requirements for vaccinated and negative UK travellers after August 30. Existing restrictions for travellers from other countries will remain in place.

I cannot find the article on the Reuters web site, so cannot post the link right now. Date line is Aug 28, 9:50AM (PDT?)

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52 posts

Click on the above FB link from 8/25. A friend just sent it to me, I don’t have FB and can’t forward it to you but so far that’s the latest.

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47 posts

ChristineH - May I ask why you think that? It seems pretty straight forward, and several other news sources have confirmed the quarantine has been lifted for U.K. residents if they are vaccinated and provide a negative test. This was announced by the Minister of Health himself. His social media platforms.

Since there was so mention of US residents, I will be curious to see if anything else is announced by Monday. But I don’t see that happening and think everything will stay the same for us.

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52 posts

I think the thing to do is just keep your eyes and ears open and wait with the realization that it’s out of your hands right now. We can’t control everything.
And then just have a nice weekend.

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4 posts

I just read that vaccinated Americans will now need a test within 72 hours of arrival in Italy. This was not an official source so I have no link to share. At least no quarantine which I sure many of us were worried about.

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205 posts

Iberney- Looks like you are correct. We will probably have a official announcement today or tomorrow. This might not be 100% accurate so I would wait for the official announcement but I saw this below in a another group.



The negative test result, which may be either a PCR or an antigen test, needs to be collected no more than 72 hours prior to ARRIVAL in Italy.


(Children under the age of 6 can still enter Italy without being tested, and without being vaccinated. Children age 6 and above can still enter Italy without vaccination, but must present a negative test result).

The foregoing requirement applies to all persons who have stayed in or transited through Canada, Japan or the United States in the 14 days prior to entry into Italy.


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105 posts

Hi. With some effort I found the announcement as a uploaded document on the Italian website. I then had to download the document and put it in google translate to read it in English. The main parts of the website have not been updated as the change isn’t in effect until aug 31st

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605 posts

Just curious, do the new regulations still allow unvaccinated in with a test from the US or are they as of Aug 31 no longer allowed. If they are still allowed is the only difference that now everybody has to come in with a test?

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85 posts

Wow I hope this stays the case and if your vaccinated with a negative Covid test you can still fly to Italy. I'm leaving Sept 27 if all stays the same for 3 weeks with a friend. She's never been and the last time I was there was 93. All these late nights planning our trip. This is a attempt #2 from the previous trip that was canceled last year. Fingers crossed.