I think I want to go back to Florence from December 6-15, give or take a few days. Apparently most of the lights come on December 8, so that will give me time to get in and settled. I'd love to see the Christmas lights in Florence and the surrounding villages/towns. I looked at flights out of Dulles this morning and it looks like there are no direct flights to Rome, at least not scheduled yet. I haven't booked many flights before though, so maybe I'm not understanding something? I could fly out of any of the MD area airports, but I'm most familiar with Dulles, so that just seemed easiest. I was thinking I'd try to fly United since I've flown with them a few times and not had any big issues. The stuff I've read about flights all summer has me a bit nervous, but I'm hoping since this will be a slower tourist season, it won't be so bad. The flights I did see were pretty expensive (1300ish), but I guess that's normal and the price I'll have to pay. It does seem that Airbnbs are more affordable than I'd expected, although they generally add a crazy cleaning fee onto the price, so I'm open to ideas for lodging too. I really want a good view, washer and drier and of course heat. When I was there in March/April I had a little place right in the Piazza Santa Maria Novella and it was heavenly being able to look at the church while I had my coffee in the morning.
Assuming I can figure out the flights, I have a question about the towns outside Florence. Since I'd like to see them lit up for the holiday, do the trains and busses generally come and go into the evening, so I'd be able to get back to Florence after dark? I was thinking it would be neat to spend a few days just wandering in Florence, but I'd really like to get out into other areas more this visit. Does anyone have particular recommendations for the holiday season?
I want to do carry on only again, and I know I'll have to pack light, but I can do laundry while I'm there if needed and I'm not one for fancy dinners or anything like that, so just a few wool shirts, a sweater or two, jeans etc. is most of what I'll pack and I'll wear layers of my bulkiest clothes onto the plane. I think it makes most sense to fly directly to Rome (assuming I can find a direct flight), then take the train to Florence. At least I understand that process better now, having experienced it earlier this year, so even though I'll be tired I think I can manage it. I'll be on my own again and I still feel a little nervous about doing this all on my own, so I appreciate the support and information I get here. You guys really are great! Thanks in advance for any and all input.