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How to obtain an EU Digital COVID certificate for Italy (for travel this March)?

I understand that for an American to enter Italy s/he must have an EU Digital COVID certificate, the instructions of which are detailed below:

I followed the links. I don't have an iphone (just ipad and pixel 3). Reading the instructions, I'm confused about how to apply for the EU Digital COVID Certificate.

Does anyone else feel at a loss as to how to obtain it, even assuming I were planning to be there this month and not after Jan. 31? I don't have any of the codes on my Washington State vaccination record that listed on the "immuni" site.

(I had less of a problem getting the Health Pass to enter France last October).

Posted by
3812 posts

s/he must have an EU Digital COVID certificate

ChristineH is right, you don't have to. With the new rules you couldn't get a pass Even if you made a test every 48 hours .

The pages you linked are for Italian citizens, use the online tool linked above. The CDC card together with your passport and the right booster date is your Green Pass.

Posted by
110 posts

Hi Denny, you can’t get an electronic green pass from Italy like you could with France. Your CDC card is your green pass. But guess what??? Your health pass from France will scan. We were there in august and then Italy in October and our French health passes worked. Not sure for how long but I plan on trying to use mine again this May.

Posted by
905 posts

What we found last year was that just France and Switzerland required/preferred using their Covid passport. While the CDC card worked just fine, the other two passes seemed to be better received even in other countries.

Posted by
520 posts

Hi Denny, you can’t get an electronic green pass from Italy like you could with France. Your CDC card is your green pass. But guess what??? Your health pass from France will scan. We were there in august and then Italy in October and our French health passes worked.

Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for the input. I was going crazy yesterday night wondering why I couldn't find the right buttons/links to apply for an Italian/EU health pass, as I did in September to go to France. It's still puzzling to me that France would insist on having one (I'm not even sure where mine is now) while Italy would go with a U.S. CDC card (can anyone read these? They're so skeletal). I was already thinking of canceling my trip. It wasn't easy to get the French health pass/EU digital Covid certificate, either.

Posted by
520 posts

Hi Wendi,

We were there in august and then Italy in October and our French health passes worked. Not sure for how long but I plan on trying to use mine again this May.

My assumption based on the paperwork I did back in August was that the French were pretty restrictive about the issuance of their EU Digital Certificate: one had to indicate precisely when one planned to go, and it couldn't be too far off. Of course, I could be wrong. It's overwhelming trying to keep up and have one's papers, etc. in order to be able to pull them out at the airports over & over again. A real obstacle course. It's never certain exactly what one will be asked to show.

And then having to plan for possible quarantine before returning to the U.S. I haven't started to make contingency plans for that.

Posted by
7684 posts

Lots and lots of forum members have traveled to Italy in recent months
All have reported the ease of using CDC card along with your passport

Very few, if any have mentioned problems

Right now the thing to keep your eye on is the length of booster validity
If you are boosted and it will be more than 6 months old at the time of your trip that may be a problem

The requirements now are good thru 1/31
I would expect changes at that time

More discussion here

Posted by
8415 posts

While the EU has a common format and refers to it as an EU DCC, credentials are only issued by member countries like you experienced with France. Italy, at this time, issues no credentials to non-residents.

But stay tuned. Some countries do, if your information on your French Pass Sanitaire were to be current then (likely not due to required boosters) it would have worked in Italy.

Belgium started a program where you can submit your credentials online in a simple process and obtain a QR Code that works with their CovidSafe app. It though is only good in Belgium and for 30 days; maybe other countries will do something similar.

Finally, the EU is coordinating with other countries with format and qualification, such that other National credentials with QR Codes will work in the EU, though the US is not on that list. and likely will not ever be.

So for the time, your CDC card continues to work, at least in Italy, and is your only option. Do watch the need for boosters and timing of those boosters in relation to your trip though.

Posted by
398 posts

I have plane tickets and Airbnb reservations for a trip to Italy and Slovenia departure April 27. Return May 12.
Since Italy and Eu now say that instead of 9 months from your latest booster the standard to be accepted as fully vaccinated is now 6 months. My #3 shot was November
So I will obtain will #4 in March 22 to met the new guidelines.

Posted by
7684 posts

If #4 boosters are approved and recommended

You might want to wait a bit and see how things change

Posted by
17 posts

Are there any updates for the conversation above? We will be in France April 20th-28th
and then in Italy April 28th---May 12th.
I too tried to fill out an EU digital certificate and never completed it after an hour of working on it.
I will try again if necessary.
But from what I am reading above I can use a photo or the "real" covid vaccination card with our Passports
for both countries now? Also I am reading that an FF P2 face mask is required in Italy until May 1st?
Reviews for these masks are mostly negative---too small for most adults. Can we use our
N95 masks?
Thank you for any updated information--someone who has traveled recently.

Posted by
296 posts

In italy now. Occasionally required to show cdc card. Always works fine. Vatican museum was the only place specific about mask but n-95 was fine. Generally have worn surgical mask. Everywhere requires mask indoors, lots of hand sanitizer. Rome was less picky, Orvieto cdc and mask Everywhere.

Posted by
8415 posts

Your CDC card will work fine, I believe both France and Italy no longer require showing proof of vaccination for daily activities.

As for mask, an FFP2 mask is only required in specific situations, not many actually. An N95 or KN95 mask will work as well.

Posted by
17 posts

Thank you! Updated information helpful!