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Florence to Venice - store luggage train station/ few hours in city?

Hi, I'm planning first Italy trip early October, first 6 nights in Rome (group cultural tour) then solo travel to Venice (3 nights probably).
Initially I was going to go straight via train, but now I'm thinking it might be criminal not to stop in Florence.

How feasible is leaving luggage at train station, and spending a few hours in city? This would be on a Sunday, so I would try to get on a walking tour and/or museum/gallery.

Thanks in advance. Truthfully it would be possible to stay one night in Florence, and then reduce Venice to 2 nights.

(Trying to figure where there is only limited amount time/energy/money. I also have possible safety concern of arriving in Venice late evening/night and finding hotel without expensive water taxi.)

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16895 posts

Bag storage at Florence SMN station is easy. There's an office that stores them along track 16 (be prepared to show your passport). And it's an easy walk from the station to the central sightseeing.

If you weren't doing the group tour in Rome, then I'd try to equalize the three cities. However, I love Venice and would consider saving Florence for another time.

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90 posts

Thank you so much Laura for your prompt and informative reply. Interesting that it's feasible but not your recommendation.

Wondering if others here have tried a few hours in Florence?

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33582 posts

I also have possible safety concern of arriving in Venice late evening/night and finding hotel without expensive water taxi.

Everywhere in Venice is walkable safely at any hour. If you are anywhere near the Grand Canal the Night Vaporetto runs all night.

Where will your hotel be - or what is the name?

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90 posts

Initially scheduled Locanda La Corte in Castello near Santi Giovanni y Paolo & the hospital. (It's in RS guidebook, area near Campo Santa Maria Formosa). I guess also some question of stumbling around dumbly with luggage - I think it's three bridges from vaporetto.

Open to other suggestions though, if not already booked. Hotel Galleria still has rooms. Grazie..

Edit: Hotel Al Pointe Mocenigo had a first floor room
(I understand first floor rooms somewhat suspect in Venice). One person recommended it on board in another post Wondering if anyone else stayed there, or if first floor potential big negative?

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16895 posts

I had Al Ponte Mocenigo on my consideration list recently and thought it sounded fine. (They promise soundproofing, since the ground floor room is near reception and breakfast.) It's much closer to the vaporetto, so you wouldn't get lost. Only "downside" is that its on the slower Grand Canal line and no other lines. Personally, I often get lost around Campo Santa Maria Formosa.

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33582 posts

A first floor room in Venice is numbered according to the convention - used in the vast majority of the world, but not in North America - that it is up one flight from the ground floor. So you wouldn't have anybody - for example - peering in your windows, you'd be above it all.

So it goes "-1" in the basement, then up to zero for ground floor (other terms in most countries' language), then up to the first, second, third, etc.

Unless, of course, it is written by Americans for Americans, then it might follow American numbering of basement, 1, 2, 3, 4.

If you are concerned about acqua alta, it would never reach the first floor.

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303 posts

We had a first floor room in Ponte Mocenigo last May. It was located near the back door on a quiet street. We never had any issues. I will tell you that this hotel was our favorite on our trip. It is close to the San Stae vaporetto stop and close to Boresso, a cicchetti bar as well as a great gelato place across from it (Fontego delle Dolcezze). A little further back on the side streets and canals are wonderful Campos and cafes. This is pretty quiet area to escape to after the maddening crowds further up the Grand Canal. If you do arrive late, the hotel is just a minute away from the vaporetto stop.

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3812 posts

safety concern

You need a better travel guide. You should be worried in crowded situations, in a desert street no Underage pregnant pickpocket can approach you without being noticed. Venice is a theme park with less than 50,000 aging residents, not an US city.

Posted by
90 posts

You need a better travel guide. You should be worried in crowded situations, in a desert street no Underage pregnant pickpocket can approach you without being noticed. Venice is a theme park with less than 50,000 aging residents, not an US city.

Hi, so 2019 RS Italy guide does say "the dark, late-night streets of Venice are generally safe." (Helpful Hints section) Point taken, however I do think the "generally" is a qualifier. There are several types of safety, yes? There's the question of basic physical safety - without giving my age/gender, I will admit to one fall down the stairs over last year. Overall I think the most probable scenario is just general frustration/exhaustion of trying to find hotel (alone/with luggage) late evening after full day of travel (psychological safety).

This concern was triggered by reading a Trip Advisor review of someone else's experience with the lodging. That said, I'm looking forward to trip, driven more by hopes than fears, just hoping to plan well.