I am a father from California, coming to Rome with my 14 year old daughter in early April, leaving April 22nd.
We will be visiting other areas of Italy but will be in Rome at the start of our trip, for a few days, and then returning to Rome towards the end of our trip, before we depart on April 22.
Our interests are history, art, cooking/culinary, architecture (just observing, not experts!) Also, music and local culture is important.
I understand the Jubilee is occurring this year, at the exact time we will be visiting. Would anyone like to help us understand how to experience Rome during Jubilee?? Perhaps showing us around, prior to the beginning of the festival, directing us towards anything you feel we should see or be prepared for??
We have exactly no Italian language at this moment, however we are both taking some instruction.
Any help or advice or someone to possibly host us, or show us around when we arrive, would be greatly appreciated.
Currently we have no reservations made besides our flight. Experiences are more important to us than luxury!