I find these threads amusing and instructive since so much depends on where a person has driven before and what their experience is in driving period and driving overseas.
I have driven in many of the larger cities of SE Asia including Bangkok, Singapore, KL and Bali as well as Cambodia where I lived, and Sri Lanka. Add to that most of Europe, Egypt, Morocco and others.
So here is my perspective: 1. the roads in France are great, better in many cases than those in the US.
I have been driving in Italy now for almost a month through many small towns and down streets I had to pull in BOTH mirrors to make it thru. There isn’t really a good reason to drive in the large Italian cities. Before that i spent 13 days driving in France from Normandy to Burgundy. They are different for sure in many ways but both are easy compared to many places. And really less stressful than the average beltway around a major US city.
I have found for the most part, and I know this goes against perceived wisdom, Italian drivers to be fairly polite and easy to get along with. Many stop for us when we are attempting to cross a street on foot and many yield in situations where it is unclear who has the right of way. I do not find them particularly aggressive as in the US where people have no lane discipline and try to bully you with their vehicles. They do drive fairly fast, park in unusual ways and places and tend to follow you closely. But not to my mind in an aggressive way.
I enjoy driving in Europe. I enjoy the different cars and roads and all of the experiences of driving like getting gas and stopping along the way at small places where almost always something great is eaten or happens.
I encourage those thinking about it to try it and don;t let negative posts about driving in Europe scare you off. You may just find it’s the best part of your vacation. But be smart about it. Don’t pick up a rental car in the center of a large city or a tourist hot spot like Florence.. Give yourself an extra day on the return. Take a really good European Map of the area. And just take it easy and have fun.