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I have missed reading comments from Dario. Is he OK?

Posted by
16283 posts

I wrote him a personal message over a week ago, but no reply. His last comment was in September. I also hope everything is ok.

Posted by
9437 posts

I hope he’s ok too.
Like Roberto, he was very helpful.

Posted by
7416 posts

I noticed he hadn’t been around as well
Was looking for him to answer some train questions here

I do hope he’s ok
Thanks Roberto-keep us posted

Posted by
16801 posts

Hope he's just traveling or taking a forum break.
Let us know if you hear anything, Roberto?

Posted by
3343 posts

It’s possible his account was suspended for some reason. If that’s the case, he would not be able to respond to a personal message.

Posted by
16283 posts

I find it strange his account would be suspended for this long. Maybe it was and he is mad, or maybe his having some other issue. For sure he's very helpful, especially on trains matters. I'm not using trains in Italy anymore, since I have a house in the countryside now so I always rent cars when I go.

Posted by
8592 posts

When this was last mentioned, and again today, I checked on his past posts. If he was suspended, for some unaccountable reason, they would all have vanished off the forum.
But everything is still there on the forum, so it is very odd.

Posted by
6619 posts

I do love the way people on the Forum look out for each other.

Posted by
3165 posts

I doubt if Dario's account or posting is suspended. He's been helping us for 10 years. I just reviewed some of his posts. He was so helpful when I was planning for my first Italy trip in 2019. (You too, Roberto, and many others. Everyone is still patient with me and very helpful!)
I hope Dario is well and is on holiday enjoying a break from the forum.

Posted by
10447 posts

There is no reason he would be suspended; he was always so helpful and informative.


Posted by
3343 posts

Just to clarify, I in no way suggested Dario should have been suspended. That is just one possible explanation for why a forum member may seem absent from the forum. Sorry to have ruffled any feathers.

Posted by
3499 posts

Hopefully, he's just taking a break or off on a trip of his own. I have to say I actually got concerned when he didn't chime in on a post regarding tipping in Italy!

Posted by
7187 posts

I'm not planning a trip to Italy nor capable of giving much information of use to others so I haven't been looking at all the posts in the Italy forum. I do hope that Dario is ok and nothing bad is keeping him from posting and I know it can be a little upsetting when someone suddenly goes dark on the forum. But, I do have to say that some people actually do have lives and sometimes have things going on in those lives that prevent them from posting for a time so I hope that's all it is.