I'm having a hard time purchasing my tickets to the guided Sistine Chapel tour from the website http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/visita-i-musei/scegli-la-visita/musei-e-collezioni/musei-vaticani-e-cappella-sistina/visita-guidata-musei-vaticani-e-cappella-sistina---singoli-.html
Any other suggestions of where to book guided tours?
I posted a similar request a few days ago and received some information regarding the Pristine Sistine - Walks of Italy tours. I have since booked one of these early entry guided tours and am hoping for the best! Good luck!
I'm having a hard time purchasing my tickets
Rebecca, can you tell us a bit more about why you're having difficulties? Is the system rejecting your purchase when you get to checkout? If so, it's probably an issue with your credit card; this is a common problem. For resolves, see these threads regarding having your card company enact 3rd-level security protocols:
Also, Vatican tickets are only available 60 days or so in advance, if that might be the problem.
Thanks for the replies. I have tried multiple cards neither which have worked. I go through the entire process and it says my payment has not been processed. However, I was just on the phone with my credit card company and they stated there have been no blocks or holds on the card I’m trying to use. We are planning and going in a week and a half so time is running out! I can look into other tours it’s just the tours on the site I provided are by far the cheapest.
Thanks again for your help!
OK, so if you're going in 1.5 weeks, it's possible tours through the Vatican website are sold out. But if openings are still there, it's probably not about "blocks", it's about initiating 3rd-level fraud protection like "Verified by Visa". It's explained in the threads linked above.