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Planning or I should say, re-planning our trip to Italy. We were supposed to go in March but CoVid so we moved everything to July, but that won't be happening. SO now hoping for next year! We would like to travel through Abruzzo and/or Molise. We want to meander through some of the villages and do some hiking. Has anyone travelled the region and are there any villages or areas that we should consider "must-see" stops?

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414 posts

Dear DM

Sorry things have not worked out for you. Be happy you can still dream and plan. Try this link from about 4 months ago, hope it works for you.

The girls/women in my family had made plans for us to be in Abruzzo for a month in mid-August through mid-September then another month or so in southern Italy and Sicily. Are re organising for 2021. Staying healthy is a high priority for us.

Hope this helps a little, please ask me if you want more specific information. May be able to flesh out more for you.

Stay safe and healthy. Regards Ron

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2347 posts

Look at and type Abruzzo into her search box. She has four blog posts on it.

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1092 posts

We spent most of September 2019 in Abruzzo and came home with a great souvenir - a new home in Caramanico Terme. We aren't there yet, darn this virus, but can't wait to explore more. Here are a few suggestions from our first trip.

Seaside: San Vito Chietino, Ortona, Vasto, Casalbordino. Pescara is also more fun that I thought it would be, as we were looking for smaller towns. I hear the beaches are better further north in Abruzzo, e.g., Giulianova and Roseto degli Abruzzi, but we didn't make it there on this trip.

Midway between sea and mountains: Penne (gorgeous but oh-so-steep), Città Sant'Angelo, Mosciano Sant'Angelo, Lanciano, Atri

Mountains: Caramanico Terme (love at first sight), Guardiagrele, Sant'Eufemia a Maiella

Missed, top of list for next time: we didn't make it to L'Aquila province at all. Sulmona, Pacentro, Tagliacozzo and more.

There is exactly one current English guide book that specializes in Abruzzo. It is really excellent. Bradt Guide Italy: Abruzzo by Luciano di Gregorio. I studied it intensely before our trip and recommend it highly.

Edited to add: Jed at Italywise also writes often about Abruzzo and especially the Transumanza - the former annual sheep migration to/from Puglia. His writing is great and the stories are fascinating.