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Rostock to Berlin- what is the best way to get to Berlin?

We are on a Baltic cruise and our port is Rostock. What would you recommend for the 4 of us to get to Berlin?

Posted by
21669 posts

This is not a 1-day port stop is it? It is about 2 1/2 hours by train. If it is where the cruise ends, then you have a lot of options.

Posted by
47 posts

Yes it is, you wouldn't go to Berlin? We have from 6:00 am to 8:00 PM

Posted by
21669 posts

I guess I'd see what the cruise line's offer is. I believe that the ship will actually dock at Warnemuende. The very best you could have is 5 1/2 hours in Berlin. Flexpreis tickets (anytime tickets) are 130 EUR per person r/t. Advance tickets that are refundable with a fee are about half that. I would think that the cruise line will offer a tour with a charter bus for about 100 EUR per person or so, and you don't have to worry about missing the boat in case of a hiccup.

Posted by
47 posts

We are on a smaller cruise ship (Oceania) , and on the itinerary it says Rostock??? I am going to call tomorrow to confirm

Posted by
21669 posts

While you're on the phone, ask about the Berlin excursion. Warnemuende is part of the city of Rostock, but it is on the Baltic 6 miles from the city center. There is a train station there to connect to the main station in Rostock.

PS Oceania lists this port stop as "Berlin (Warnemuende)" Yes they have several 12 1/2 hour shore excursions to Berlin with charter buses. They have several themed tours, including just using the bus and touring on your own.

Posted by
15233 posts


If you land in Rostock at 6 am and have until 8 pm to be back at the departure spot, I would suggest going to Berlin, time-wise and logistically, it can be done and depends on how desperate you want to see some of the sights.

I would do that day trip but then it has to be planned and you have to be ready to hurry when necessary.

Posted by
47 posts

Our itinerary says..Jun 23 Sun Berlin (Rostock), Germany
When I go to our shore excursions, there are not any offered for that port. I think calling tomorrow is what we will have to do just to confirm everything before we book a train. Thank you for all your input!

Posted by
15233 posts


You take the S-Bahn in Warnemunde to Rostock Hbf, where you can catch the direct RE train to Berlin Hbf.

Posted by
8149 posts

There are many cruises that include Berlin (Warnemunde) on their itineraries. That's because people want to go to Berlin. But that doesn't mean that it's a good idea. If you use the Search box here, you can find some much closer (and much less famous) places to visit. They are not substitutes for Berlin. But they are good substitutes for 5 hours in Berlin! There are other places in Europe, like Granada and Pisa that are not ports, but are cruise "destinations." That's the cruise business.

If you have not been on a cruise before, or have not done a port "independently", this is NOT the port to try to save a nickle on the cruise company's expensive excursion. If you get on the wrong tram in Berlin, you might miss your train and find that the ship has left without you. That won't be any kind of bargain at all. If you want to see Berlin from Rostock, you should take the ship's bus tour, whatever it costs.

Posted by
21669 posts

Since this will be on a Sunday, you can use a "Happy Weekend Ticket" so that will be 62 EUR r/t for all 4 of you. Now the issue is you must use regional trains. The first one is at 6:03 am, and since the ship docking time is 6 am, it is very unlikely you will make that one. The next train is at 8:03 am and that gets you to Berlin after 11.

The train goes through Berlin and stops at Potsdammer Platz and that is where you should get off at 11:20. That is relatively close to some tourist sights like the Checkpoint Charlie, some remnants of the Berlin Wall, an old East German watchtower, the Topography of Terror Museum. To the north there is the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, and the Brandenburg Gate.

You will need to be on the 14:39 train at Potsdammer Platz to get you back to Warnemuende by 17:54. Later trains arrive at 19:54 (7:54 pm) which is too close for comfort. So now you see you will have only 3 hours in Berlin this way. Something to think about.

Posted by
3477 posts

How to self-organize a Warnemünde - Berlin trip for a day was really intensively discussed in this earlier thread, also connection options and pros and cons.

If you want to do the trip, please self-check which of two parts of port your ship will arrive - not all ships will land at Warnemünde Cruise Center:

Posted by
21669 posts

Using the site provided by Markk it looks like the "Marina" does indeed dock in Rostock. The bad news is that LP31 is in the industrial docks along with the coal carriers and container ships, still 4 miles from the city center and virtually no public transport close by. So now it means a taxi to Rostock Hbf for a train to Berlin. The excursions provided by the cruise line are looking better and better.

Posted by
2023 posts

We took the offer to see Berlin from the cruise line--Celebrity. It took 3 hours to reach Berlin (train with a guide to brief us on sights) and we spent most of the day seeing the sights and train arrived back at cruise ship around 11 pm. It was definitely worth it and we had no regrets. The cost for the trip and guide included a sack lunch, water, etc. We were on our own in Berlin and it was easy to make our way around.