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Frankfurt and Waldorf

HI. I was wondering if someone can provide some tips what to do in Frankfurt and waldorf for 3 days. E day in Waldorf and 2 days in Frankfurt.
I arrive in Frankfurt than I have to go to Waldorf and stay there for 5 day. But I have one day free in Waldorf .

than I will go back to Frankfurt and stay for 1 Day and leave at night next day. Almost t 2 days.
Never been to Germany and dont speak the language too.

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3365 posts

Do you mean the SAP Walldorf in BW or Mörfelden-Walldorf close to Frankfurt or any waldorf with one "L"?

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9307 posts

There is a lot to see and do in Frankfurt but without knowing your interests or when you will be here, it is hard to make any suggestions.