I've lived in the US almost all of my life and have taken 2 trips to Europe. The first was a month driving around England and Wales (with a short side-trip to Amsterdam) and the 2nd trip was a month in France. My son is graduating from high school soon and has always wanted to attend University in Europe. Based on his areas of study (international relations, business and economics), languages spoken (English and German), and the fact that he wants to live in a big, vibrant city, he has a list of 15 Universities he is looking at. They are located in various German cities, Zurich, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London.
His father (we are divorced) and he are going to visit Germany for 2 weeks this summer and check out the German Universities on his list. Their travel dates are July 1-14. I'm planning to visit Europe July 14- August 7ish and take over the University tour, taking my son to visit Zurich, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London.
Considering that we will need 1-2 days per city just to tour the University campuses and the rest of the time can be used for travel, leisure and sightseeing, am I crazy to try and fit these 4 cities into a single trip? Can you suggest a way of doing it that would make sense and where we can not spend all of our time traveling but actually enjoy being in these places? We've both been to London before, and I've been to Amsterdam, so I personally, would rather spend more time around Zurich and Copenhagen. I'm open to trains, planes, busses or hiring a car for any parts of this trip, whichever would make for the best experience for us.
If this is too much to do in 3 weeks, I could consider breaking this up into two separate trips that we take over the next year or I could possibly make this trip longer. I'm grateful for any recommendations. Assuming my son does attend Uni in Europe, I plan to make several extended visits over the 3-4 years he is there, and see as much of the continent as I can. This trip is really just to help him get a feeling for these cities and which he'd like to study in. But I also want us to enjoy the trip. Thank you for your kind consideration and help.