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Zagreb to Brussels

We have 10 days to sightsee from Zagreb to Brussels in July.

How would you route this if it were your trip? (NO CAR, Skip France and Switzerland)

Please share:

Favorite city/country stops along the way
Favorite experiences
Favorite meals
Favorite train or bus routes
Favorite lodgings

We love historic sites, museums, parks, good cheap eats, cathedrals, and books.

We are just starting to discuss this leg of the trip and thought it would be fun to see what others would do with the itinerary.


Posted by
5524 posts

Maribor, Ptuj in Slovenia
Graz, Gmunden in Austria
Passau, Regensburg in Germany

Posted by
8027 posts

If you visit Salzburg in Austria, take a side trip to tour the salt mine in Hallein. We rented bicycles from the Salzburg train station and rode to the mine. It was a fun cruise back to Salzburg after touring the mine. Maybe head to Prague, Czech Republic before heading west to Germany and Belgium? I also saw your Spain and France questions, and sent you a private message -- maybe you're not going to France after all, but perhaps you'll be passing thru Italy on the way to Zagreb?

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20705 posts

Goes through most of my favorite places and makes the theme “Behind the Iron Curtain”

Too much? Skip Berlin.

Posted by
15098 posts


Without a car, I have done most of this route on the trips and would suggest doing the route using both day and night trains as follows: Zagreb, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Cologne, Brussels.

Skip Berlin this time, save Berlin for the next trip of 10 days. If you do include Berlin, take the Munich-Berlin night train, If you skip Berlin, then take the CNL night train Munich-Cologne. Since Cologne serves as a big junction point, the regional trains from Cologne get you to Brussels after changing in Aachen.

Posted by
179 posts

I apologize for the delayed "thank you" to all of you who posted - this extended trip has had so many changes but it is fun too to be spontaneous. In the end, we are not taking the train but rather flying from Zagreb to Berlin then traveling on to Brussels. We just ran out of time as we spent more in earlier destinations. I will save your recommendations for future trips! Thank you!!