Occasionally, this forum has threads discussing how much European travelers spend roughly per day, how much they spend on hotel rooms, and on what travel items they like to splurge. This thread concerns how much do you spend on hotel rooms, which are the major expense item in any European trip.
When I travel, I do not need a luxury hotel, but I do need a fairly central location, and I have reached an age where I want a certain level of comfort, including an en suite bathroom. And I make only reservations that can later be cancelled. I will add that at times the bigger, American-style hotels offer good value, and that the smaller, family-run hotels that we associate with the type of travel Rick Steves promotes can be costly and even more expensive than the larger hotels.
Pricing hotel rooms for offseason travel (late October-early November), I am finding (though it takes some time) nice properties in London and Paris--admittedly very expensive cities--in the $220 per night range--and in smaller cities like Bath and Oxford under $200.
I am curious as to what others are finding and paying. And certainly, country, size of city, and month all matter regarding the pricing.