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You might want to write those numbers down.

On another post I mentioned that i left my cell phone in a taxi in Budapest. No problem, my son was with me and he had his phone so just call the driver. Oooops, no number, as it was on my phone. No problem, I knew his next stop, call them. Ooops, no number, as it was on my phone.

A little googling and we got the number at the next stop and they retrieved my phone, but it was a bit unnerving for a while. I use to carry the important numbers on a small slip of paper in my wallet, but just got too casual this trip

As a backup I think its a really good idea to carry a small iPad or similar, maybe not on you, but at least back in the room Then you do have a backup form of communication. Of course, I travel alone. If yoiu travel with spouse or family, make sure everyone has all the details.

Posted by
3418 posts

I recently bought myself an apple watch because my next trip will be a solo one and I wanted a backup in case I lost my phone. I also plan to keep important phone numbers on an index card and keep it in my money belt. I don’t know anyone’s phone numbers anymore.

Posted by
10517 posts

It's an excellent point about having a written backup for key numbers.

Posted by
247 posts

Important reminder! As a solo traveler losing th cell phone is my worst nightmare

Posted by
21527 posts

I forgot to make a record of the local numbers, but for the rest I have taken it a step further. In the event that I find myself face down on a sidewalk in Albania I have a dog tag with my name, passport number, list of life sustaining medications and a U.S. contact number to get shipping instruction for the body. It came in handy last trip when I got my COVID test and the doctor wanted my passport number for the report. Passport was in the room, but the dog tag worked. Always with me that way. I dont ever take it off, not even in massage parlors.

I am casually looking for a printed version so I can put a QR code on it, that will link back to all of my numbers and documents for that trip.

Posted by
1179 posts

There should be a small token you can put in your pocket or clip on your bag or belt. Communicates with your cell phone (an app) that beeps and reminds you if you walk away from your phone. Maybe 20 feet. Should you leave it you can then know right away to retrieve it.

Posted by
21527 posts

treemoss2, there are such things. Got one for my son because he keeps loosing his phone. But I am certain i would loose the receive end .......... unless I hung that with the dog tag, interesting idea.

This time I am in a familiar city where I have friends. In a strange new place I would really be freaked out.

Posted by
8136 posts

This is also a good reminder to check your passport to see if your emergency contact number is up-to-date. I always have my passport in my money belt (was just what was expected during our first RS trip years ago), but my husband’s phone number changed when we moved after retirement.

I agree Carrie; I would not be able to recite one of our kids’ phone numbers.

Posted by
1757 posts

Good reminder.

I create a Contacts folder for my phone, with all the key numbers in it, including numbers and addresses of the Canadian Embassies/Consulates wherever we go. My phone and iPad automatically share this Contacts folder, and my iPad is usually back in the room. I share this folder with my husband. I also have all this information, copies of passports, etc. in a Dropbox folder that I share with my husband. Most of this information is also in TripIt, and both my husband and I have access to that. I have a printed copy of the main page of my passport, and I keep that in my wallet or neck pouch. I used to have a printed copy of everything, including my itinerary, but I didn't do that last time. I do leave a copy of my itinerary with numbers of the places I'm staying with whichever of my kids is house/pet sitting for us.

Don't forget credit card contact numbers (for lost and stolen cards) and the number to call for your health insurance--usually you have to call them before any medical service or treatment, unless you are incapacitated.

Posted by
16787 posts

I carry a note in my wallet AND moneybelt with emergency contact information in case I am not conscious. My emergency contact has my medical heath and evacuation insurance information.

I found a way to clip my phone, and wallet, to my pants so it would be hard to lose and pickpocket.
I put a cell phone ring on the back cover of my phone. Something like this:

I then get a cord with clips on each end and clip one end to the phone and the other to a belt loop on my pants. The one I have is no longer made but Tom Bihn sells something that will work:

The nice thing about the Tom Bihn keystraps is that they come in different colors and you can find one or two that match your trousers.

The wallet I use came with an "O ring attached so I can clip to that.

As I travel solo, I feel it is important to have these safeguards.

it may also be prudent to have all your travel information in a cloud account accessible from any device. I use Google Drive.

Posted by
5660 posts

Such a timely post for me, as I was debating (as a solo traveler, packing for 3 upcoming trips) whether to bring my 2nd phone (or my tablet) as a backup (as I usually do) for all the details I keep in OneNote. I've been diligently updating the phone numbers for credit card, travel insurance, health insurance, etc. All of which I could access from my backup device, if I lost my primary. Decision - 2nd phone (or tablet) stays on the packing list!

Posted by
3682 posts

I'm old school.
Before each trip I buy a tiny notebook, about 3ins X 4 ins.
Then I section it off into Flights, Accommodation, Contacts while away, Contacts at home, Medical info, and other things.
Takes me a while to write every bit of info in there pre trip, but well worth it to keep it on my person at all times while traveling.
I often refer to it while away, and have been able to help others by giving them info about local medical help, embassy numbers etc.

I write a bit of a diary for each day in there too, and have often looked back on my wee note books over the years.

Posted by
432 posts

My husband and I wear RoadID bracelets all day, every day. Ours have the year of our birth and three phone numbers. One of my numbers is my husband; the other 2 are my adult daughters. The adult daughters don't travel internationally with us so one of them can generally be reached easily since hubby's phone might not be on, depending on our location.

Posted by
21527 posts

Jean, not too excited about the bracelets, but their dog tags yes! And a good chance that when my head hits the pavement the tag will fly out and land beside it. I like it. And enough room front and back for all the info i want. Just too bad you cant do a custom print on one side so I could do the VR thing. We are getting so close to my perfect solution.

Posted by
1152 posts

I do something similar to the bracelet. I print a little slip of paper with my name, birthdate, and several contact numbers. I highlight the edge of the paper with red or orange and then use clear packing tape to cover the paper and wrap it around my watch band. It is water resistant and lasts a good while, although I do have to replace it periodically. I always wear my watch and the slip would easily be seen should I be unable to communicate.

Posted by
2252 posts

Excellent advice, as always, James. I always have paper backups for my phone backups for my iPad backups when it comes to travel information.

Posted by
3522 posts

Found myself in a similar situation.

My iPhone partially died on me. Couldn't type anything on the screen, couldn't even turn the phone on or off. Took (3) trips to Apple to finally get it repaired. The whole time I kept wanting to enter things on the phone, but couldn't! But the phone still connected through my car and it still worked as long as I didn't have to type anything in (Siri worked fine as well).

Never realized how much I really really need a phone list. :-). I will never be without a paper copy of my contacts ever again.

Posted by
8136 posts

Goanywhere, I feel a little like I just purchased one of those “help I can’t get up” first-alert necklaces. 😉. But, I went on the bracelet ID site you shared and ordered a bracelet. Since I will be traveling solo to Italy, I am having it engraved with my name and the rest of this in Italian: “ Stati Uniti d'America”, “Mio Marito: (& husband’s name), and his phone number.

If I fell off my bike in my local area at home wearing it, they will recognize my husband’s phone number prefix.

I do wear my money belt all of the time in Europe with my passport, but it would be nice to know that this is easily seen, first.

Posted by
140 posts

I have both an iPad mini and my previous iPhone coming along as back up. As long as I have WiFi, the phone is functional, and also can be used as a camera. It all syncs with the cloud, so have access to all info across the 3 devices. I also have them all set to secure settings (plus find my phone), which also time out most apps after a couple mins so even if someone had my phone and managed to unlock it, they wouldn’t be able to access most of my apps to retrieve sensitive info. I have data blocking dongles for when I use public charge stations. Hopefully all of that prep covers any phone mishaps.

Posted by
432 posts

Jean - glad you found the bracelet idea helpful. I think EMT's are used to looking at wrists for medical ID bracelets and if not, someone is probably taking your pulse if you can't speak and would thus see it!

Since the majority of us use cell phones and no land line these days, even in the event of a local car accident or similar, emergency personnel have immediate access to several phone numbers. There's no directory assistance anymore to find us in the white pages! We don't leave the house without that bracelet on.

Posted by
3157 posts

On a related note we took a day tour in London that did not accept a ticket on your phone. You had to print out a paper copy.

Posted by
6068 posts

I just purchased a new Apple watch that has cell service that is used independently of the cell phone, so I can access the info from my phone via the watch. Just learning all the tricks right now. I do need to call AT&T to determine how I'm charged for the watch service on an international trip. We usually have the $10 a day plan, charged only if you use the phone that day. My phone is on a Bandolier strap, which so far has worked well keeping the phone attached to me. I also have a small battery that stays in the phone case if my phone battery dies. However, I do bring paper copies of my passport and credit cards, and my husband and I swap copies. Nothing guarantees preventing a mental slip resulting in a lost item, but I keep trying....
Safe travels!