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You know it's time to return to Europe when... start the spreadsheet for the next trip.
...your spreadsheet includes train schedules between cities. check potential hotels in cities you haven't visited before. browse the site on your lunch hour.

(sigh) I've been back for a little over two weeks now, have done all of the above.

Posted by
1175 posts

I DO browse the skyline webcams every morning as I sit at my computer with my first cup of coffee...

We have a great plan - as we fly home from any trip, we list our next travel locations ! It makes me smile even as we are returning home....

Posted by
2393 posts don't have one in the planning stage!

Posted by
1466 posts

I was in Paris last May/June & in the Bavaria region & Prague last Aug/Sep. I just started planing my Paris/Luxembourg/Bruges trip for Sep/Oct next year. Museums, transportation & others sites internet links copied & saved. Excel spreadsheet out to add up the costs. Selection process for a 1-Bedroom or Studio apartment in Paris has begun. Airline ticket for about $635, SFO - CDG, planned for Dec/Jan purchase & deposit on Apartment/Studio. My friends have RVs, Boats & Motorcycles. They don't understand my need/want/desire to visit Europe at least every other year.

Posted by
4074 posts

For me, once Labor Day passes, it's time to return to Europe. And that's what I'll be doing in 4 1/2 weeks (not that I'm counting the days)! I am enjoying your thread topics today -- never stop traveling, never stop travel PLANNING. :-)

Posted by
11852 posts

You know it's time to return to Europe when... count your Euros, British Pounds, and Swiss Francs to see what seed money you have left start to forget your (in my case) Italian

Posted by
494 posts's either October or April.

Why? Because that is when we leave for Europe every year.

Posted by
605 posts

You visit the Wow airlines site just for fun and to see the latest deals from San Francisco to Europe.

Posted by
187 posts

When you start to crave a particular type of food.

Posted by
15799 posts

when . . . . I wake up every morning.

I'm hoping to do 2 big trips next year, Southeast Asia this winter and the US next summer, so it may be only a little trip in the fall - if at all in 2018. Greece and Portugal are at the top of my list.

In the meantime, I'm headed to Poland and Hungary next week for 24 days.

Posted by
32405 posts
  • When a deja vu moment occurs during the day, and it reminds you of a place you've been in Europe. In my case, I'm reminded most often of Switzerland.
  • When thoughts of Europe pop into your thoughts during routine daily activities, and you ponder where you'd like to go to next.
Posted by
265 posts

...when you return from a "Great American Road Trip" that you have just taken to see a bunch of major historical and scenic highlights of the USA because you have seen and been to many scenic and historical sights of Europe and other countries of the world and have traveled to all 7 continents ....and you feel guilty about that fact.
Now I can talk with friends about what I just saw in the USA (the guilt is now gone) and plan, think and talk about my next foreign travel.
And I can tell my friends that this road trip completed my check off list of the 50 United States. I have been to all of the states so it is okay to travel abroad as I have been everywhere here at home. (My guilt is gone from my own mind.)

Posted by
2699 posts

It's always time to return to Europe! My life has become quite predictable--I have a job that is beyond crazy from June-September, and once October hits I start planning in earnest for next spring, booking in November to travel in May. In between I research various cities and itineraries to see what's do-able and that keeps me happily occupied and learning about places until I can go. I've pretty much settled on Berlin and, of course, Budapest again. My trips now consist of one or two new places and end in Budapest.