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With my iPhone, do I even need an iPad for travel?

I just went to the Apple Store to buy an iPad (with a keyboard so I could type) for my upcoming trip to Europe, as I'm sure I don't want to haul my MacBook Air on this carry-on (+ handbag) 3 month trip

I already own/use an iPhone 12 mini which I did not think was "enough" however, now I'm re-thinking this.... "What will you use it for?" I got asked. Well, for data mostly. To use GPS or maps to get me places. To make/ check my lodging reservations. To purchase train tickets. And only a small amount of talk/text.

The phone can do all of these things - I think! I'm able to manage at home, any way.

However, I wouldn't be able to type, say, a Facebook report or a note to a friend. However, if I don't want to compose "longer" things using my thumbs, I could instead dictate into notes and copy/paste the verbiage to where I want to put it (in Facebook, for example).

I have talked myself out of buying an iPad! Am I missing something?

Do folks travel successfully with just their phone, I'd like to know :0D

P.S. add on query: in case you couldn't tell I'm new at this.... is a Kindle the same as having a iPad?

Posted by
740 posts

I usually just take my iPhone for trips up to 2 weeks.

If I’m going to be away longer, I’ll also take my iPad mini so that I can more comfortably do Zoom, Netflix, and e-books.

Posted by
17 posts

If I am only interested in checking my hotels, looking at Trenitalia, WhatsApp, reading the occasional webpage, monitoring my email and texting then I am happy having my phone only. On my most recent trip, I went to language school and I had to be available at times for my job so I took my Samsung Galaxy S8 tablet (11") with keyboard case. This made school work much easier as well as to ready/respond to work email and other tasks. Since I had it with me I also watched Netflix and Hulu - that was a nice to have, but I didn't miss them when I didn't take the tablet.
If I wasn't going to school or dealing with work obligations, I wouldn't bring the tablet - it's just 1 more thing and not an insignificant amount of weight when I am doing all carry-on

Posted by
1353 posts

I find my Samsung tablet to be essential when traveling - especially for trip planning in the evening at the hotel. You get a much larger view when looking at maps [Google or otherwise], sometimes web sites are more effective than apps on the phone, plus reading e-books - especially an additional guidebook beyond Rick Steves. Not to mention reading e-mail. Plus it syncs with OneDrive, so my PC files are available as well if needed - and easy to read.

The phone is useful for travel-related apps while on the move - Trenitalia in Italy, Jakdojade last month for public transport in Poland, Bolt and or FreeNow, etc. Plus navigation when out and about, especially as favorites in Google Maps sync to the phone from the tablet. And WhatsApp. But I couldn't survive with just the phone.

Posted by
8096 posts

The only thing you’ll be missing is spending money on an iPad.

To use GPS or maps to get places, To make/ check, lodging reservations, To purchase train tickets. And only a small amount of talk/text …

My iPhone 12, and my husband’s iPhone 13 got us through 6 weeks of travel in England and Italy in March and April, doing all of those things, as well as managing a London Pass app that controlled access to lots of attractions we’d paid for, and for listening to Podcasts and watching some videos. A wide-screen TV it is not, but then, neither is an iPad.

Calls were made via WhatApp whenever possible, but via a normal mobile phone call sometimes. The compact phone was the perfect size for navigating on foot, as well as for navigating while my husband drove the rental car.

Keep one more electronic device out of your life, and enjoy not toting the iPad around on your travels, in addition to your iPhone.

Full disclosure: I use a single index finger to type on the phone, not two thumbs, so if that disqualifies me from chiming in here, so be it.

Posted by
1072 posts

I take both my iPhone and my iPad. I use my iPad in the evenings at the hotel to: research things for the next day, browse the internet, read books using the kindle app and watch Netflix (if the local TV isn't in English). I also use my iPad on the plane to watch downloaded Netflix shows. My iPad stays in the hotel safe during the day.

My iPhone is used for: Google maps, transportation apps (train, bus tickets etc), Apple wallet (payments and boarding passes). My iPhone is ALWAYS with me.

I feel like each is a backup for the other if I lose one.

I need a new iPad and am considering buying an iPad mini to make taking it on trip a bit easier.

Posted by
3302 posts

Sure, you can “get by” with just your phone. But my iPad is so much easier to type on, so much better for email and internet research, and other uses. And all my Kindle books are on the iPad. So I end up using both, a lot.

Posted by
3538 posts

Surprise: you can travel without any phone and / or pad - and maybe you will experience it as the better way of traveling.

Posted by
1763 posts

The only thing I use the pad for is books.

Posted by
78 posts

It probably depends on how much you like reading on your phone. Like some others, I use my iPad at the lodging for research; and on the plane for books. I find it so much easier than the small print on my phone. I don’t use a keyboard. It is a weight, but since I check my main bag, I don’t worry too much of the weight of my carryon.

Posted by
98 posts

I don’t think you’re missing anything by not buying the iPad.

We travelled around Europe last year for 3+ months with iPhones. My husband likes reading at night so also brought along a basic old kindle that weighs little and isn’t worth anything much. So nice not to have the extra weight of iPads or laptops or the concern about having to ‘guard’ extra expensive devices. There wasn’t anything we needed to do that couldn’t be done with a phone. I rarely bring along my iPad these days for travel unless it’s a road trip from home, even though I use it all day at home.

Posted by
5074 posts

There’s no right or wrong answer here.

I do travel with both my phone and iPad - the iPad makes it easier to do some of what I need to do while gone. That being said, if it dies, I could do all the same things on my phone. I only take my phone with me while I am out each day and use the iPad in the evenings or mornings for things like answering questions on the Forum. :) I don’t carry a keyboard so the 2 finger typing doesn’t make any difference - it is just easier on my eyes to use the iPad.

And I use my iPad regularly at home, as well. If you don’t use one at home, I wouldn’t bother getting a new one just for a trip, unless maybe you will be gone a while. If it’s a 2-3 week trip and you do your planning ahead of time, you might have less need for the larger screen.

Posted by
1342 posts

Phone only unless I have work, then it is Mac also. I haven’t carried an Ipad since about 2017. I find phone works for all my travel needs. (Iphone).

I think this is a personal decision. I realized I was fine with phone and didn’t need the extra weight of the Ipad. A larger keyboard and screen does make things easier, but I don’t mind phone only.

No offense to anyone below - I am in the observed age group.

I am curious, but has anyone else observed that Ipads seem to be used by “those of a certain age”, i.e. older - close to retirement or retirees? Seems I see those younger with phones and/or laptops. I could just not be seeing the whole Ipad carrying population.

Posted by
585 posts

When you say that you would buy an ipad "with keyboard" do you mean an external keyboard? If so, I believe you can get a lightweight external keyboard that will work with your iphone. If the keyboard is the only reason for buying and bringing the ipad, then maybe you don't need it.

I still travel with an old ipad mini as well as my iphone. As others have mentioned, I prefer the ipad for reading at night or on planes and trains, and for some internet searching, also as a backup if anything happened to my phone.

Posted by
4746 posts

If you can, travel with someone who is taking an iPad or computer and then the answer is no. I do still prefer to read books on my "dedicated reading device", i.e. Kindle rather than my 12 Mini. Of course, in 2021 when I got stuck in London for a week by myself due to a positive Covid test, I was really glad I had brought my Mac Air(which I did knowing that the Covid thing would be a possibility).

Posted by
347 posts

I don't think there is a world of difference between the iPhone (iOS) and the iPad (iPadOS) other than the larger screen and a few items like the use of the Pencil. I generally only have my iPhone on vacation and rarely bring the iPad unless there is a specific book on it that I want to read which my Kindle doesn't have or won't show as well (ie RARE!).

However, I think of my trip to Amsterdam last year where I was making a reservation for dinner and my iPhone could not do it. For whatever reason, the restaurant site was not iPhone friendly. Luckily, I often travel with my laptop (despite rarely using it), and I fired that up, made the reservation, and had a great anniversary dinner that evening :)

So, iPad vs just iPhone? Probably winning just with the iPhone. To me, there does seem to be a case for the laptop option, but there are also workarounds. As I tell my wife often on vacation - particularly in Europe - "they're not in the Stone Age" meaning just because I don't do it the way the Euros do, they're firmly in the 21st century too, and it's more a matter of understanding how they do things. IOW, if the iPhone isn't cutting it, folks in the hotel or folks at restaurant/museum/store can usually help with how the "locals" do it.

Posted by
954 posts

It just depends what is comfortable for you. We purchased one for our recent trip because my husband wanted the larger screen and keypad for evenings in the hotel and I did find it easier to use for ticket purchases. We keep it at the hotel and only use our phones during the day. I also left my kindle at home and used it to read ebooks taken out from the library. I bought the cheapest option and did not get cellular. I think we will use it a lot on domestic and international trips. And sometimes I use it at home instead of my MacBook because it’s so light and convenient.

Posted by
2947 posts

It just depends on your preferences. I always leave my MacBook Air at home, and inherited my mom's iPad which has stayed at home as well. I just take my phone and so far, that has always been more than adequate. I just hate to travel with any extra stuff.

Posted by
2923 posts

I can do almost everything I need to on my phone. I don't have an iPhone but for my android phone I purchased a small folding bluetooth keyboard to use for just the things you mention (writing longer missives, working on my travel blog). It weighs 5 ounces and is very close to normal keyboard size (though I do have smaller hands so might not work for everyone).

I don't like reading books on my phone, so I also travel with an Amazon Fire tablet loaded with guidebooks and reading materials (it has the Kindle app reader embedded in the tablet). It is kind of slow though so surfing the web is painful so I hardly used it on my last trip. I am considering not taking it next time and going back to analog reading material and putting guidebooks on my phone (I use the Kindle app reader on my phone).

Posted by
2069 posts

I have one of the later bigger iPhones and it's the only thing I bring on trips with me nowadays. If you don't have an iPad I wouldn't buy one just for the trip. I did everything on vacation on my iPhone and yes I even read on it.

My parents who are in their 80s still travel with both an iPad/iPhone but use the iPad only for reading books.

Posted by
3686 posts

I take my Android phone and my Ipad Mini on each trip.
Phone is great for being out and about during the day, but Ipad is great for evenings…looking up schedules, “surfing”, booking events, etc.
I have found it very useful to have with me.

Posted by
1973 posts

I am a huge iPad user when travelling. You do not need an external keyboard. The iPad, IMO, is so much easier to use than a phone for many things. I keep a daily travel log on either notes or Pages. I keep track of spending on the app provided, Numbers. I find the keyboard on the phone just too small.

The other thing is the ability to get onto Netflix or other streaming when needed. The screen is also so much bigger. Also, I have an attachment that allows me to download my picture card from my camera to my iPad that then uploads to the cloud, especially useful where wifi is poor from a camera upload.

You don't NEED an iPad, but IMO, it is a great, small tool to have. I also travel with an iPhone. Get a very good iPad cover.

Posted by
15190 posts

I'm one that also travels with an iPhone 14 and a iPad Mini 6. I can do everything on the iPhone but I prefer to read on my iPad Mini using the Kindle app. I read every night and sometimes if I am taking an easy day I'll just go to a park in Paris with a baguette for lunch, a bottle of water and my "book".

Besides I have the Kindle monkey on my back with my reading streak, lol. Can't break that!!

I do like that the iPad Mini has the back up from my iPhone Notes and Photo section for my paperless plane/train/hotel/museum reservations. I've got 2 ways to access in case something dies.

I am able to type with thumbs on the iPhone or iPad Mini so don't need a separate keyboard although at home if I have a long email or post answer I'll hop on the laptop instead.

Posted by
648 posts

I’m in Greece right now, typing this on my iPad mini, no added keyboard. I really like to go through photos on it, helps to edit them on a bigger screen than my iPhone 12. Plus general looking up stuff, reading and watching something I downloaded. I especially wouldn’t want to be without it on the flight s coming and going.

Posted by
98 posts

I am curious, but has anyone else observed that Ipads seem to be used by “those of a certain age”, i.e. older - close to retirement or retirees? Seems I see those younger with phones and/or laptops. I could just not be seeing the whole Ipad carrying population

Yes, this is certainly true of my children and their friends in their early twenties. They did have iPads when they were small (under 10) but didn’t want or use them from their teens on.

Posted by
1476 posts

Android and Windows user here, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't have my phone, my tablet AND my laptop.

Posted by
1476 posts

I was about to borrow my friend's iPad for my two week hiking trip to Portugal & Spain, I leave in 11 days. Then I realized I can do everything with my iPhone 14. I will get an eSim package from Airalo and shut off my AT&T as my Primary under Cellular. I can swipe it back on if I really need to. I have informed family and friends to not call me. They can send messages through WhatsApp, Messenger or Email me. All my files & info I need for my reservations are all on a file folder I created on my iPhone. One less thing to worry about and carry on my back.

Safe Travels.

Posted by
663 posts

I always travel with both my iPad and iPhone. I use my iPad on the plane and in the evening for streaming shows, researching the next day’s activities, read books, etc. I agree that if you don’t usually use an iPad, you probably don’t need to buy one. However, I strongly suggest that if you’re traveling solo to have a backup device that can access internet. I lost my iPhone halfway through a recent trip in London and it saved my vacation to have the iPad. I always thought I would never lose my phone but it happened.

Posted by
11857 posts

I load books on my Kindle app in my iPad and take it along for reading on the flights.

Posted by
1943 posts

I don’t mind and am capable of carrying a heavier load. So I pack phone, tablet and Kindle.

Kindle paperwhite. Battery lasts for weeks and the e ink technology is easy on my eyes. On computer screens I get eye strain much quicker. If the in flight entertainment system is down or I can’t find a good movie I can read as much as I want.

Phone is for when I’m out and about. Generally just mapping, checking last minute details and mostly for the camera.. I’m not the type to be on my phone checking stuff all day (ie facebook, tik tok, instagram, etc). So I am present and enjoying my trip.

Tablet. Download movies just in case IFE is down. Also as others for general use at night in the room. My friend and I watched “Saving Private Ryan” the night before our Normandy tour. It really set the scene. For the next day. It’s also a backup in case my phone is lost or stolen. I can wipe it clean from my iPad. Get a new phone and I’m back in business.

As far as iPad vs laptop. Some of it maybe demographics. But I also suspect the younger cohort may need a more powerful productivity tool. Possibly for class or work

Posted by
21547 posts

Need? No. Phones will take care of the essentials.

For convenience or entertainment? Thats a personal choice.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont want to mess with it or have the distraction with me.

Posted by
1068 posts

I discovered I don't need an IPad when it broke, but I do need a tablet....

After looking that the price of new IPads I decided that I could do a lot of other things with the money I'd have to hand over for a new IPad, so I went with a cheap tablet of Amazon. I spent about 100 Euros (I live in Europe) on it and the package came with a mouse, keyboard and case.

I've had it about a year and it works just fine for me. Of course it is not as powerful as an IPad and it did take a little work to get my Google and Apple accounts syncing mail, appointments and contacts, but it is good enough. And bonus, I don't care it it is stolen or lost.

Posted by
193 posts

I live on my iPad at home, but when packing light for an overseas trip i depend on my iPhone. We, however, don’t go away for months at a time. In your circumstances I might take it. I always have my Kindle for reading. I tried the Kindle Fire on a few trips thinking it could sub for my iPad, but I didn’t like it and ended up just using my phone for email and Facebook. Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
1114 posts

Lots of good ideas here... I would just add that it also depends upon how much you want to carry on your trip? We check a bag, gasp, so have the luxury of having more room in our carryon for one ipad each, which I find very useful for checking out restaurant reservations, etc. in the evening while traveling. I also use it to watch Youtube videos about our next day destinations, remind myself why and what I'm going to visit. You're not missing anything, it's just a personal choice!

Posted by
3385 posts

Yes, you can easily travel with your phone only. At least I can. Sometimes I bring my kindle to read, but last time, and many times, I've traveled with just my phone or way back when with my iPod. I text with my family, upload to instagram, and handle my travels on my phone. However, I admit the larger screen on an iPad is less awkward. So you can, but it is up to your interests to determine if you want to do so.