Can anyone tell me what attractions / museums / monuments will be closed over the winter ? We are traveling to London / Paris / throughout Italy & Greece in March & April ?
Thanks, you guys are the best.
Can anyone tell me what attractions / museums / monuments will be closed over the winter ? We are traveling to London / Paris / throughout Italy & Greece in March & April ?
Thanks, you guys are the best.
Most, if not all London attractions are open all years (all close Christmas day and some close on 'bank holidays- check websites). March and April are spring there- not winter. Lots of school will be on break at some point those months, so attractions do lots of local business as well as out of country tourists.
Same exact advice for Paris, but different spots close different day every week.
Next person please:
For Italy--
Everything should be open in the major cities like Rome & Florence, but some sites such as the Colosseum close earlier, around sunset (5pm-ish).
Smaller cities are a lot harder to predict, and you are more likely to run into closures or irregular operating hours. Everything was open when we went to Orvieto in winter, however.
As noted above, March & April aren't what most people would consider winter, so I think places will not be running on their shortest schedules.
By April in Northern Europe (as others have said, hardly winter) daylight hours are already significantly longer than southern Virginia. Pretty much everything is open, or if it is closed, it has nothing to do with the time of year.
Thank you everyone. Maybe I should re-phrase the question.
Does anyone know of any closings or partial closing due to renovations on any exhibits or monuments, etc. ?