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Winery Lunches in Burgundy

We're interested in a winery lunch--any suggestions for a place with good atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, and great food? We're hoping to experience a multi course wine paired meal in a winery. We're staying in Beaune and would like to find a place in or near Beaune. Thanks for suggestions.

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524 posts

For a start, I would email your hotel and ask for their suggestions. Your hotel will have a vested interest in keeping you happy so they will be a good resource. Also, find the local tourism organization online to get their advice. With this information, you should be able to find more reviews to fine tune your options. Bobbie

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10344 posts

Have a great time. And we know you'll be careful, but if driving after your winery lunch, note that French law is - surprising to some travelers - more strict than our laws here on blood alcohol levels: about .6 there compared to our 0.8. Easier to get over the limit and enforcement is strict. Not a good way to spend some of your vacation. It's why some of those posting here choose to do wine tours where someone else is doing the driving.

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4132 posts

There is one in Aloxe-Corton that was a highlight of my trip 5 years ago. it was a tasting lunch--more about the wine than the food, though the food was great too. Here's how it worked; prices may have changed. There are 3 menus, all with the same food, traditional Burgundian fare like Jambon Persile and Coq au Vin. E30 gets you, as I recall, 4 very good wines; E40 6 good wines including some grand cru, and E60 6 great wines. The wines include but are not limited to those of the winery, and the staff is very knowledgeable. If you are after a higher class of food (though this was very good) then this sort of thing is not for you--it is more about the wine than the food. You'd be better off finding a nice restaurant. But I really recommend this. Ah, this is it: