I have read so many posts about the "bracelet scam" - people tie a bracelet on your wrist and then ask for money. I wonder what makes this a "scam"? What I mean is - if you would like to have the bracelet, and you decide to give them money for it, then is it a scam because the bracelet is not worth as much as you paid? Or is it because you may allow yourself to be intimadated into paying for something you don't want?
I have had two experiences with this - one was in India, and despite our guide telling us that we were under no obligation to give money, we allowed the "vendor" to tie a bracelet (there was also a quasi-religous ceremony so we were paying for the "performance" as well). We got pictures and a souvenier to put in our scrapbook. Yes, I'm sure we overpaid but like I said, we allowed this to happen. The second experience was this past year in Milan where we were approached by people who held the bracelet out and indicated they wanted to put it on our arm. We said no. That was it.
I've been approached by people many times who want to sell me something I do not want. I have indeed, handed something back to someone after determining I didn't want it. And I've definitely overpaid for MANY things. So I would truly like to know from those taken by this "scam" - why did you pay for this thing you did not want? Or are the warnings simply to let people know that this is not a "custom" that you need to obey? Thanks for the insight.