Or at least acknowledge that they read the answers? I am thinking of all the times I have seen Lee, Larry, Lola, Tim, Ken, or others post detailed answers to questions about train schedules or routes, which must have taken a bit of time to look up, and the person never comes back to say "thanks". Same with questions about airfare when people don't know how to find a good one and Frank or someone else tells them where to look. Do they think this is a chat room and if they don't get an immediate answer they never come back to look? Or is there some other reason? It seems to me that common courtesy requires a "thanks" when someone takes the time to help with a specific question.
The thanks are often delivered via private message.
I will confirm what Tom said; often the thanks come by private message. But in many cases the "thank you" comes with no reference to what question I answered, and it isn't easy to sort back through the posts to find that person and their question.
Sasha, I agree with the others. Many people do say "thanks" via a PM. Of course there are others that never do acknowledge that they've even read the comments that others have provided. Your question is a good reminder of "net etiquette". Cheers!
Yes, thanks are often delivered by private message... Also, I get the feeling that folks don't want to "clog up" the board with too much back-n-forthing. Everyone here seems really nice, so I always take the "thanks!" as read.
Yeah, I've gotten many thanks from people I didn't even know! Just people reading the threads...not the OP. Sometimes, I don't even know what the topic they're referring to is LOL, but I'll get a 'thanks, that info was really helpful!' PM...then I go back through the threads looking for that person's name...and it's nowhere to be found...LOL! Still, I appreciate the 'thanks' ;-) Every time someone posts, the OP gets an email...so they know when people post to their thread. I do often wonder why they never come back around...sometimes we really need travel dates, or number of travelers, etc., to accurately answer their question. I assume they've been eaten by giant bugs... I have to admit that sometimes I get a little annoyed when the OP never comes back around again, and I know how much effort has gone into the answers (yes, even sometimes by me). Sometimes the 'train tables-type' threads are no big deal, but other times they're pretty involved and take some time. But, no one is forced to answer questions around here...I just assume they don't realize how much effort goes into some of the answers; they get presented in a very concise way (usually!) and probably look easy-peasy to the OP. Reminds me of my baton twirling days - people would clap like crazy at the easy stuff, and just sit there when you did something very difficult ;-)
I too have gotten thanks via PM. In some cases I can recall getting PMs of thanks in threads where some of the answers were divergent to the question and posting thanks in the thread would have been counterproductive. For example poster asks about where to buy a particular type of men's shorts. First, response is someone one condemning shorts. I then posted that I like shorts and answer the question. I got a PM of thanks in private, the OP didn't repost in the thread, but did comment in my PM that the OP was taken aback by the first response. I believe the OP's reason for the private thanks was to do so publicly would have taken the thread even more off topic.
I've only gotten one thanks, but I'll give one. Thanks!
I also get plenty of thanks (more than I deserve) by PM. But I, too, wonder - what did I say? I used to not send thanks in e-mail exchanges because I figured it clogs the inbox. But I've lately started doing more just because it's polite and it provides closure. I treat a "thanks" as "I've got what I needed". On this board, I think the "thanks" from the original poster is the signal that the thread should be considered done. No more posts needed!
@Eileen... I have posted questions and have not received emails that someone has answered (maybe I opted out somewhere ? as I do not want a bunch of emails coming to my phone... so not everyone gets those... I personally would not ask questions if I got an additional email as I will look for the answer when I have time. And yes, we should take the time to say thanks, but I am not always signed in when looking for a response, so for all who have helped me....THANKS A BUNCH if I forgot to say so....
I try to say thanks. But, I also worry about clogging the board. But, you are right. Common courtesy should not go out the window just because it's the internet.
I've received some "thanks" via PM, and I have also given some "thanks" via PM as well. Some, including myself sometimes, will post a "thanks in advance" in the original message/post/question, which can be seen as courteous on a graffiti wall to a certain degree (or at least I thought so, even though it certainly is not as courteous as a personal/individual message). Is a "thanks in advance" on a graffiti wall/helpline/blog adequate?
Also to note, as some have mentioned, I usually won't post a "thank you" on the board 1) so I don't clog the board, and 2) because it may seem to give a sense of closure: if the original poster asking the question has posted "thank you" then it may indirectly lead others into not posting their ideas or comments because they may believe that the original poster has received all the information that he/she needed. For me, I'm always up for additional comments/ideas/suggestions, so I wouldn't want to imply that bit of closure indirectly.
Sasha, Thank you for reminding me to say ,"thank you". Thanks again, Richard P.S. PM sent.
Would agree that "thanks" via PM is the common way to go. I've gotten a couple (but I know for what because I don't respond that often).
One shouldn't feel slighted or put off if a "thank you" never comes. Most people don't do good deeds just to get a favorable response back. You do it because it's nice and provides intrinsic satisfaction. I figure if you get one "thank you" for every five posts, then you are doing well.
I also get a thank you quite often by pm, but as others have said, I don't know for which post so much of the time. If you send a pm, try and remind us of what thread or post you are talking about. As to cluttering up the board, I think it is nice when a poster comes back to sort of "Close the Thread". It lets others know that they don't need to keep offering advice as the poster has the info, or they have already gone on their trip. This gives the new poster a clue that they might want to begin a new thread rather post on a 1-2 year old thread.
OK, everyone, here it comes: Thanks! I didn't realize that PM's were the way to go. I haven't posted enough useful information to ever receive a "thankful" one. I'm glad to know that hard work does not go unappreciated, even if it is in private. But how did the PM route become the custom? It seems like it is more work for the person to send several PM's to individuals, than to just say "thanks for the help" on the board. And I agree with Jo it would be helpful to bring closure to the discussion, and to let people know they don't need to provide more answers to the quesiton, 2 or 3 years later. But I'm not retired so I don't hang around here much, and don't really have a vote in how things should work.
OK, Terry kathryn - a special dispensation for you ;-) I do like it when the OP comes back to say 'thanks, I'm good here'; sometimes they say 'thanks', then wonder where everybody went LOL! Some have said 'thanks; then how about if I do this instead...' so we know they're still out there and listening and want to acknowledge the posters but still need info. But when someone asks a pretty involved question then doesn't show up for 2-3 weeks, or longer...or never... If they aren't receiving their emails, then perhaps they should've stuck a Post-It on their computer screen to remind them to check up on the very important question they asked...or tell us to 'stop posting, stupid people' because they've already found the answer somewhere else. Thanks, Everybody!!!
Thank you to the regulars for the hundreds of responses I've read! They've really helped to mold our trip. I tend to be more of a "lurker" than question asker, but the information is still greatly appreciated, used, and entertaining.
Yes, this IS a most entertaining place; soooo much better than those other often-dry boards! I used to lurk mostly for the entertainment value; I learned ALOT about Wales ;-) I knew that if one particular poster said a certain thing, that within 3 posts another particular poster would be on - guns blazing LOL!!! Ah, good times LOL! There were certain posters I looked forward to reading, because they were obviously having fun here; that's when I decided that if I ever started posting, I wanted to have fun, too! Why not? Where does it say one can't give info about baggage storage at the Munich HB while throwing in a LOL or a ;-) ?!? So, here's MY Big Thank You to the 'oldtimers' who made THIS site the bestest!!!