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Why do so many European based people read this website??

I have noticed that a lot of European based people (at least from their IDs) read this website. I was wondering why? Of course no one minds, but it seems odd since this site is to help people who are going to Europe. How much help can it be for people who already live there??? Just curious.

Posted by
9110 posts

I'd suspect that since they're the ones providing, rather than receiving, the help, they're just good people.

Posted by
9146 posts

Thank you Ed. That is correct. I like helping people who are coming over here.

I also occasionally travel to other countries and ask the occasional question from folks who have been to certain cities or who I think seem to know their way around a place. Lee, for example. I often send him train questions. Frank II I ask questions of, and honestly, it is fun to meet people from the forum when they come here. Some of the people on here, correspond with me privately too, so they have become friends.

Posted by
964 posts

Yep, me too. I'm British born but spent half of my life living in Canada and the US, so I like to help. It feels like I'm repaying some of the tremendous kindness and generosity I was shown in N. America.

Also, I have in the past asked questions on here about trips within Europe and had the most amazing advice that I hadn't found for myself.

For example, there's Tim in Minot, N Dakota- he's awesome; what he doesn't know about train services isn't worth knowing, IMHO.

And I've developed a really nice friendship which I value a lot with someone who lives in California, through this website.

So I think it's a case of 'The more the merrier'!

Posted by
375 posts

As Maggie and Jo indicated, those of us who live in Europe also like to travel to other places in Europe. Those who (like myself) are American have eliminated the first step of making the transatlantic flight. But we have many of the same questions and issues traveling within Europe that anyone coming from the US, Canada, or anywhere else would have. After all, I live in one little spot in Germany; I don't live all over Europe and I can't know everything about the continent. Some things are different when you are living here, of course. I tend to take more frequent and shorter trips rather than one long vacation, and I can drive my own car, for instance. But I enjoy picking up pointers from this forum and occasionally I feel I can contribute something worthwhile.

Posted by
2297 posts

I'm not currently living in Europe but did so for more than half of my life. I like to be a bit of an ambassador and invite people to see some of the exciting places I've lived or visited that may give them a better idea of what Europe and European culture are like - beyond the visions of a Disney castle. One of my favourite quotes is this one by Mark Twain:

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness"

Posted by
12040 posts

I'm moving to Germany this summer and I will continue to use this website, both to share experiences and knowledge, and to learn more myself. For example, I know as much about North Carolina (not a lot!), even though I currently live in the US, than about Spain, Italy, Greece or Sweden. Living in one area of Europe won't mean I still won't have questions about other regions.

Posted by
23557 posts

There is nothing odd about it. I think it is terrific. The best recommendations come from people who have been there rather than internet links or opinions from people who have never been there. And it doesn't getter any better than from a native or a transplanted American/Canadian living there. We need the real time experiences.

Posted by
356 posts

My reasons for being here are:

1) I enjoy the discussions.

2) I love my city and want people to enjoy it. It can be an intimidating place so if I can help people out that's great!

3) I haven't visited a lot of Europe so need the same advice the rest of you do. Just because I live in Europe it doesn't mean I am an expert on every country here!

4) A lot of travel forums can be intimidating, but this one seems quite friendly.

Posted by
92 posts

Folks that are already in Europe probably travel there more than most of you do. Rick Steves is in a major language and he has a fun, relaxed style and a good eye for what travellers would enjoy seeing & doing. Realistically less than 5% of a RS book involves where you were before you arrived in Europe. London-Paris-Berlin-Venice-London is still flying open jaw!

Posted by
33480 posts

Just as those above,

I'm not an expert on all of Europe, but RS is why I am here and I think it is incumbent on all of us going through the back door to help each other. I travel frequently around the UK and Europe, mostly France, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, and the BeNeLux area so I can actually give recent unbiased advice. I hope that's appreciated.

Posted by
32324 posts

It's wonderful that people living in Europe take the time to contribute to the HelpLine. Who better to provide information on a particular city than someone living there!

Posted by
9436 posts

I especially love reading posts from people that live in Europe and I appreciate every one of them...thank you to all of you!

Posted by
1568 posts

I am grateful for the Europeans that help on this board. They are an asset to the site as they have first hand knowledge with their countries and surrounding areas.

Posted by
196 posts

I appreciate the helpful hints from any source and am continuously amazed at the wealth of info travelers on this site provide. I have many sticky notes w/ tidbits scrawled on them for our (I hope) upcoming trip to France & Germany------ash situation looking more hopeful today.

Posted by
517 posts

Guilty as charged. Before I moved to Austria, "Europe" was my hobby. Moving here hasn't changed that. Nothing gets my motor running like planning my next trip to some part of the continent that I haven't visited before, or learning some new bit of euro-trivia. I enjoy the many insights and ideas posted here. And I've also come to look forward to the posts of some of the regulars who participate on this board. Finally, I enjoy being able to post the occasional insider's recommendation regarding my adopted Vienna. I think Vienna is somewhat neglected by American travellers to Europe, and I'm glad that I can help raise its profile in my small way.

Posted by
386 posts

dear Alan,

I am an Austrian who has lived in the USA for many years, and returned home to Austria a few years ago.

While living in the USA, I used to assuage my homesickness by watching RS on my local PBS station. Eventually I ended up on this website, and started offering advice when I could.

I am still at it, now from my native Austria.

Along the way, I have stepped on a few toes with my European perspective, and once was the target of some pretty ugly hate-mail, but overall it has been rewarding and fun.

I go out of my way to help further the understanding between Americans and Europeans, and hope very much that I can be of help with my insider tips here and there.

Posted by
1717 posts

Many people who are citizens of, and residents in some countries in Europe, desire to travel to Florida in the U.S.A., to go to Walt Disney World. And very many people from the U.K. and Germany go to Florida for vacation. Today, people from continental Europe or the United Kingdom or Ireland can have free admission to Walt Disney World (near Orlando in Florida) or Busch Gardens (near Tampa in Florida) if they have an airline ticket (unused ticket).

Posted by
44 posts

I welcome our European friends and am glad for their local perspective. Thank you for being willing to help and to offer your advice.

Posted by
10344 posts

The residents of Europe who contribute to this website make a valuable contribution as they share their insights. Our thanks to each of them.

Posted by
31 posts

Wow, it's pretty amazing to see the range of reactions when you post something!! It's also amazing how people can misunderstand an email because they are unable to see your facial expressions, hear the tone of your voice, etc.
For example, many falsely assumed I was "attacking" Europeans. Not true. My wife is European and we spend summers with her family there.

Second, I, too, am glad for the imput that European based people have made to this site. As for the "odd" word I used, which seemed to set some people off, I stand by it. Odd does not mean evil or bad. I just meant that I never thought of going to a European based website in order to find out how to travel to the U.S. since I already live in the U.S. So, I was just curious as to why European based people would go to this website. Again, I'm glad they do. But I just curious. So, please calm down. No insult was intended. I was just curious.

Posted by
964 posts

I hope it will make you feel better Alan, if I tell you that I just took your comment as being curious.

And I enjoyed reading the many responses! So thanks for starting an interesting thread.