After a long wait, the 3rd saturday is almost here. Saturday, April 21, Panera at Aspen Grove at 10 AM. Who's going to be there?
I keep meaning to attend, and somehow have never yet made it, even on the rare day when I'm not committed to take one of my kids to some activity or another. I'm hoping my reply will force me to commit!
I'll be there! Looking forward to meeting you, Lexma. Joy ... I have some maps for you, if you'll be there.
Hi Lee, I see from Frank's posts that he is moving to Tresana. Will he be too far away for the Denver meetings? For me, I'll be in the Sacramento meeting this Saturday. Have fun.
Frank is not moving away, he's just moving into a lower maintenance home so he can spend more time in Europe. Tresana is in Highlands Ranch, south of C-470.
Lee outed me. Just trying to add an exotic tag to my name to increase my credibility.
Do you all always meet on the 3rd Saturday? and do you think you'll be meeting in July and August? I grew up in Arvada, and am planning a trip to Denver in either July or August to visit family including my grandbaby in Boulder:) Might be fun to plan it so that I could make your meeting if you will be meeting during the summer.
I don't think "we" have missed a third Saturday in years. I put we in quotation marks because sometimes it's just Frank and I. A few times I've been there alone. Usually 3-6 people. I'm going to be in Germany (Zwiesel) in May, so I will miss for the first time, maybe since we started. Then again in September. I will be in Seattle for my 50th HS reunion, but plan to be in Edmonds Sat. morning. Hope some of the Seattle people will meet me there. Maybe I'll Skype with the Denver group. So, yes. We expect to meet in July and August. The weather will probably be good and we'll sit outside.
I won't be there. We have our own now, and you are all invited, I think.
Third Saturday means 3rd SAT. We will be there.
Lee, "Then again in September. I will be in Seattle for my 50th HS reunion, but plan to be in Edmonds Sat. morning." Is there also a RS group in Seattle? It's possible I could have attended a September meeting, but unfortunately I'll be in Europe at that time. Happy travels in Zweisel (looks like a beautiful town)!
Hi guys. Once again I have something else scheduled for this Sat and can't come. One of these days I'm going to make it so I can put some faces with the names. Maybe next month. By the way, how close is the Panera to the lightrail station in Littleton?
It is very walkable, probably a half mile. The Panera is at the south end of the mall and backs to the north side of the parking lot for the light rail. But it is a big parking lot.
Thanks Frank. Hope I can make it in May or June, I would love to run some last minute things by you guys for my trip in July/Aug. Enjoy your meeting.
Remember there are appropriate fee associated with the advice.
Well Lee, even if it's just you and Frank it would be fun to meet the two of you! Have fun on your trip in May. We'll be on the Mosel and biking around Lake Constance in June:) I hope you'll post a trip report!
Frank, would that advice fee be per/minute or by the piece (of advice)? ha ha. Okay, if I like the advice maybe I'll buy you a bagel.
Frank charges what the advice is worth. So, it's free.
I think Frank has his distances off. Aspen Grove is about 100-200 yards from the light rail station. Panera will involve just a slightly longer walk - but nowhere near half a mile.
If you hitch a ride on a crow, maybe 200 yds. According to Google, it's 0.3 miles from the parking lot just west of the pedestrian bridge to the street in front of Panera. That's walking through the parking lot, taking right angle turns.
As I'll be the newbie to this GTG, how do I know who the Rick Steves folks are? Will you be holding Rick Steves carryon bags, or anything like that?
We generally sit on the left side, as you come in the door, and we have some Rick Steves books on the table.
This page has pictures of some of the regulars from the group (but don't let that scare you). Ignore the date shown on the page.
Lola, will your Group invite Rick & Co?!!!!