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While Europe Slept

Has anyone read "While Europe Slept" by Bruce Bawer? Are his claims about Europe true and should that be taken into account when planning a trip there?

Posted by
23671 posts

Haven't read it so you will have to explain your fear.

Posted by
9371 posts

I have only read reviews of this book, but it appears that the author doesn't offer any kind of "evidence" for his claims, as far as providing a bibliography of sources of his information. I'm not sure how this book should be "taken into account" when planning a trip, to be honest. I mean, his claims could be true, but how would that affect your planning?

Posted by
959 posts

Since none of the previous posters said what the book is about, here's the link on Amazon which gives a synopsis:
People have discussed fears of terrorism before on this site. Many people including myself don't want to miss out on Europe just because of the chance of terrorist attacks. If it's my time to die, so be it. I want to live life to the fullest until that time comes!

Posted by
12040 posts

As long as you stay out of the ghettos, you will likely be safe, and even if you stray, your chances of suffering bodily harm are excedingly low. You are almost infinately more likely to be killed in a traffic accident (particularly in Italy!) than to be killed or injured by an act of terrorism. Just stay out of certain areas, stay as alert and there should be no problem. A visitor to Philadelphia probably would not plan to see North Philadelphia, likewise an American tourist to Paris probably wouldn't head straight for les banlieux either.

Posted by
80 posts

Hey, North Philly isnt a problem , its west Philly. I agree, I have travelled extensivley over the last 15 years to many different countries and terrorism has never been an issue. Practice the same precautions you would in LA, Philly, NY, Paris, London, Rome, Athens, etc and you will be fine.

Posted by
479 posts

This guy is just trying to sell books. Do a search for his name on Amazon. All of his books (whether you agree with them or not) are designed to sell books. Fear is the easiest way to get someone to do something, and he is trying to scare you into reading his book. Fear is a primal instinct that neglects any form of reason. Fear is a good thing because it is meant for survival, but people like Mr. Bawer are using it to get your money from you. Save your money and your time for traveling to Europe.

I'm not even saying that I completely disagree with everything he has to say. But I have other things I'd rather do with my time and money like shop for toilet paper.

Posted by
808 posts

Gee Bob...
I do hope you're getting a cut on commissions! I had never heard of this book until this thread. Now that you've stirred my curiosity I'll just have to read it!

Yeah, I'll take it with me on layover to Europe! =)

Safe Skies,

Posted by
658 posts

This is just another example of an American view that Europe is more or less one nation or one people or one system of government.

It jumps to conclusions that there is no justification for jumping to. It makes assumptions that there are no justification for.

It's written for Americans who never have and never will leave the North American continent.

If you don't like travelling to new countries, experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, speaking new languages, using a different currency or if you see driving on the other side of the road as a sure sign of terrorist infiltration - this book is for you.

If, on the other hand, you don't subscribe to such ignorance and bigotry - it's great to see you, welcome to Europe.

Posted by
9110 posts

The premise of the book is very silly. The author could very easily make the same argument right here in the US. Guess which country has the second highest population of Palestinians and Iranians; the USA. Immigrant groups, whether they are from the Middle-East or Latin America are moving to the west for economic reasons. They are doing the jobs we don't want to do anymore; not spreading radical religious beliefs. I just returned from Amsterdam last week, and a lot of locals I ran into were talking a lot of trash about the recent influx of Moroccan immigrants into Holland. It was a lot of the same complaints you hear from some in this country about Mexican immigrants: they're taking our jobs, are a burden to the welfare system, cause crime, ect. ect. ect. If you go back 75 years people were saying the same things about Irish, Italian and other immigrant groups....some things never change.

Posted by
4555 posts

It would have been nice if he had some stats to back up his arguments....otherwise they're nothing more than personal opinions and views.

Posted by
2 posts

The book is chocked full of stats (at the 'avalanche' level, you might say).

Posted by
4555 posts

Let's see here. He says he's found Muslim areas across Europe where "“women were oppressed and abused, homosexuals persecuted and killed, ‘infidels’ threatened and vilified, Jews demonized and attacked, barbaric traditions (such as honor killing and forced marriage) widely practiced, and freedom of speech and religion firmly repudiated.” No figures to say how many found. He concludes that "the spectacular failure of integration has brought some nations to the verge of social chaos and is leading others steadily in that direction." No figures, but riots in Paris hardly constitute "social chaos," and he ignores successful models of multiculturalism suchas Canada. The stats he does provide are taken out of context and prove nothing. One is a study of 145 Turkish men who came to Denmark as guest workers 30 years ago....all of whom married Turkish women and brought over Turkish a community of 2800. So what? (cont)

Posted by
4555 posts

And his conclusion that crime rates are rising among Muslim communities is unsupported. The stats he does provide are taken out of context and prove nothing. One is a study of 145 Turkish men who came to Denmark as guest workers 30 years ago....all of whom married Turkish women and brought over Turkish a community of 2800. So what? There are no footnotes to refer readers to any trenchant works on the topic. His comparison of Europe now to the rise of Nazism in the wake of the fall of the Weimar republic is laugable...and shows a complete lack of understanding of the political and economic situation of the 1920s and 30s in Germany. And his continued references to "America-bashing" shows the failure to recognize what many travellers have found out for themselves...Europeans may "bash" the American government (the Bush admin) but not the American people. Right-wing fear-mongering with no basis in reality.

Posted by
204 posts

I don't understand why this book upsets so many people. Most of what he says can be comfirmed by your daily reading of the paper. In addition, I would think that most of you "sophisticated world travelers" know enough about different cultures to intuit a good bit more.


Posted by
4555 posts

Charles....if reading the daily newspapers is the extent of your research into the issues that Bawer raises...then no wonder his claims fall on fertile ground from time to time.

Posted by
204 posts

Suppose we meet in the middle of a dusty street and have a "knowledge-out" (as opposed to an old fashioned "shoot out", Norm) You'll never get your brain out of its holster.


Posted by
4555 posts

Fire when ready Charles!....if the old grey matter hasn't dried out in that Texas sun :)