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Which Pacsafe color is best for Europe?

Hi Travel Bugs! Im new here, and finally registered after haunting the forums anonymously. My first question is i recently bought a new Pacsafe slingsafe 250 GII for my mom's birthday in the cypress green (which is actually more like a pistachio green, which we luv). I was trying to decide between the black and this green and went for the green cus my mom likes this shade, it does go with her clothes well, if and when we travel to Europe or Med, it will be in a warmer, sunnier time. I am also a huge fan of Pacsafe, and have two myself. But i am wondering if using this pistachio green will make her stick out like a "tourist" in general more so than black? in otherwords, does the green scream Tourist or is it just passable? My mom is a senior and Asian, so we may stick out anyways! LOLOL We are planning to possibly go on a Med Cruise later and spend most of our time in the Southern portion, and perhaps London. Thanks.

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12040 posts

There's probably about a hundred other things that will identify her as a tourist before the color of the Pacsafe. Don't sweat it.

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3305 posts

My opinion would be to go with the purse color that you think she will love. What I find about travel items is that they end up being everyday items because I love them so much. Go with the color she loves as it will get more use in the end. I think the green would be lovely and be lovely in the warm weather. We always stand out as tourists to the practiced eye anyway, no matter what we think we look like and how hard we might try not to look like tourists...and so what, generally. I love my pacsafe.

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3941 posts

I would have gone green myself cuz I love green, but since my husband was also going to carry it, had to go black!

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2 posts

Thanks for the feed back! Yes, there is always something that will make us stick out like tourists! Cant be helped! LOL

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4412 posts

Welcome, Ms Adventure, from a former longtime lurker! I have a slideshow of European (naturally!) trip photos on my computer screen; I've recently started paying attention to the people in them. It's easy to pick out the American tourists - they're carrying the black 'travel' bags LOL! So, no black is just what you want! Of course I have 587 black bags, but I'm going for versatility, too - black/dark gray is just easier to coordinate with everything else. I'm just not a big fan of carrying my fave bright red canvas bag with blue stripes to my Parisian dinner while wearing a pastel pink blouse...ugh. So, black it is ;-) All of the travel guides used to say 'wear black because the locals do', but that's not the case anymore. Now, the more colorfully-dressed Disneyland tourist will stand out, but since there are plenty of colorfully-dressed tourists (from all over the world) even they blend in! So...wear what you want (within some reason...!) and you'll not 'stick out' so much. But don't try to 'blend in', because that's difficult to pull off.

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6788 posts

Don't bother trying to blend in - it's always extremely obvious who's a tourist, anywhere. Get over that. A better question you might consider is, what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of "Packsafes". Everybody should decide for themselves, but these have always struck me as foolish, and worse than useless. Realistically, these things will do absolutely nothing to keep your stuff from being stolen. That's your job. If you're alert and aware of your belongings and your surrounding, your stuff is completely safe. If you think armored packs, metal cables and other weight-increasing gimmicks will relieve you of your need to watch your stuff, you are asking to be robbed. You can provide much better security for your stuff than any "pacsafe" device by simply using your head. No cost, no extra weight, no false sense of security, and no need to pick a color. Not trendy, though.

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11507 posts

Color doesn't matter, the Pacsafe bags always look like tourist bags anyways.. and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't use them , they are too heavy, and my bag costs 1/2 that and is lightweight and just as "safe". I like the green one just because its a nice green. I carry a black bag because I don't wear alot of color and like black, plus dirt doesn't show. Just let her take the one she likes best. She most certainly will look like a tourist anyways. Thats ok..

Posted by
653 posts

Other posters are on to something, it's not the bag color that makes a person stand out. Personally I think the pacsafe bags do identify the person as a tourist, but if I feel secure with it, I don't really care. Lots of Europeans are tourists in cities they visit, too. Be comfortable and happy.