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Which is your favorite Neck Pillow

There are so many from which to choose. I want to be able to sleep on my overnight flight to LHR or at least try to sleep. I'd like one that I can attach to my tote bag and that isn't heavy.

Any recommendations? Thanks!

Posted by
2023 posts

I bought mine at TJMaxx for $10. It has a black fleece type cover and attaches easily to bag or luggage handle. I never was able to sleep much before the neck roll--this is great for sleeping on flight.

Posted by
1662 posts


Definitely many to choose from at TJMaxx stores. You'll see a lot in stores soon. They're replenishing stock of luggage and accessories after the holiday season this past year.

Pricing will vary of course. Usually start at $7.99 up to maybe $11.99 in stores I've browsed.

A lot of the neck pillows are made with the snap to hook onto a bag. Some are made with light or heavy memory foam, and some are made with micro beads (not as sturdy but more pliable.) Some micro bead ones may be covered in polyester; so keep that in mind for allergies.

Most department stores will sell them too like Macy's; Kohl's. Although, selections may vary depending on size of the store and demographics. I've seen more and more stores are joining in on the travel stuff. Browsing Big Lots one time, they had a ton of nice, sturdy neck pillows.

You're in NY. I wonder if you're near to a store called "Christmas Tree Shops and That!" In New England, we have quite a few. They sell tons of nice, travel-sized toiletries, travel gadgets, all kinds of cosmetics, and the like. They also sell neck pillows. I got a Red Sox one long ago.

If you're near a Walmart, they have an American Tourister one. It is u-shaped but can also be inverted into a square pillow too. It has a plush (fleece-like covering.) The pillow is on the lighter foam side, but still sturdy. If you need something heavier for neck issues, your best bet would be TJMaxx. Marshall's has accessories, but I've not found things I liked too much.

Posted by
9088 posts

I've tried (and thrown away) several, including some contraptions with straps and wrap-around scarves. The one I last used was as good as any - I think its called Bucky, and has a soft fleece cover.

Posted by
3058 posts

The Komfort Kollar inflateable is the best we've found. Wraps around the head and supports the chin to prevent it from drooping onto your chest and interrupting your sleep. Since it's inflateable it shrinks down to nothing when packed. Weighs only a few ounces.
Can find them on Amazon for about $25.

Posted by
4074 posts

We do have a TJ Maxx just a few blocks away from our building so I'll check them out. We don't have Christmas Tree shops in NYC. Are inflatables as comfortable as a neck pillow as the other ones?

Posted by
3058 posts

We've found the Komfort Kollar to be quite comfortable.
More to the point, it's the only travel pillow we've found that actually works for us. it's essentially a cervical collar and supports the head to prevent it from wobbling. The other designs have never worked for us, mainly because they don't provide support under the chin, resulting in the head drooping in one direction or another just when we're settling into a deep sleep. The Kollar solves that problem with all axis support. What's nice too is that you can customize the degree of support by adjusting the inflation pressure.
Started using them years ago when we were travelling a lot for business and have continued to use them for our leisure travel now that we're retired. Wouldn't leave home without them.

Posted by
1230 posts

This is the latest one Ive tried, and my family now calls it "the magic pillow":

Ive used the kind that inflate and go around the back (and sides) of your neck. That was ok, but the support under my chin was a game-changer. That said, I wish this one had a small amount of cushion right behind the neck too. I will try it this year with some kind of roll behind my neck as well. But in short, this one has been the best so far (and you'll see, reading around, that there is no perfect option)

Posted by
12315 posts

Nothing special.

I want one that is inflatable - allows it to be deflated for packing without bulk. It also makes the pillow adjustable. There is no law that says a blow up neck pillow must be fully inflated. Instead find the level of inflation that makes you most comfortable. If you like it fully inflated, wait until you are altitude to do it. Nothing creates leaks in these pillows like blowing it up fully on the ground then having the air expand as you climb.

I want a cover that is removable and some sort of soft material. The soft material is just more comfortable than plastic that makes you sweat. Removable means you can wash it between uses.

There are a lot of pillows now on the market that offer something for chin support. I get chin support by rotating the standard horseshoe shaped pillow 90 degrees.

Remember you can also use these pillows during your trip if your lodging doesn't have a pillow that works for you. I've known people who complained about a pillow without realizing they were carrying an extra with them.

Posted by
4074 posts

Thank you everybody for your suggestions. I went to TJ Maxx this afternoon and picked up a Sharper Image Memory Foam Neck Pillow. The store had a large selection and this was the one that felt like it had the most support and softness. It was $8.99 so not bad. Their selection was far superior to what I found at Bed Bath & Beyond. Their neck pillows were not only limited but they weren't long enough to stay around my neck.

Posted by
6677 posts

So I like a window seat so I can tip my head against the window. I would like to have a pillow between my head and the window, but they always slide down the window. Anyone have any great ideas for me?

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi Continental,

I went to TJ Maxx this afternoon and picked up a Sharper Image Memory Foam Neck Pillow. The store had a large selection

That's great you were able to find a neck pillow and with a reasonable price. I really like to browse TJMaxx often; get ideas. As I mentioned above, some TJM's have better selections of travel items and luggage. There are many. Going across the MA border to tax free really helps. Enjoy.

Posted by
1662 posts

Hey jules,

I would like to have a pillow between my head and the window, but they always slide down the window. Anyone have any great ideas for me?

I'm presuming you don't want one as big as a bed pillow. I've seen oblong or square (memory foam) pillows. Travel sized; about 12" or so. Maybe a 100% cotton pillow case would not be as slippery as a soft suede, silk or plush.

Or, if you're creative, you can go to Walmart, Michael's Crafts or Joanne Fabrics, and pick out a ready-made memory foam form pillow. Then you can slip a covering on it. Just some ideas, lol. *

*Added thoughts: I have this one. It's squishy, pliable but oblong so it sort of "stands up in position." Nylon, Spandex, Poly.

Posted by
4074 posts

That's great you were able to find a neck pillow and with a reasonable
price. I really like to browse TJMaxx often; get ideas. As I mentioned
above, some TJM's have better selections of travel items and luggage.
There are many. Going across the MA border to tax free really helps.

Thank you, Girasole. That was a great idea especially as I realized I needed to check them out for myself directly. I wanted to feel how comfortable they would be on my neck. That made a real difference. So many of them were too soft and didn't seemed filled enough to offer neck support. The one thing that drove me nuts about TJ Maxx is that they had their selections of neck pillows in 3 different areas of the store including on the long line at the row of cashiers.

So I like a window seat so I can tip my head against the window. I
would like to have a pillow between my head and the window, but they
always slide down the window. Anyone have any great ideas for me?

Jules, I saw a variety of pillows as you described above at TJ Maxx yesterday. Several of them had some kind of rubbery tread on one side that would grip the window thereby preventing the pillow from moving.

Posted by
6677 posts

Awesome, thanks Girasole and Continental, I will try TJMaxx and your ideas.

Posted by
1662 posts

You're welcome Continental and Jules!

The one thing that drove me nuts about TJ Maxx is that they had their selections of neck pillows in 3 different areas of the store including on the long line at the row of cashiers.

Ah, Continental. I agree. Sometimes they have things in the luggage area, in the cash out area and on end cap shelves ^,^. lol. I think it's "a psyche out" (strategy) by corporate marketing.

Posted by
12315 posts

I prefer a window seat to lean against the side. My pillow around my neck doesn't slide down. In this case the open end of the pillow would be facing away from the window.

Ear plugs/headset for my smartphone, ski cap, and a blindfold/eye shade (what do they call those?) complete my "flying stuff" and all go in one zip lock bag in my carry on.

Posted by
3050 posts

I require an aisle seat or I feel claustrophobic and since I'm incapable of sleeping for long durations and like to get up and walk around every couple hours, it's just easier. The only pillow I've had any success with is this silly inflatable thing that looks like a question mark. It has a near-circle that surrounds your head and keeps your neck from flopping, but continues with a "stem" that as a side sleeper I find replicates my normal sleeping position as close as you can while upright.

I managed to sleep a couple hours with it on my last trip from the US to Germany, which was a new record for me.

It's quite compact when deflated, but makes a pretty ridiculous/embarrassing noise when you inflate it. But i was so tired on my last flight that I didn't really care. Anyway just wanted to throw that out there, I've tried many different styles of neck pillows and this was the only one that works for me. It also worked great in the car as a passenger on the drive from the airport.

Posted by
1662 posts

Yay! Thanks for update to help others too.

A lot of times, I suggest TJM cause you never know what goodie is waiting. I usually have good luck when scouting TJM for things; not just for travel.

Posted by
14998 posts

Oh funny you posted as I was thinking of you yesterday on my International flight. For some reason the plane got really stuffy during the night and I was thinking of you and your pillow! I got so hot I finally just deflated mine and packed it away. I’m glad you found something that worked for you.

And yes I love TJMaxx-usually not a big investment if something doesn’t work out.

Posted by
4074 posts

Pam, enjoy your trip! A stuffy plane -- was the air vent above your seat not working? I often worry that a plane will be too warm and thus uncomfortable and dreadful. One can always put on a sweater or scarf when it's chilly; when it's too warm or hot, not much one can do. Both flights worked out great.

Posted by
14998 posts

I don’t know what kind of plane but it didn’t have individual air vents. The FA’s announced the temperature was controlled by the pilot and to let the FAs know if people were too hot or cold. I’d never heard that kind of statement before. Usually I’m cold on those overnight flights so this was an exception.

Posted by
4074 posts

What type of aircraft was that in which the pilot controlled the air vents? I've never heard of that. Even puddle jumpers have air vents over the seats.

Posted by
14998 posts

I know!! It was a Delta flight from Salt Lake City to Paris and it looks like the plane that usually flies that route is a 767-300. I try to remember to wipe down my seat area with a disinfectant wipe as soon as I board and did notice I didn’t see a vent to wipe. I was in an aisle seat in the center and I could not have reached it anyway even though I’m not all that short.

I’m always on one of the smaller commuter jets from my local airport to SLC and yes, there are vents on those.

Posted by
4074 posts

I do what I can to avoid 767-300s and 767-400s. I prefer Airbus 330 over the 767 and there are indeed air vents over the seats plus better leg room in the bulkhead! I last took a 767-300 in November and there was an air vent over my seat.

Posted by
3 posts

After any flight and trip, I always have severe pain in the neck. Before the next trip, I went for a massage and the specialist advised me to buy 2 pillows.

First - for the plane, neck pillow. Approximately the one that will support the head and relieve a little tension from the neck. I ordered something like this here

And after the trip, he strongly recommended that I should sleep for at least 3-4 days on an orthopedic pillow (I was told to choose one from this list and buy it obligatory). Yes, such a pillow takes a lot of space. But when the neck hurts on vacation, it's even worse. So I decided to follow the advice of my doctor.

Anyone here suffers from pain in the neck and suffers from this while traveling?

Posted by
6677 posts

So I now have this great idea. Joked to someone that I would patent it and she says its been done. I have at least 4 old bed pillows lying around waiting for some use. Last time we traveled, I brought one on the flight and tossed it at the airport after slipping the pillow case off. It worked fairly well. So I'm thinking, how about I cut one of the bed pillows in half and stitch it shut. Then wear a hooded soft jacket on the plane. When I want to sleep, I'm thinking I'll stuff the pillow on the window side of my hood.

Posted by
14998 posts

Well, Jules maybe you could add an elastic strap to attach it to your head as well?

I've reported the post above yours and below lisalu's to be reviewed by the Webmaster. I'll not click on his youtube link but it seems like it might not meet forum criteria.